Sunday, November 7, 2010
This editorial from the NYT has it exactly backwards IMNSHO
Re: Give Young People Option to Get Out of Social Security
who are they going to turn to for help? THE REST OF US; medical care,
disability, food stamps, housing, etc....
All that needs to change is, people should NOT be allowed to borrow
trillions against Social Security, like BUSH did.
People on the "right" love to say "Dont Tread On Me", yet, they are
the ones that ask for help in time of need, the MOST.
This is why "We the People" means 'Democratic Socialism' and not "I
got mine screw you" which is a very Conservative Christian way,
ideology, to follow.
For instance:
Red State Socialism and the Politics of Stimulus:
Socialism is good for the wealthy politicians of the USA, just ask
these 114 folks, (mostly Republicans, Conservative Christians and or T-
Party members): Stimulating Hypocrisy: 114 Lawmakers Block Recovery
While Taking Credit For Its Success:
Republican Conservative Christian Sarah Palin enthusiastically
practices socialism, Alaska-style:
Republican Conservative Christian Rep. Bachmann's clinic takes in
thousands from "socialized medicine":
Alaska Republican-Tea Party Conservative Christian Senate candidate
Joe Miller, who claims Government is too big and Socialism is bad,
admits taking farm subsidies:
Joe Miller also relied on technicalities to obtain a low-income
hunting and fishing license from the state of Alaska:
Joe Miller also thinks federal unemployment insurance is
constitutionally questionable. But it turns out his wife benefited
from it in the early part of the decade -- after she left a job
working for him:
Anti-Government Tea Partier Conservative Christian Sharron Angle Gets
Health Care from the Federal Government:
The Most Hypocritical States are Usually "Red":
Despite Saying Government Intervention Puts Industry In A 'Coma,'
Raese's Biz Takes Millions In Taxpayer Funds -
dont, because when CONSERVATIVES run up a bill, the blame goes to
those who are in power after them:
Two Santa Clauses or How The Republican Party Has Conned America for
Thirty Years, by Thom Hartmann, January 26, 2009
The Two Santa Claus Theory, by David Dayen, Apr 30, 2009
ALONG WITH THAT: Conservative Ideology is anti-American, anti-We the
Republicans Object To Bill For Homeless Veterans:
Senator Patty Murray today called up a homeless women veterans bill on
the Senate floor but it was blocked by Senate Republicans. The bill
was introduced in June of 2009 and passed the Senate Veterans' Affairs
Committee on January 28, 2010 with strong bi-partisan support.
"I am deeply disappointed that Senate Republicans continued to put
politics above people and blocked my bill that would provide support
for homeless women veterans and their families," said Senator Patty
"This is a bipartisan, common-sense bill that would support veterans
in my home state of Washington and across the country. I am going to
continue fighting for it to pass. And I urge Senate Republicans to end
their obstruction and allow homeless women veterans across the country
to get the support they have earned."
Republicans block healthcare for 9/11 first responders!
Republicans blocked legislation to pay to care for those who have
fallen ill due to their exposure to debris during the clean-up after
the nation's worst terrorist attack.......Nearly 16,000 responders and
2,700 others are currently sick and receiving treatment, according to
estimates released by the lawmakers who introduced the measure. More
than 40,000 responders are in medical monitoring and 71,000
individuals are enrolled in a World Trade Center health registry.
What the Conservative do not talk about publicly when on Sept. 23
2010, presenting to the world the 'Pledge For America' is that VA
Hospitals will be Privatized and Veterans will be forced To buy
Pundits Wrong on Slashing Military Benefits - Decisions to cut
military retirement benefits have a real impact on people who
selflessly sacrificed the prime of their lives to serve a greater
good, unless you are a Conservative/Republican:
ALONG WITH THAT, the more conservative Christians infiltrate the US
gov. the more problems America will have:
Imagine If All Atheists Left America
Crearted by: ConversationWithA:
Highlighting what would happen if all atheists were to leave America.
Details of who would leave, what would change, and a look at other
countries with virtually no Atheism.
