Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Bringing the ‘War on Terrorism’ Home
Bringing the 'War on Terrorism' Home
Cleveland May Day terrorist plot – another frame-up by the Feds
by Justin Raimondo, May 02, 2012
The Obama cult is revving up its motors for the reelection campaign, with Joe Biden declaiming "General Motors is alive and bin Laden is dead": that's the signature slogan MSNBC apparently intends to repeat endlessly until we get some relief on election day. It must be the concatenation of the stars in alignment with Mars, but it looks like I actually agree with something Arianna Huffington said: that this campaign slogan is " despicable," which it surely is. Naturally, Ms. Huffington doesn't acknowledge the lie at the heart of the first part of that slogan: GM still hasn't paid back the bailout money shelled out by taxpayers. If they're making money, why not reimburse the tax slaves? But never mind: what concerns us here is that the Obama administration is taking credit for a long process – finding OBL – that began in the Bush administration and only culminated under this President's watch.
But never mind that, too, because one has to wonder: who cares that bin Laden is dead when our endless "war on terrorism" continues? As Glenn Greenwald points out, that war hasn't slowed down a bit, indeed it is escalating – not only abroad, where our "regime change" machine is homing in on Syria and Iran after having devastated Libya and destabilized Pakistan, but also here in this country. Is it just a coincidence that on May Day, the very day the "Occupy" movement chose for nationwide protests against corporate dominance of American politics, the FBI announced the arrest of five " anarchists" who were supposedly plotting to blow up a bridge in Cleveland?
Not that there was ever any danger of the bridge actually being blown up: like all the high-profile "domestic terrorism" cases touted by the feds these days, this was yet another case of the FBI infiltrating a fringy group and instigating its members into participating in a bogus "plot," which the feds could then hold up as another "success story" in their ongoing domestic "war on terrorism." It's a veritable growth industry, one the FBI and other law enforcement agencies have a vested interest in propagating and encouraging: the more "plots" they can uncover, the more tax dollars are poured into their coffers.
That the timing of this announcement is politically motivated is obvious even to the most naïve observer: this administration is directly threatened by the Occupy movement, in spite of their strenuous attempts to co-opt it. The President's war chest this time around is going to dwarf that of the Republicans, supposedly the party of Corporate Greed, and the bucks aren't coming from little old ladies on Social Security and college students dipping into their piggy banks. Last election season, Obama's bundlers outpaced the Republicans by more than two-to-one, unleashing a veritable cornucopia of corporate donations, earning him the soubriquet " the candidate from Goldman Sachs." Rather than put up with dissent from his left flank, Obama and his minions in law enforcement are seemingly determined to frame up the Occupy movement just like they tried to do the same with the ultra-right-wing "Hutaree" militia – and let's hope they have as much success with the former as they did with the latter. Because the judge in the Hutaree case threw the government's case out, acquitted the defendants, and rebuked prosecutors for bringing the case to court in the first place.
The Hutaree were engaged in a lot of talk, some of it ill-considered, but that is not a crime. The only crime involved the instigations of a paid government informer who insisted that the Hutaree carry out a "war" against the federal government and concocted a plan to kill some police officers. One of the defendants came out of the trial advising people to "watch what you say" – because "even the most innocent statements can be used against you." In post-9/11 America, that's sage advice.
The Hutaree militia members were charged with " seditious conspiracy" to overthrow the government, based on over 100 hours of clandestinely recorded audio and the testimony of their paid informant. No doubt prosecutors knew they were treading on shaky legal grounds, but obtaining a conviction is not necessarily the government's first concern in cases of this kind, because the effect of such prosecutions is to publicize the difficulties "anti-government" individuals and organizations will run into if they persist in their activities. These cases have a chilling effect on constitutionally protected speech, and that is a key aspect of these trumped-up cases. Are you going to oppose the will of the federal government and get yourself into all sorts of trouble – or are you going to keep a low profile, keep your mouth shut, and avoid all sort of unpleasant legal problems? That's the question "anti-government" activists have to ask themselves, these days, and there's no doubt many potential dissidents are choosing the second alternative.
