Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Stealth Islamic Propaganda Shown to Six Million American Students
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Drones Shot Down Over Texas
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Context of the Korea Special Forces Story
Context of the Korea Special Forces Story
Categorie: David Axe, North Korea, Special Forces |
Tags: North Korea, Special Forces
Some folks have accused me of "fabricating" quotations I attributed to Army
Brig. Gen. Neil Tolley regarding U.S. surveillance operations in North
Korea. See the original story here . and skepticism here and here.
The context was a panel featuring theater Special Operations Forces
commanders at the SOFIC conference in Florida the week of May 21. Tolley
spoke on the record to an audience of hundreds of industry, government and
media representatives.
If he was speaking hypothetically, he did not say so. He spoke in the
present tense . and at length. (Probably five minutes or so.)
Update #1: Oops. Actually, don't take Paul McLeary at Defense News as
corroboration. He has a different spin on the story. And besides, I forgot
that he and I used some of the same notes - my notes. But my notes have
Tolley saying what I attribute to him in the story.
Look people, Korea's not my usual beat. Far from it. I don't always know
what's news and what isn't in Korea. But I was in the room at the
conference. I took notes. There were many hundreds of witnesses - and
cameras, too.
Update #2: People are telling me that surely Tolley was speaking
hypothetically. If so, he did not specify. Or if he did, I did not hear him.
I heard him describing the technical challenges of conducting human
surveillance in North Korea. He described the problem, and his solution to
the problem, and the challenges incumbent in the solution. Sounded pretty
concrete to me.
Update #3: Comment from U.S. Forces Korea:
Brig. Gen. Tolley recently participated in a theater special operations
command commander panel discussion at a Special Operations Forces industry
conference. Some reporting has taken great liberal license with his
comments and taken him completely out of context. Quotes have been made up
and attributed to him. No U.S. or ROK forces have parachuted into North
Korea. Though special reconnaissance is a core special operations force
mission, at no time have SOF forces been sent to the north to conduct
special reconnaissance. The use of tunnels in North Korea is well
documented. Several of the known tunnels along the DMZ are visited by
tourists every day.
Update #4: Frankly, I'm relieved to hear the military say we're NOT sending
troops into North Korea. Some observers wonder how I could ever believe that
we HAD - after all, that would be an act of war. Yes, but we routinely
strike military and terror targets in foreign countries in ways that could
be construed as acts of war. Pakistan, anyone? Korea watchers are SHOCKED at
Tolley's comments, whatever the general's true meaning was. I guess I wasn't
as shocked because I'm accustomed to creeping American warfare.
By the way, I'm beginning to realize what a big deal this all is. Wish I'd
realized that earlier. But all that doesn't change what Tolley said,
according to my notes.
Update #5: I got to say, I'm hating this. I honestly had no idea this tiny
little story would be such a big deal. Yes, the news was "surprising" to me.
But a lot of news is a surprise to me . that's why it's news.
Update #6: I really hope someone has a transcript of this panel. Are my
handwritten notes inaccurate? Was the general vague in his comments? A
third-party written record will help clear this up. Anyone?
Update #7: So I'm attaching photos of my notes. Hard to read, I know. And
yes, I could FAKE notes. So I realize these won't necessarily convince
anyone who thinks I'm a North Korean agent trying to incite a war. For what
it's worth .
Update #8: Any other reporters who want clarity on this chain of reporting,
contact me at david_axe-at-hotmail.com. I'm in U.S. eastern time.
Update #9: Can I reiterate please how much I'm hating this? I've been shot
at and blown up and even kidnapped without feeling as crappy as I do about
this. I'm in this weird vortex where so many people are telling me I could
not possibly have heard what I said I heard that part of me is beginning to
believe them. I keep re-reading my notes, as though looking for something
new. I'm a reliable note-taker and a fairly seasoned reporter (I think) but
I can only write down what I hear and what I understand. Did I really screw
something up here? Am I being snowed by a general who said something he
shouldn't have and now fears for his career? Is it all a misunderstanding? I
have no idea any more. I just have these two sheets of paper in my hand .
and a lot of people telling me I'm about to start a war.
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Re: News The UN’s new International Tourism Ambassador: Robert Mugabe
Ya just can't make this stuff up folks.
Zimbabwean president and leader of the ZANU PF Robert Mugabe.
Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe may be under a European travel ban because of human rights abuses and preside over a country that is a dangerous, economic basketcase but he is still going to be appointed a special tourism ambassador by the United Nations.
The honour of being appointed International Tourism Ambassador — Zambian president Michael Sata is also receiving the title — is being bestowed by the United Nations World Tourism Office (UNWTO). The honours follow the news that Zimbabwe and Zambia are jointly holding the UNWTO General Assembly next year.
The Zimbabwe Herald quoted Walter Mzembi, the tourism and hospitality industry minister, as saying that the two presidents had shown that tourism was critical to the development of Africa by naming it one of the "four pillars" of economic development.
'Whilst the level of inflation has significantly been reduced over the last few months with the dollarization of the economy, the country is still suffering long standing hyperinflation side effects'"It is this recognition that has made UNWTO confer this status on them,'' said Mr. Mzembi.
Mr. Mugabe has been in power for more than three decades and has been blamed for the economic ruin of a country that was once hailed the breadbasket of Africa.
His forced seizure of white-owned commercial farms led to sharp falls in production and precipitated the collapse of the agriculture-based economy. The country has rampant inflation, food and fuel shortages, high poverty and unemployment (the CIA Factbook lists unemployment at 95% for the latest year, 2008.) It has one of the highest HIV/AIDS rates in the world.
Mr. Mugabe is also the subject of a European travel ban because of allegations of human rights abuses.