Over 10% of American population are atheist:
Less than 0.25% of prisoners are atheist:
Majority of Nobel Prize winners atheist:
The Religiosity and Religious Affiliation of Nobel Prize Winners (Beit-
Hallahmi, 1989)
Majority of University professors atheist:
Religion and Spirituality among University Scientists (Ecklund, 2007)
Majority of scientists atheist:
Atheist Intellectuals:
Atheist Celebrities:
Poverty rate lower among atheists:
Society Without God (Zuckerman, 2008)
IQ higher among atheists:
Illiteracy rate lower among atheists:
United Nations Human Development Report (2004)
Average Income higher among atheists:
United Nations Human Development Report (2004)
Divorce rate lower among atheists:
Teen pregnancy rate lower among atheists:
Abortions lower among atheists:
Cross-National Correlations of Quantifiable Societal Health with
Popular Religiosity and Secularism in the Prosperous Democracies: A
First Look (Paul, 2005)
STD infection lower among atheists:
Crime rate lower among atheists:
Cross-National Correlations of Quantifiable Societal Health with
Popular Religiosity and Secularism in the Prosperous Democracies: A
First Look (Paul, 2005)
Homicide rate lower among atheists:
Cross-National Correlations of Quantifiable Societal Health with
Popular Religiosity and Secularism in the Prosperous Democracies: A
First Look (Paul, 2005)
Percentage of atheists in the countries mentioned:
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Re: If Palin is the Republican nomination...
She surrounds herself with Washington insiders: Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard; Michael Goldfarb of the Weekly Standard; Randy Scheunemann, a foreign policy adviser to socialist John McCain; John Coale, a "Washington lawyer and longtime Democratic fund-raiser who helped Palin set up her political action committee"; Fred Malek, a former aide to Presidents Richard M. Nixon and George H. W. Bush; Dick Armey, former House Majority Leader, former lobbyist for DLA Piper, author of "Price Theory: A Policy-Welfare Approach"...
On 11/7/2010 3:53 AM, Keith In Tampa wrote:
Hello Merc!Could you be a little more specific please?What position, policy, issue, theory, statement, or bitch slapping of a Marxist, did Mrs. Palin say or do, that you disagreed with or that offended you?I for one am amazed that many intelligent, thoughtful, "progressive" and feminist women, are Palin's harshest critics, when in fact this woman has been berated, smeared, lied about, and just been treated so unfairly in the media and by the far left extremist movement in this Nation.
On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 6:40 AM, Merc <> wrote:
Are you going to vote for her?
Please, put your testosterone on hold and THINK with your
mind....Before answering, Thanks.
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Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure.
Government is only as strong as those who allow themselves to be governed are weak.
"The 'art' of politics is diverting attention from what's really happening. What
separates politicians from other criminal organizations is superior public relations."
- Marc Stevens
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free it expects something that cannot be."
- Thomas Jefferson
Re: Give Young People Option to Get Out of Social Security
Give Young People Option to Get Out of Social Security
Scotty Starnes | November 6, 2010 at 7:00 AM | Tags: Paul Ryan, politicians, Ponzi scheme, retirement, social security | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:'s time for the American taxpayer to wise up. Social Security is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme and personal slush fund for politicians to raid. For the first time in its history, Social Security paid out more money than it took in.
It's time to let the younger folk opt out of Social Security and invest their money how they deem fit. Leaving your retirement in the hands of corrupt politicians is dangerous. reports:
John Allison, the former chairman and CEO of BB&T, the nation's 10th largest bank, told that one of the solutions to the long-term fiscal problem facing the U.S. government is to let younger people opt out of the Social Security system.
"What we need to do is get rid of the long-term program," Allison said of Social Security in an "Online With Terry Jeffrey" interview. "And the way to do that, even though it may create some short-term funding problems, would be to offer people privatized programs for retirement and effectively offer people under a certain age the option to get out of Social Security."
Allison said he believed Rep. Paul Ryan's (R.-Wis.) proposal to allow workers to put part of their payroll tax in a personal retirement account that they would convert into an annuity when they reached retirement age was a good practical solution for Congress to pursue on Social Security, but that personally he would like to see people entirely liberated from the entitlement program, letting them plan and save for their retirement free of government compulsion.
