Friday, May 11, 2012

Saudi Arabia Is Gay Capital Of The World

New post on actjonesboroar

Saudi Arabia Is Gay Capital Of The World

by burkasrugly

Fellow infidels,
The Saudi's claim they don't adhere to homosexuality, but since they keep their women under lock and key male homosexuality is rampant in Saudi Arabia.  Pat Condell exposes their hypocrisy in this short video:

Until next time,


burkasrugly | May 11, 2012 at 2:10 am | Tags: gay Muslims, Pat Condell, Saudi Arabia, Saudi homosexuals | Categories: Radical Islam | URL:

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OUTRAGEOUS!! But this is the Chicago way. .


Just in case you have not seen this….



OregonStateUniversity Athletic Director Bob DeCarolis.


Now Mr. DeCarolis was considering firing their

Basketball Coach.......Craig Robinson



after an 8 -11 start (2-5) in the Pac 10 conference).

When word reached  Washington , Undersecretary of Education

Martha Kanter



was dispatched to  Corvallis with $17 million

in stimulus money for the university.

Thankfully,Craig Robinson's job is safe for another year



Now comes the interesting part of our story....

For those of you unfamiliar with Coach Robinson,



he just so happens to be the brother in law

of none other than our country's beloved President Obama,




that's right he is the brother of Michelle Robinson Obama!



But hey, can't we all come to the conclusion that Coach Robinson's

job security was all just a coincidence?

I'm sure of it .... Aren't You?

Thank Goodness For The Stimulus!!!

But $17 million for one job? I wonder what mine is worth?

If this doesn't anger you, nothing will...  remember to vote in 2012 !!!!!!















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Best Pool Shot by a Naked White Chick

New post on Fellowship of the Minds

Best Pool Shot by a Naked White Chick

by Steve

~Steve~                        H/T   Joseph

Steve | May 11, 2012 at 3:15 am | Categories: Animals, Humor | URL:

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Minnesota moms threatened with criminal charges for distributing fresh food from local farms

New post on ACGR's "News with Attitude"

Minnesota moms threatened with criminal charges for distributing fresh food from local farms

by Harold

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Natural News 5/10/2012 The following announcement has been issued by the Raw Milk Freedom Riders. A call to action for Monday, May 14th is also included below. The Minnesota government is taking its cue from California and declaring war on fresh milk, threatening to throw moms in jail for providing [...]

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**JP** Please help Pakistan


**JP** Daily Quran and Hadith

Assalamu'alaikum Wa Rahmatullah e Wa Barakatuhu,





Thanks & Best regards,
Imran Ilyas
Cell: 00971509483403

****People oppose things because they are ignorant of them****

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Re: Cops Should Act Like Firemen in a Free Society

Dear MJ: My New Constitution will stop our multi-level police state
DEAD in it's tracks! When you give anyone the responsibility to
"protect" us, you give them the authority to SUBJUGATE us. Because
their paychecks come from government, they think they WORK for
government, and that we-the-people are their enemies. Straightening
out our screwed-up judicial system and reversing our police state was
the SPARK that caused me to write my New Constitution. Such will
benefit everyone who accept this premise: *** Less government
intrusion in the lives of all Americans and the near total freeing of
our capitalist economy will cause the maximum benefit for the GREAT
majority of Americans!

John A. Armistead

P. S.: Thanks for your well-wishes regarding my New Constitution which
I summarized, recently, in reply to your "Rush Limbaugh" letter from a
Civil Libertarian.