In the Cleveland case, we are assured that the elements of the "bomb" were inoperable, and the FBI was in on the details of the "conspiracy" from day one: in other words, this was another Hutaree-type "plot," a pretext for the government to entrap and prosecute "dangerous radicals" whose only crime is operating outside an acceptable ideological context. In short, it is a propaganda exercise designed to show that the feds need all the "legal tools" given to them by the "Patriot" Act – and that these incursions on our constitutional rights need to be preserved and extended. It's propaganda aimed at keeping Americans fearful, so that they'll surrender what is left of their rights to a government ready, willing, and eager to extend its authority into every aspect of our lives – in the name of "fighting terrorism."
Our phony "war on terrorism" on the international front has given the government a blank check to descend on Americans and root out "subversion" while trampling on free speech and narrowing the range of permissible dissent. One by one, the liberties guaranteed to us in the Constitution are being chipped away by government prosecutors, law enforcement officials, and politicians on the make. Last time this happened – around 1776 – the American people had to take matters into their own hands in order to teach them a lesson – a lesson it appears they have forgotten. And if this be "seditious conspiracy," then let the feds make the most of it!
Reading Material for the 2012 DNC Convention
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New Obama Executive Order Pushes Us Closer To A North American Union
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Obama Dresses for Visit to Afghanistan
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Lean Forward
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This Treasure Hunter Says He Has Located Bin Laden's Body
This Treasure Hunter Says He Has Located Bin Laden's Body
That smiling guy is Bill Warren, the Californian treasure hunter who claimed he was searching for Osama Bin Laden's dead body back in June 2011. He didn't find him then, but now he claims he has located the cadaver.
Talking to Spanish newspaper El Mundo, Warren says he has no doubt about where Osama is:
I've located where they threw him away. I'm the only one with this information. He's 200 miles to the west of the Indian city of Surat.
Warren—who claims he has discovered more than 200 shipwrecks during his career as a treasure-hunter—says that bin Laden's body is still at that same location, deep under water. His thought is that, since the Navy weighted down the bag, the body hasn't moved from where it was dropped. He is now trying to rent Russian deep diving equipment to locate his payload, and to conduct DNA tests once he finds him.
At least, that's what he believes. He says he pinpointed the drop point from photos recently released by the US Navy.
Warren is now in Azerbaijan, apparently working for their government in a contract to locate some old ships. But he is ready to start the diving for Osama's body bag: he says he's aiming at starting the mission on June 1, and that he may be able to find the body in "under a week." He also claims that the search would last a maximum of three months. He declares that his only fear is that the US Government would kill him or sink his boat.
Warren is now searching for $200,000 to finance the whole operation (Bill, I suggest Kickstarter). He wouldn't have needed that money had he located the Trinidad, the famous Spanish ship loaded with Aztec gold that sunk in the coast of California in 1540. Warren has repeatedly tried to locate that treasure, once in 1976 and then again in 1987. Back then he claimed he had located the Trinidad, but obviously he didn't.
Conspiracy theories
The same could probably be true with Bin Laden's body. It's highly unlikely that, even if he were right about the location—and again, there's very little chance he is—he would be able to find a body bag in the bottom of the deep sea.
Warren says he is doing this because he doesn't "believe the Obama administration" and he wants to have proof that it is really his body. But, if he doesn't believe President Obama and the United States Navy, why would the body be down there at all? If he thinks that they are lying, the most logical thing is to believe that they never buried the body at sea.
In fact, if you follow Warren's train of thought to its logical conclusion, then Osama bin Laden is alive and well, playing cards and drinking mai tais with Elvis and Marilyn, in that secret government paradise island in the middle of the Pacific. But who knows, maybe Bill will prove he's right this time.
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Conservatives Are Socialists Too
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Conservatives Are Socialists Too
by Jacob G. Hornberger
Conservatives are having a heyday calling President Obama a socialist. What they block out of their minds is that by their own measure, they are socialists too.