"You know, if you look at what killed democracies in the end, it's always lack of personal responsibility," said Allison. "And it's when 51 percent of the people find out they can vote a free lunch from 49 percent, and then 60 percent want a free lunch from 40 percent, and then 70 percent want a free lunch from 30 percent, and that's the end of the party.
"All of this dependency on the federal government ends up attacking and almost punishing personal responsibility," said Allison. "And America was built on the idea of individuals that are personally responsible and, therefore, have a personal right to control their own lives. And that's what's been under attack."
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Re: If Palin is the Republican nomination...
anything when it comes to running a country. And where does loony
enter into the picture at all.
It doesn't take super brains to run the country. You can hire them.
What it takes is someone who can make decisions and plan a course that
makes common sense and stick to it. It also takes someone who is strong.
We have had the brains doing this before. That is what got us the
Great Society and expanded us in the Vietnam War. That is what we have
in DC right now with all the Harvard/Yale/Princeton professors who are
running things into the ground.
what you are doing is paying too much attention to the MSM and not
enough to what else is going on. Again watch what people do. Watch how
they make decisions. If the public had done that in 2008 Zero would not
have even come close to being elected. Instead you paid attention what
the media had to say and not to his history and what he had done
before. The result is that we are more and more quickly going down the
tubes with you so intelligent leaders and your charismatic president.
I don't even know that Palin would run but she is for damned sure more
qualified than the crew in there now. Personally I think she should
end up being the king-maker behind the scenes. She has shown that she
is very good at that.
On 11/07/2010 07:01 AM, Merc wrote:
> Morning Keith!!
> I dont feel Palin is qualified, she has a great personality and is out
> going and fun, But it really takes BRAINS to run a country. I know
> there are thousands of women in this country that are highly
> intelligent and to see Palin (someone I know doubt would have hanged
> out with while in school)as a pick to be the most powerful woman in
> the world...It scares me, just a tad!
> She is a born-again loony Christian. This tells me she doesnt have the
> brains enough nor the mind power to stand on her own. How can anyone
> expect this woman to run our country?
> On Nov 7, 6:53 am, Keith In Tampa<> wrote:
>> Hello Merc!
>> Could you be a little more specific please?
>> What position, policy, issue, theory, statement, or bitch slapping of a
>> Marxist, did Mrs. Palin say or do, that you disagreed with or that offended
>> you?
>> I for one am amazed that many intelligent, thoughtful, "progressive" and
>> feminist women, are Palin's harshest critics, when in fact this woman has
>> been berated, smeared, lied about, and just been treated so unfairly in the
>> media and by the far left extremist movement in this Nation.
>> On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 6:40 AM, Merc<> wrote:
>>> Are you going to vote for her?
>>> Please, put your testosterone on hold and THINK with your
>>> mind....Before answering, Thanks.
>>> --
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Re: Law restricting where sex offenders can live is unconstitutional, L.A. judge rules
Unbelievable! This goes with the recent one that an illegal who used someone else's SSN to buy a house, vehicle and to work did not commit a crime...Ferg
Law restricting where sex offenders can live is unconstitutional, L.A. judge rules
November 4, 2010 | 8:07 am
Saying sex offenders are being forced to choose between prison and homelessness, a Los Angeles judge issued an opinion this week blocking enforcement of provisions a state law restricting how close those offenders can live from parks or schools.
Superior Court Judge Peter Espinoza issued the 10-page ruling after four registered sex offenders petitioned the court, arguing that the legislation known as Jessica's Law was unconstitutional.
He said the court had received about 650 habeas corpus petitions raising similar legal issues, and that hundreds more were being prepared by the public defender's and alternate public defender's offices.
"The court is not a 'potted plant' and need not sit idly by in the face of immediate, ongoing and significant violations of parolee constitutional rights," Espinoza wrote.
Proposition 83, which is better known as Jessica's Law and was overwhelmingly passed by state voters in 2006, imposes strict residency requirements on sex offenders, including requirements forbidding them from residing within 2,000 feet of any public or private school or park where children regularly gather.