On May 10, 11:23 am, MJ <> wrote:
> "If the police are out in the streetsbeating schizophrenics to deathinstead of waiting to be called on to protect people, liberty is completely dead. If the police are hiding under overpasses trying to "catch" people to fineinstead of perfecting their reaction time torealemergencies, liberty is completely dead. If the police are required to run aroundspraying non-aggressive people in the face with pepper sprayinstead of locating stolen property, liberty is completely dead. If the police arebreaking into innocent people's homes and filling them with bulletsin front of their children instead of solving all of the rapes in their precincts, liberty is completely dead. In fact, if the police are doinganythingother than sitting in their offices waiting for a call for help or working on solving past crimes, they are thereby destroying liberty. A free society has no need forantisocial thugsthat will do whatever the political class tells them to."Cops Should Act Like Firemen in a Free Societyby Mark R. Crovelli
> An important characteristic of both crimes and fires is the impossibility of knowing where either will occur. Firemen may have a general sense of the buildings that are at a higher risk of burning down, but they have absolutely no idea about which particular house will be the next one to catch fire (unless the firemen are thearsonists). Similarly, cops may have a general sense of what neighborhoods have a higher crime rate than others, but they have absolutely no idea which person will be the next one to commit murder or rape (unless the cops themselves commit the nextmurderorrape).
> Given that cops and firemen are both concerned to respond to events that cannot be predicted, it is extremely odd that they act so differently from one another. Firemen do not "patrol" neighborhoods in the hope of spotting the next house fire or car accident. They wait until someone calls them, and they respond accordingly. Cops, on the other hand,do"patrol" neighborhoods, hide under overpasses, dress up in "undercover" costumes and otherwise skulk about their communities looking for crimes that are being committed.
> What gives? Why don't cops and firemen use the same strategy? Crimes can be predicted no better than fires, so why don't cops just wait to be called instead of driving around looking for something that is impossible to predict?
> The answer is to be found in the fact that the United States is no longer a free country. When almost everything people do is either illegal or "regulated," there is an overabundance of so-called "crimes" being committed at every moment of the day. Murder and rape, like house fires, are relatively rare events, but when the state has criminalized all sorts of normal and non-aggressive actions, like consuming certain plants or driving one's car over a certain arbitrary speed, the cops have a glut of criminals to deal with. They can't just sit in their offices and wait to respond to murders, thefts, rapes and assaults because they have to deal with millions of other people that the political class has labeled "criminals."
> At this very moment, for example, there are literally thousands of "criminals" in the United States who are driving around in their cars without seatbelts on, and thousands of other "criminals" who are ingesting substances that the politicians in Washington don't like. In other words, the streets are literally crawling with "criminals" at all times, which means that cops have no time whatsoever to go back to the station to rest. The 24-hour patrol is thus necessitated by politicians' ever-expanding definition of crime.
> In other words, the police are no longer in the business of protecting people from rare and costly events, and thus have nothing whatsoever in common with firemen. They are in the business of cracking skulls and enforcing the political class's dictates on the people. Firemen, on the other hand, areoverwhelmingly volunteerswho simply wait to respond to accidents. Firemen are a form of voluntary social insurance against accidents, while the police are merely thuggish tools of the political class.
> In a truly free society, the police act just like firemen (if they exist at all), and they wait to be called upon to protect people's lives and property. That's it. There is no room in a free society for laws and regulations that criminalize normal, non-aggressive actions to the point where policemen must be on patrol 24 hours a day. If the police feel overwhelmed with "criminals" and they have no time to simply go back to the office for doughnuts, this is a sure sign that liberty is dead.
> If the police are out in the streetsbeating schizophrenics to deathinstead of waiting to be called on to protect people, liberty is completely dead. If the police are hiding under overpasses trying to "catch" people to fineinstead of perfecting their reaction time torealemergencies, liberty is completely dead. If the police are required to run aroundspraying non-aggressive people in the face with pepper sprayinstead of locating stolen property, liberty is completely dead. If the police arebreaking into innocent people's homes and filling them with bulletsin front of their children instead of solving all of the rapes in their precincts, liberty is completely dead. In fact, if the police are doinganythingother than sitting in their offices waiting for a call for help or working on solving past crimes, they are thereby destroying liberty. A free society has no need forantisocial thugsthat will do whatever the political class tells them to.
> Real crimes like murder, rape, theft and assault are relatively rare, just like fires. They would be even rarer if we lived in a free country and the police were in the business of reacting to and solving these crimes instead of wasting their time and energy (andourmoney) shoving Washington's vision of morality down our throats. We Americans don't need policemen to beat us and fine us into doing the right thing any more than we need firemen to beat and fine us into doing the right thing. We just need them both to protect our lives and property.