In its purest sense, socialism refers to a situation in which the state owns all the means of production. Obviously, Obama doesn't favor doing that. Thus, when conservatives call him a socialist, they are referring to the fact that Obama wants to equalize wealth by taxing the rich and giving the money to the poor. This wealth-redistribution process might well be described as a variation on the socialist theme.
But while conservatives want to protect the assets of the rich from IRS confiscation and welfare-state redistribution, conservatives cannot deny that they themselves also favor the welfare-state concept of taxing people so that the state can redistribute the money to others.
The only thing different between conservatives and liberals is the identity of the people they wish to tax and the identity of people they wish to receive the loot. Liberals love taxing the rich and giving the money to the poor. Conservatives love taxing the middle class and the poor and giving the money to the rich.
Consider, for example, state-supported sports stadiums. Here, the state taxes the poor and the middle class, especially through regressive taxation, and gives the money to rich owners of sports franchises. Conservatives absolutely love doing that.
Consider foreign aid to, say, the military dictatorship in Egypt or to the Israeli government. Conservatives loving taxing Americans and sending the money to selected pro-U.S. dictators or democratically elected government officials around the world.
Consider the bailouts of rich Wall Street firms. Conservatives love it when the state taxes Americans and gives the money to rich bankers and financiers on Wall Street, especially ones who have made poor investment decisions. Conservatives justify their socialism with the adage "Too big to fail."
Consider farm subsidies. Conservatives love it when the IRS collects taxes from people, especially the middle class, and gives the money to rich farming conglomerates.
Consider Social Security, the crown jewel of the welfare state. It takes money from the young and the poor and transfers it to the old, many of whom have accumulated large fortunes by the time they have retired. Conservatives justify their socialism by exclaiming, "But they put it in and therefore have a right to get it back." Not so. Under the law, Social Security is just another confiscate and redistribute welfare-state program. There is no retirement fund, and there never has been one. Social Security is no different in principle from the food stamp program, which conservatives love to decry.
Consider Medicare, which conservatives also love. It takes money from the young and productive, many of whom are struggling to start families, and uses it to cover the medical expenses of the old, many of whom are extremely rich.
There's another aspect to socialism state ownership of enterprises. How about the Postal Service? When was the last time you heard a conservative call for abolishing the Postal Service and leaving all mail delivery to the free market? My hunch is never.
There's another aspect to socialism central planning. That's when the state centrally plans and directs a particular activity, which inevitably produces a permanent state of crisis and chaos.
Conservatives love central planning and are notorious for refusing to accept personal responsibility for the crises and chaos it produces.
Consider, for example, public (i.e., government) schooling. It's a perfect model of the socialist, central-planning paradigm. Sure, some conservatives call for an end to federal involvement in education but they love the fact that state and local governments are centrally planning and running educational activities. They never accept personal responsibility for the damage that public schooling does to countless students.
Consider immigration. Conservatives love the fact that the federal government centrally plans this activity. They refuse to accept responsibility for the endless crises and chaos produced by immigration central planning, especially with its immigration quotas and its intrusive police-state restrictions, searches, raids, and deportations.
Consider the Federal Reserve, the federal entity that centrally plans the nation's monetary activity. Conservatives go ballistic whenever a libertarian proposes abolishing the Fed and implementing a free-market monetary system. Conservatives refuse to take responsibility for the decades of monetary debasement and financial crises that have come with monetary central planning.
When conservatives point their finger at Obama and call him a socialist, they conveniently forget that they're pointing three fingers back at themselves. The fact is that conservatives, by their own measure, are as socialist as Obama, if not more so.
It is only libertarians who are genuinely and consistently opposed to all forms of socialism and totally committed to a free-market, private-property, limited-government way of life.