Before the law passed, those residency requirements were imposed only on offenders whose victims were children.
Civil rights attorneys have argued that provisions of the law make it impossible for some registered sex offenders to live in densely populated cities.Nearly all of San Francisco, for example, is off-limits to sex offenders because of the number of parks and schools close to housing. Los Angeles officials also said that there are few places in the city where sex offenders can find housing that meets Jessica's Law requirements.
The California Supreme Court ruled in February that registered sex offenders could challenge residency requirements in the law if it proves impossible to avoid living near parks and schools.
State corrections officials said Wednesday that they could not comment on the specifics of Espinoza's ruling, but said they would continue to ensure residency restrictions are imposed in cases where there is a valid reason to continue enforcing them.
"There are other tools that the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation can and will continue to use to further public safety, including residency restrictions specific to each offender," said the agency spokesman Luis Patino.
In his opinion, Espinoza cited comments by Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck that the Jessica's Law restrictions had resulted in "a marked increase of homeless/transient registrants." The judge noted that in 2007, there were 30 sex offenders on active parole in the city of Los Angeles. By September of this year, that number had jumped to 259.
"Rather than protecting public safety, it appears that the sharp rise in homelessness rates in sex offenders on active parole in Los Angeles County actually undermines public safety." wrote Espinoza, who is the supervising judge of the Los Angeles County criminal courts. "The evidence presented suggests that despite lay belief, a sex offender parolee's residential proximity to a school or park where children regularly gather does not bear on the parolee's likelihood to commit a sexual offense against a child."
LAPD officials said they were reviewing the court decision and had no immediate comment on its specifics.
Last month, in a briefing for the Los Angeles Police Commission, Det. Diane Webb, who heads a unit responsible for tracking the whereabouts of sex offenders, said there are about 5,100 registered sex offenders living in the city.
Of those, about 20%, or approximately 1,020 people, are on parole for felony crimes and are prohibited by state law from living near a school or park where children gather, Webb said.
She said that some of the city's sex-offender population has come to Los Angeles from surrounding cities that have passed additional sex-offender laws that make it next to impossible for offenders to find a place to live and push them to look elsewhere, but that Los Angeles does not have any additional laws on its books, making it a feasible destination.
-- Andrew Blankstein
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Re: If Palin is the Republican nomination...
I would vote for er for any elected office (other than judicial) in the country over any democrat on the planet. And any greenie too.
On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 5:40 AM, Merc <> wrote:
Are you going to vote for her?
Please, put your testosterone on hold and THINK with your
mind....Before answering, Thanks.
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Re: what the leftovers are spinning -- Democrats: Dead Political Party Walking
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Grateful Dread Peace Media <>
Date: Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 3:13 PM
Subject: [BaltimoreActivists] Democrats: Dead Political Party Walking
To:, baltimoreactivists <>
From: The Pen <>
Date: Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 4:47 PM
Subject: Dead Political Party Walking
Of all the commentary we have heard in the aftermath of this week's
election debacle, we have heard not one pundit yet who actually has a
clue about what is really going on. So you will have to hear it from
us. Of course, if you have been on our list any length of time you
already have, but maybe you did not believe us the first time.
We must respectfully remind you that we told you that all this is
exactly what would happen unless we took stronger action to demand a
REAL health care reform bill in particular, instead of that groaning
load of corporate special interest dictated and favoring rubbish we
ended up with. And by the way, if we were official prophets you would
owe us a new pair of sandals right about now.
It was March of earlier this year and the title of our alert was "The
Democratic Party's Plan To Throw The Next Couple Elections". Look it
up, the text was published on and is still there.
For those with short attention spans (from corporate media
conditioning) who think our alerts are too long, we suggest you
knuckle down and actually read our words this time and see if they
start to make sense to you. And please take particular note we said
"The Next Couple Elections" PLURAL. Because this is just round one of
the dynamic we foretold.
As we predicted then, in round two the Republicans will use their
electoral gains to push to repeal the almost universally despised
health care bill, despised by the right because it does anything even
cosmetically good, and despised by the left because it was
fundamentally just a total sell out.