The Canadian and U.S. governments both have issued advisories warning about the dangers of travelling in the country.
Canada says of the conditions in Zimbabwe, "Whilst the level of inflation has significantly been reduced over the last few months with the dollarization of the economy, the country is still suffering long standing hyperinflation side effects, generalized unemployment, food shortages and a cholera epidemic. While under control, the outbreak still presents health risks from cross-contamination and has killed thousands of people."
And it warns tourists, "Travellers are advised to be extremely vigilant and avoid large crowds and public gatherings. The situation could deteriorate on short notice. Canadians in Zimbabwe should evaluate carefully the implications for their security and safety.
"As roadblocks can be erected anywhere without notice, Canadians should drive carefully and be very cooperative at all times. Residents and visitors could be subject of arbitrary detention or arrest and should have their travel documents (passport, visas and vehicle police clearance certificate) with them at all times. Canadians should take special care when travelling after dark."
The Canadian government says tourists should avoid "low income districts" in urban areas such as Harare and Bulawayo and that "street crime, such as muggings, house robberies, passport theft, car-jackings, pickpocketing, and purse snatching are common."
The U.S. State Department says, "U.S. citizen visitors have been detained under suspicion of operating as journalists without accreditation for photographing cultural sites and areas that may not immediately appear to be sensitive.
"Tourists may also be subject to harassment or arrest for photographing police, roadblocks, occupied commercial farms, and government buildings or military installations, official residences or embassies, including the president's palace.
"It is not always immediately apparent what the police deem sensitive. They have detained U.S. citizens for hours for photographing such seemingly innocuous subjects as fruit carts and religious buildings such as churches, mosques, and synagogues. You should be very aware of your surroundings before taking any pictures outside game parks and known tourist areas."
National Post
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Re: U.S. Special Forces are in North Korea
New post on Fellowship of the Minds
U.S. Special Forces are in North Korea
by Dr. EowynAs the war drums beat ever louder against Syria, in the name of "human rights," the startling news this morning is that U.S. special forces have been parachuting into North Korea to, in the words of "a senior US officer," "gather intelligence about underground military installations."
Ask yourself this question:
What if one of our Special Ops is captured by the lunatic North Koreans?
The UK's Telegraph reports, May 29, 2012, that at a conference held in Florida last week, Army Brigadier General Neil Tolley, commander of US special forces in South Korea, said that North Korea had built thousands of tunnels since the Korean war, which are hidden from our satellites. And so, Tolley revealed:"So we send (South Korean) soldiers and US soldiers to the North to do special reconnaissance. After 50 years, we still don't know much about the capability and full extent of the underground facilities. We don't know how many we don't know about."
Tolley's comments were reported on the website of The Diplomat, the National Defense Industrial Association's magazine.
Gen Tolley said the commandos were sent in with minimal equipment to facilitate their movements and minimize the risk of detection by North Korean forces.
At least four of the tunnels built by Pyongyang go under the Demilitarized Zone separating North and South Korea. Among the facilities identified are 20 air fields that are partially underground, and thousands of artillery positions. In February, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported that Pyongyang had built at least two new tunnels at a nuclear testing site, likely in preparation for a new test.
Here are some statistics to remember:
- U.S. national debt is now $16 trillion.
- But U.S.
"defense"military budget keeps going up: from $370 in 2001, to $620 billion in 2006, to $900 billion in 2012.
- Since 1990 when America's most formidable enemy the Soviet Union fell apart, ending the Cold War, U.S. military expenses depleted the U.S. Treasury of $11.5 trillion.
- U.S. national debt in 1990 was $3.2 trillion. Today, it is $15.7 trillion -- a 500% increase in 22 years.
- In 2001, spending on "defense" was 17% of total governmental spending. In 2012, Defense, Homeland Security, and war spending account for 25% of government spending.
- We have thrown over $1.3 trillion down Middle East rat holes over the last 11 years with no discernible benefit to the citizens of the United States. But the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost America the lives of 6,470 soldiers and 47,545 wounded -- thus far.
- America's perpetual wars are stressing and pushing our soldiers beyond their limits. Suicides by soldiers increased by 80% between 2004 and 2008. There are almost as many deaths by suicide as deaths in combat. Half of our returning Iraq and Afghan wars soldiers will go on disability.
- Our military veterans, who make up 13% of the population, account for 23% of the homeless.
Still on the fence about the U.S. Perpetual War Machine?
Dr. Eowyn | May 29, 2012 at 6:33 am | Tags: Afghan war, Gen. Neil Tolley, Iraq war, military suicides, military veterans, South Korea, US military spending | Categories: Military, Terrorism, United States | URL: http://wp.me/pKuKY-eHg
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Wisconsin: Another large mosque forced on another rural neighborhood
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Re: Islamic Call to Prayer in the Royal Ontario Museum
Creeping Sharia
not nearly as destructive to our nation as blatant zionism
On May 29, 8:38 am, Travis <baconl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> **
> New post on *Creeping Sharia*
> <http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/author/creeping/> Islamic Call to
> Prayer in the Royal Ontario
> Museum<http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/2012/05/29/islamic-call-to-prayer...>by
> creeping <http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/author/creeping/>
> via Islamic Call to Prayer in the Royal Ontario Museum. On Monday, May 21st
> (Victoria Day), I was guiding the children of a friend around the Royal
> Ontario Museum when I heard the Muslim call to prayer belting out of the PA
> system. After the full call was recited, there was an announcement that all
> [...]
> Read more of this
> post<http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/2012/05/29/islamic-call-to-prayer...>
> *creeping <http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/author/creeping/>* | May
> 29, 2012 at 9:00 AM | Tags: Creeping
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U.S. Special Forces are in North Korea
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