Re: Robert F Kennedy assassination witness says FBI covered up fact there was a SECOND gunman
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Re: Sadly, the gay leftovers supposedly hounded Richard out of his job
I know himI just invited him to join us at the Libertarian Party convention in Las Vegas starting tomorrowTen people are running for the presidential nomination
Former New Mexico two term Governor Gary Johnson is going to get itUnlike Obama he is openly in favor of gay marriage
On Tuesday, May 1, 2012, Bruce Majors wrote:
No the gay left blogosphere has been attacking him too
On Tuesday, May 1, 2012, Tommy News wrote:
You have it backwards.
The Wingnut Conservative Homophobes were the ones who caused him to resign.Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
On 5/1/12, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
> I don't really understand this
Have a great day,
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Text and Video of Remarks by President Obama in Address to the Nation from Afghanistan
Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan
4:01 A.M. AFT
THE PRESIDENT: Good evening from Bagram Air Base. This outpost is more
than 7,000 miles from home, but for over a decade it's been close to
our hearts. Because here, in Afghanistan, more than half a million of
our sons and daughters have sacrificed to protect our country.
Today, I signed a historic agreement between the United States and
Afghanistan that defines a new kind of relationship between our
countries -- a future in which Afghans are responsible for the
security of their nation, and we build an equal partnership between
two sovereign states; a future in which war ends, and a new chapter
Tonight, I'd like to speak to you about this transition. But first,
let us remember why we came here. It was here, in Afghanistan, where
Osama bin Laden established a safe haven for his terrorist
organization. It was here, in Afghanistan, where al Qaeda brought new
recruits, trained them, and plotted acts of terror. It was here, from
within these borders, that al Qaeda launched the attacks that killed
nearly 3,000 innocent men, women and children.
And so, 10 years ago, the United States and our allies went to war to
make sure that al Qaeda could never again use this country to launch
attacks against us. Despite initial success, for a number of reasons,
this war has taken longer than most anticipated. In 2002, bin Laden
and his lieutenants escaped across the border and established safe
haven in Pakistan. America spent nearly eight years fighting a
different war in Iraq. And al Qaeda's extremist allies within the
Taliban have waged a brutal insurgency.
But over the last three years, the tide has turned. We broke the
Taliban's momentum. We've built strong Afghan security forces. We
devastated al Qaeda's leadership, taking out over 20 of their top 30
leaders. And one year ago, from a base here in Afghanistan, our troops
launched the operation that killed Osama bin Laden. The goal that I
set -- to defeat al Qaeda and deny it a chance to rebuild -- is now
within our reach.
Still, there will be difficult days ahead. The enormous sacrifices of
our men and women are not over. But tonight, I'd like to tell you how
we will complete our mission and end the war in Afghanistan.
First, we've begun a transition to Afghan responsibility for security.
Already, nearly half of the Afghan people live in places where Afghan
security forces are moving into the lead. This month, at a NATO Summit
in Chicago, our coalition will set a goal for Afghan forces to be in
the lead for combat operations across the country next year.
International troops will continue to train, advise and assist the
Afghans, and fight alongside them when needed. But we will shift into
a support role as Afghans step forward.
As we do, our troops will be coming home. Last year, we removed 10,000
U.S. troops from Afghanistan. Another 23,000 will leave by the end of
the summer. After that, reductions will continue at a steady pace,
with more and more of our troops coming home. And as our coalition
agreed, by the end of 2014 the Afghans will be fully responsible for
the security of their country.
Second, we are training Afghan security forces to get the job done.
Those forces have surged, and will peak at 352,000 this year. The
Afghans will sustain that level for three years, and then reduce the
size of their military. And in Chicago, we will endorse a proposal to
support a strong and sustainable long-term Afghan force.
Third, we're building an enduring partnership. The agreement we signed
today sends a clear message to the Afghan people: As you stand up, you
will not stand alone. It establishes the basis for our cooperation
over the next decade, including shared commitments to combat terrorism
and strengthen democratic institutions. It supports Afghan efforts to
advance development and dignity for their people. And it includes
Afghan commitments to transparency and accountability, and to protect
the human rights of all Afghans -- men and women, boys and girls.
Within this framework, we'll work with the Afghans to determine what
support they need to accomplish two narrow security missions beyond
2014 -- counter-terrorism and continued training. But we will not
build permanent bases in this country, nor will we be patrolling its
cities and mountains. That will be the job of the Afghan people.