If the Republicans fall short on repeal this time, they will campaign
in 2012 on the platform that they need to take over the Senate and
the White House so that the bill can be repealed, and they will win
in ANOTHER landslide of historic proportions.
Alternatively, if the Democrats set a new Guiness world record in the
publicly perceived as wet noodles department, they will all lose
their seats anyway so the result will be the same.
Either way, the Democratic party as a viable political power force is
finished for at least the next election cycle. Stick a fork in it,
it's done. We see no scenario of possible recovery from this. It's
over. The only reason they did not lose back the Senate in round one
is because only a third of the seats were in play. The rest they will
lose the next time for sure.
We are skeptical that primary challenges are even a productive option
anymore. The Democratic party has so totally betrayed the people who
voted for them, who had faith in them, who believed in them, we must
confront the real possibility that nobody will believe a word coming
out of the mouth of anyone running AS a Democrat ever again.
And the thing that really aggravates us the most about all this are
people still whining that the Democrats need to get a spine.
Democrats have plenty of spine when they are arresting people calling
for single payer and dragging them out of hearing rooms. They have
plenty of spine when they are refusing to allow a vote on even the
most feeble of public options. They have plenty of spine when they
are calling us bleepity-bleep retards.
Rather, Democrats tolerate being PERCEIVED as cowards. Because if
people thought for one nanosecond that they were not cowards, then
people would have to confront the stark truth that the Democrats are
They are in on the corporate corruption. They are nothing but
enablers, all of them, from top to bottom, front to back, ESPECIALLY
the so-called progressives, without exception. They are willingly and
knowingly playing the role of Judy in this Punch and Judy show, and
NOTHING is going to change about that for them, for ever and ever,
end of story, period.
We told you after the final health care vote what needed to be done
about it. We told you that we needed to build a massive Independent
Voters movement, with greater numbers than either the Democratic or
Republican parties. We asked you to go to a Facebook page we created
for this purpose and just become a fan, that's all, just become a
fan. Here is that page.
Independent Voters page:
Something shy of 7,000 of you did then. Obviously it was not enough.
So we ask you again. Go the page above and just become a fan. Talk
among yourselves. When we see 100,000 over there we will know there
is some chance for real change. Until then, we are fooling nobody but
And we close with an exact quote from an even earlier alert, from
September of 2009, which again you can still reading in its entirety
on, where we warned you that the whole health care
reform debate was a total fraud and that no "public option" of any
kind would survive in the final bill.
Here is the quote from the conclusion of the alert documented on the
page above.
"And THAT is Obama's REAL plan, the one he won't talk about in a
public speech, to let the weakest possible 'public option' hang
around for a little while as an illusory sop for the terminally
gullible, only to bleed it to death before it can actually go into
effect. Yes, THIS is Obama's new 'improved' leech therapy."
Lord, the hate mail we got about that one. People yelling at us
telling us we were full of it. Calling us racists. Read the words
again. And now ask yourself in all candor, "Ain't it the truth?"
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed
to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.
If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at
twitter: @gdpr / twitter: @nrdavis
twitter: @summitpeace
twitter: @allfactsandopin
E-List: / twitter: @armact
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John Kerry still hasn't paid taxes on his yatch
John Kerry still hasn't paid taxes on his yatchScotty Starnes | November 7, 2010 at 7:00 AM | Tags: democrat, John Kerry, tax evader, Teresa Heinz Kerry, yatch | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: |
Typical Democrat. Spend other folks money at break-neck speeds then raise their taxes while avoiding paying his own. Maybe Teresa HEINZ Kerry has cut her boy-toy's allowance?
The Boston Herald reports:
It's been more than three months since we first told you about Capt. John Kerry's high-seas tax dodge on his new $7 million yacht, Isabel, and the town of Nantucket still doesn't have a check from the senior senator!
You may recall that Kerry lowered the flag and surrendered in July, agreeing to pony up more than $400,000 to cover state taxes on the toney tub. Mr. Teresa Heinz broke out the checkbook four days after the Track set off a furious tempest with our report that he had purchased the 76-foot floating palace and ported her in Rhode Island, thus depriving the commonwealth of its pound of flesh.