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**JP** Fw: [sadqayyarasolallah] Janaza

--- On Thu, 10/5/12, Raja Javed <> wrote:

From: Raja Javed <>
Subject: [sadqayyarasolallah] Janaza
To: "sadqayyarasolallah" <>
Date: Thursday, 10 May, 2012, 10:39 PM

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Rand Paul: Hillary commits to UN Small Arms Treaty




Dear fellow Patriot,

Gun-grabbers around the globe believe they have it made.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently announced the Obama Administration will be working hand-in-glove with the UN to pass a new “Small Arms Treaty.â€

Disguised as an “International Arms Control Treaty†to fight against “terrorism,†“insurgency†and “international crime syndicates,†the UN Small Arms Treaty is in fact a massive, GLOBAL gun control scheme.

I’m helping lead the fight to defeat this radical treaty in the United States Senate and I want your help.

Please join me by taking a public stand against this outright assault on our national sovereignty by signing the Official Firearms Sovereignty Survey.

Ultimately, the UN Small Arms Treaty is designed to register, ban and CONFISCATE firearms owned by private citizens like YOU.

So far, the gun-grabbers have successfully kept the exact wording of their new scheme under wraps.

But looking at previous versions of the UN Small Arms Treaty, you and I can get a good idea of what’s likely in the works.
If passed by the UN and ratified by the U.S. Senate, the UN Small Arms Treaty would almost certainly FORCE the U.S. to:
*** Enact tougher licensing requirements, making law-abiding Americans cut through even more bureaucratic red tape just to own a firearm legally;
*** CONFISCATE and DESTROY ALL “unauthorized†civilian firearms (all firearms owned by the government are excluded, of course);
*** BAN the trade, sale and private ownership of ALL semi-automatic weapons;
*** Create an INTERNATIONAL gun registry, setting the stage for full-scale gun CONFISCATION.
I'm sure I don't have to tell you that this is NOT a fight we can afford to lose.

Ever since its founding 65 years ago, the United Nations has been hell-bent on bringing the United States to its knees.

To the petty dictators and one-world socialists who control the UN, the United States of America isn’t a “shining city on a hill†-- it’s an affront to their grand designs for the globe.

These anti-gun globalists know that so long as Americans remain free to make our own decisions without being bossed around by big government bureaucrats, they’ll NEVER be able to seize the worldwide power they crave.

And the UN’s apologists also know the most effective way to finally strip you and me of ALL our freedoms would be to DESTROY our gun rights.

That’s why I was so glad to hear that the National Association for Gun Rights is leading the fight to stop this assault on our Constitution!
The truth is there’s no time to waste.

You and I have to be prepared for this fight to move FAST.

The fact is the last thing the gun-grabbers at the UN and in Washington, D.C. want is for you and me to have time to mobilize gun owners to defeat this radical legislation.

They’ve made that mistake before, and we’ve made them pay, defeating EVERY attempt to ram the UN Small Arms Treaty into law since the mid-1990s.

But now time may not be on our side.

In fact, we’re likely to only have a few weeks to defeat the treaty when they make their move.

And we definitely don’t have a President in the White House who will oppose this treaty.

So our ONE AND ONLY CHANCE to stop the UN Small Arms Treaty is during the ratification process in the U.S. Senate.

As you know, it takes 67 Senate votes to ratify a treaty.

With new pro-gun champions joining me in the Senate, rounding up enough votes to kill this thing should be easy, right?

Unfortunately, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Even with the Republican tidal wave in 2010, there still isn’t a pro-gun majority in the Senate to kill ratification of the treaty.

You know just as well as I do how few Senators are truly “pro-gun.â€

Not only that, but many Senators get “queasy†about killing treaties for fear of “embarrassing†the President -- especially with “international prestige†at stake.

They look at ratifying treaties much like approving the President’s Supreme Court nominees.

Remember how many Senators turned their back on us and voted to confirm anti-gun Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor?

A dozen more only voted against Sotomayor after receiving massive grassroots pressure from the folks back home.

So if we’re going to defeat the UN Small Arms Treaty gun owners have to turn the heat up on the U.S. Senate now before it’s too late!

Do you believe the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Second Amendment are the supreme law of the land?

Do you believe any attempt by the United Nations to subvert or supersede your Constitutional rights must be opposed?

If you said “Yes†to these questions, please sign the survey the National Association for Gun Rights has prepared for you.

Your survey will put you squarely on the record AGAINST the UN Small Arms Treaty.
And along with your signed survey, I hope you’ll send a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or even just $35 to help finance this battle.

With your generous contribution, the National Association for Gun Rights will continue contacting Second Amendment supporters to turn up the heat on targeted U.S. Senators.