Fourth, we're pursuing a negotiated peace. In coordination with the
Afghan government, my administration has been in direct discussions
with the Taliban. We've made it clear that they can be a part of this
future if they break with al Qaeda, renounce violence and abide by
Afghan laws. Many members of the Taliban -- from foot soldiers to
leaders -- have indicated an interest in reconciliation. The path to
peace is now set before them. Those who refuse to walk it will face
strong Afghan security forces, backed by the United States and our
Fifth, we are building a global consensus to support peace and
stability in South Asia. In Chicago, the international community will
express support for this plan and for Afghanistan's future. And I have
made it clear to its neighbor -- Pakistan -- that it can and should be
an equal partner in this process in a way that respects Pakistan's
sovereignty, interests and democratic institutions. In pursuit of a
durable peace, America has no designs beyond an end to al Qaeda safe
havens and respect for Afghan sovereignty.
As we move forward, some people will ask why we need a firm timeline.
The answer is clear: Our goal is not to build a country in America's
image, or to eradicate every vestige of the Taliban. These objectives
would require many more years, many more dollars, and most
importantly, many more American lives. Our goal is to destroy al
Qaeda, and we are on a path to do exactly that. Afghans want to assert
their sovereignty and build a lasting peace. That requires a clear
timeline to wind down the war.
Others will ask, why don't we leave immediately? That answer is also
clear: We must give Afghanistan the opportunity to stabilize.
Otherwise, our gains could be lost and al Qaeda could establish itself
once more. And as Commander-in-Chief, I refuse to let that happen.
I recognize that many Americans are tired of war. As President,
nothing is more wrenching than signing a letter to a family of the
fallen, or looking into the eyes of a child who will grow up without a
mother or father. I will not keep Americans in harm's way a single day
longer than is absolutely required for our national security. But we
must finish the job we started in Afghanistan and end this war
My fellow Americans, we've travelled through more than a decade under
the dark cloud of war. Yet here, in the pre-dawn darkness of
Afghanistan, we can see the light of a new day on the horizon. The
Iraq war is over. The number of our troops in harm's way has been cut
in half, and more will soon be coming home. We have a clear path to
fulfill our mission in Afghanistan, while delivering justice to al
This future is only within reach because of our men and women in
uniform. Time and again, they have answered the call to serve in
distant and dangerous places. In an age when so many institutions have
come up short, these Americans stood tall. They met their
responsibilities to one another, and to the flag they serve under. I
just met with some of them and told them that as Commander-in-Chief, I
could not be prouder. And in their faces, we see what is best in
ourselves and our country.
Our soldiers, our sailors, our airmen, Marines, Coast Guardsmen and
civilians in Afghanistan have done their duty. Now we must summon that
same sense of common purpose. We must give our veterans and military
families the support they deserve, and the opportunities they have
earned. And we must redouble our efforts to build a nation worthy of
their sacrifice.
As we emerge from a decade of conflict abroad and economic crisis at
home, it's time to renew America -- an America where our children live
free from fear and have the skills to claim their dreams. A united
America of grit and resilience, where sunlight glistens off soaring
new towers in downtown Manhattan, and we build our future as one
people, as one nation.
Here in Afghanistan, Americans answered the call to defend their
fellow citizens and uphold human dignity. Today, we recall the fallen
and those who suffered wounds, both seen and unseen. But through dark
days, we have drawn strength from their example and the ideals that
have guided our nation and led the world -- a belief that all people
are treated equal and deserve the freedom to determine their destiny.
That is the light that guides us still.
This time of war began in Afghanistan and this is where it will end.
With faith in each other and our eyes fixed on the future, let us
finish the work at hand and forge a just and lasting peace.
May God bless our troops, and may God bless the United States of America.
END 4:12 A.M. AFT
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Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,
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Elderly sisters in their 90s fight off armed robber
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Feds Punish Business Owner for Making Bank Deposits
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