A spokesman for the state Department of Revenue confirmed that "a sales tax return was filed" by Kerry last summer to cover state taxes that would have been owed, had he kept the Isabel in his home state's waters. But according to the Nantucket tax collector, he never paid any excise taxes to the town on the Isabel.
Now, in case you forgot, Kerry's yacht is a New Zealand-built Friendship sloop with an Edwardian-style, glossy varnished teak interior, two VIP main cabins and a pilothouse fitted with a wet bar and cold wine storage. We point this out because the excise tax on boats is $10 per thousand of valuation. However, the state caps the assessment on yachts over 60 feet that are less than four years old at $50,000. Which, if you ask us, seems rather foolish . . .
So, the $7 million Isabel, for excise tax purposes, is worth just $50G, meaning, should Kerry decide to pony up, he'd owe just $500 to the island's tax coffers. Chump change for Jawn and Ta-ray-za!
Anyway, Kerry's flack Jodi Seth told us the senator hasn't paid because he hasn't received a bill. Which is very different from what Kerry said last summer. Back then the story was that the senator would pay all the taxes as if the boat were berthed in Massachusetts. | Thanks for flying with WordPress! |
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DemonRats Begin to Eat Their Messiah
DemonRats Begin to Eat Their Messiah |
Yup, grab some popcorn! This lame-duck session is going to offer some entertaining moments:
Assessing midterm losses, Democrats ask whether Obama's White House fully grasped voters' fears
By Karen Tumulty and Dan Balz
Washington Post - Sunday, November 7, 2010
President Obama's failure to channel the anxieties of ordinary voters has shaken the faith that many Democrats once had in his political gifts and his team's political skill.
In his own assessments of what went wrong, the president has lamented his inability to persuade voters on the merits of what he has done, and blamed the failure on his preoccupation with a full plate of crises.
But a broad sample of Democratic officeholders and strategists said in interviews that the disconnect goes far deeper than that.
"There doesn't seem to be anybody in the White House who's got any idea what it's like to lie awake at night worried about money and worried about things slipping away," said retiring Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen (D). "They're all intellectually smart. They've got their numbers. But they don't feel any of it, and I think people sense that."
Bredesen had voiced such reservations long before the election, but more Democrats are saying the same thing after Tuesday's defeats - although few are willing to cross the White House by doing so publicly.
Obama "is not Bill Clinton in the sense that he's not an extrovert. He doesn't gain energy by connecting with people," said a Democratic strategist, who worked in the Clinton White House and asked not to be named while offering a candid criticism. "He needs to be forced to do it, either by self-discipline or others. There's no one around him who will do that. They accommodate him, and that is a bad thing."
William A. Galston, a Clinton White House policy adviser who is now a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said the midterm election revealed what had always been a "missing middle" to the Obama campaign message.
"Hope is a sentiment, not a strategy, and quickly loses credibility without a road map," Galston wrote in a paper released two days after the election. "Throughout his first two years in office, President Obama often struggled to connect individual initiatives to larger purposes."
With the public skeptical of and even hostile to his biggest accomplishments, including the economic stimulus package and the health-care overhaul, Obama fell back on a plea to voters not to turn back to failed Republican policies. That appeal "just missed what was happening with the country and with people," said Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg. | Thanks for flying with WordPress! |
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Re: This will be interesting to watch - see the businesses flee the state in droves when this goes into effect
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This will be interesting to watch - see the businesses flee the state in droves when this goes into effect
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**JP** Letter to Editor - Whose Army
Please click on the below link to download attachment
Attachment : Whose Army 07-11-10.doc
Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
30 Westridge 1
Rawalpindi 46000
Tel: (051) 546 3344
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**JP** Man with half of the body
35-year-old Kenny was born with a rare disease because of which he lost his legs as a child.But he was not discouraged. Kenney refused to wheelchairs and prosthetics.Learned to walk on his hands and ride on a skateboard.Seven years ago he met a girl Nikki and now brings her two children.