Not only that, but they’re preparing a massive program to launch the second this treaty is brought before the Senate.

Direct mail.  Phones.  E-mail.  Blogs.  Guest editorials.  Press conferences.  Hard-hitting internet, newspaper, radio and even TV ads if funding permits.  The whole nine yards.

Of course, a program of this scale is only possible if the National Association for Gun Rights can raise the money.

But that’s not easy, and we may not have much time.

In fact, if gun owners are going to defeat the UN Small Arms Treaty pro-gun Americans like you and me have to get involved NOW!

So please put yourself on record AGAINST the UN Small Arms Treaty by signing NAGR’s Firearms Sovereignty Survey.

But along with your survey, please agree to make a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or even just $35.

And every dollar counts in this fight so even if you can only chip in $10 or $20, it will make a difference.

Thank you in advance for your time and money devoted to defending our Second Amendment rights.

For Freedom,
Rand Paul
United States Senator
P.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced the Obama Administration will be working hand in glove with the United Nations to pass a new GLOBAL, “Small Arms Treaty.â€

If we’re going to defeat the UN Small Arms Treaty gun owners have to turn the heat up on the U.S. Senate now before it’s too late!

Please return your Firearms Sovereignty Survey and put yourself squarely on the record AGAINST ratification of the UN Small Arms Treaty.

And if you can, please make a generous contribution to the National Association for Gun Rights of $250, $150, $100 or even just $35 right away!

And every dollar counts in this fight so even if you can only chip in $10 or $20, it will make a difference.


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Barney Frank Bequeaths Congressional Seat to Kennedy



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 6:05 AM
Subject: Barney Frank Bequeaths Congressional Seat to Kennedy

Dear Fellow American,

Barney Frank is finally retiring from Congress, but that doesn't mean he isn't planning to continue his radical left agenda. Lucky us!

Barney has a successor in mind, and if it's even possible, he's worse for America than Barney has been for the last 32 years! Who is this “heir apparent†you ask? None other than Joe Kennedy III, the next in line in the liberal Kennedy dynasty!

Joe Kennedy III is determined to carry on the liberal Kennedy-Frank legacy, and it's up to you and me to stop him. I nearly defeated Barney in 2010, and I'm working to defeat Joe Kennedy III in 2012. I'm counting on you to help me win this seat and keep the Kennedy-Frank legacy where it belongs—in the past.

Will you follow this link to make a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to my campaign today?

Think about what the Kennedy-Frank legacy is built upon: demolishing our health care system, compromising the quality of public education, and overregulating American business. Since 1947, a Kennedy or a Frank has been in Washington advocating for bigger government.

And what is the most serious threat to America's future prosperity today? Big government!

Continuing the Kennedy-Frank legacy by sending Joe Kennedy III to Washington isn't just bad for Massachusetts, it's bad for America. I don't know about you, but I've had enough of policies and politicians that are bad for America. That's why I'm asking you to make sure I succeed Barney Frank and keep the Kennedy-Frank legacy in the past by making the most generous contribution you can afford to my campaign today.

Thank you in advance for your support.


Sean Bielat
Candidate for Congress

P.S. Barney Frank's retirement has opened the door for another Kennedy to go to Congress. Help me keep the Kennedy-Frank legacy of big government in the past by making a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to my campaign today.

Paid for by Bielat for Congress 2012

Bielat for Congress 2012
P.O. Box 1143
Brookline, MA 02446

Contributions to Bielat for Congress 2012 Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal or state income tax purposes. Federal law limits contributions from individuals to $2,500 per person per election or a total amount of $5,000 per election cycle. Federal multicandidate PACs may only contribution $5,000 per election -- which would be $10,000 per election cycle. Contributions from corporations, labor unions, federal-government contractors, national banks and foreign nationals without permanent residency status are prohibited. Federal laws require Bielat for Congress 2012 to report the name, address, occupation and employer of any contributor who gives more than $200 in an election cycle. Federal law limits contributions from individuals to $2,500 for the primary election and $2,500 for the general election. If you prefer to mail your contribution, please send to: Bielat for Congress 2012 PO BOX 1143, Brookline, MA 02446

Sean Bielat is a Major in the United States Marine Corps Reserve. Use of his military rank, title, and photograph in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.

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