Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Kentucky Rifle


The Kentucky Rifle

by Jim Pontillo (more by this author)

Posted 08/10/2010 ET
Updated 08/10/2010 ET


On October 7, 1777, General Simon Fraser of the British Army was felled from his horse while commanding troops on the battlefield. 

The fatal shot was hurled from the barrel of Timothy Murphy's Kentucky Rifle at close to 500 yards.

A frontiersman, Murphy was among the most talented shooters in the elite squad of Morgan's Kentucky Riflemen. 

The preferred soldier battle implement of the day was a smooth bore musket, which could be fired and reloaded five to six times in a minute by a skilled practitioner.  A Kentucky Rifle, on the other hand, due to its tight fitting leather wad and ball could only be loaded and fired one or two times within a minute. 

Because of its rifled barrel, the Kentucky Rifle was more difficult to keep clean and ready for action.  Its disadvantage in speed was overshadowed by it superior accuracy at long range.  It was impossible to reliably hit a target at only 75 yards with the smooth bore muskets.  Muskets excelled, however, in the prime mode of battle of the day where hundreds of soldiers would line up two deep with long barrels from the rear extending passed the soldiers kneeling in front.  Great volleys would be exchanged making War a bloody business of attrition.

While rifled barrel arms did not make production into high numbers until after the Civil War, rifling had existed as early as the fifteenth century.  First accomplished in Germany, it is not surprising that German gunsmiths in Pennsylvania introduced the technology to the Colonies.  Also known as the Pennsylvania Rifle, the Kentucky Rifle got its more popular name from the intrepid frontiersmen with independent and pugnacious qualities that have defined the American character since our inception.

As a matter of fact, it was in the War of 1812, with men under the command of Andrew Jackson (as pugnacious as they come) that the Kentucky Rifle received its exalted moniker.

It is this pugnacious character which allowed General Simon Fraser to be felled from his horse.  The British operated under a certain code of conduct by which the unruly colonists would not abide.  Under orders from Benedict Arnold, Daniel Morgan reluctantly ordered his best sharpshooter, Tim Murphy to attempt the fatal shot. 

In a similar encounter only months later, General George Washington was lined up squarely within the sites of a British sniper who refused to take his shot because Washington's back was to him.  Such a shot would violate the gentlemanly code of War conduct to which the British deferred.

You might say the Colonists were "out of the box" thinkers.  The British would say, "savages".

This "savage" character is one that is ingrained in the American disposition.  Americans are a thoughtful lot who weigh all data before deciding on a course of action, and when they move to action they do so with a righteousness and fervor not easily overcome.

It is a character birthed by intrepid souls who carried a Kentucky Rifle.



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He’s No Joe Namath

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Dems don't want to win the Afghanistan War...Sen. Kerry claims a 'very active' effort to reach a 'political settlement' with terrorist Taliban

Dems don't want to win the Afghanistan War...Sen. Kerry claims a 'very active' effort to reach a 'political settlement' with terrorist Taliban

I'm Capt. Cut and Run reporting for surrender

Typical Democrats using their 'cut and run' strategy when things get tough during a war. These are the same liberal pussies who refuse to use the terms "war on terror" and "Islamic terrorism" in fear of upsetting those in the Muslim world. After 9 years of our troops dying in the field of battle, Democrats now are negotiating with the enemy who would love to see us give up in Afghanistan so they can take control once more.

The Hill reports:

Sen. John Kerry, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Friday that there is a "very active" effort under way to reach a negotiated political settlement with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Kerry (D-Mass.) acknowledged that "efforts" have begun after visiting Afghanistan and Pakistan this week, meeting with Afghan President Hamid Karzai and other officials.

"I can report without being specific that there are efforts under way. They are serious and I completely agree with that fundamental premise — and so does General [David] Petraeus and so does President Obama — there is no military solution," he told NPR. "And there are very active efforts now to seek an appropriate kind of political settlement."

 U.S. officials have acknowledged that some sort of political settlement must be reached with the Taliban -- a loosely affiliated group of Islamic insurgents that control large swaths of territory in Afghanistan -- in order to bring an end to the almost nine-year-long U.S. war there. 

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 Really, really good!!!!!

Worked for me!






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Barack Obama's Priorities

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Stop support to Pakistan

Stop support to Pakistan

Millions of people are daily facing real life horror in Pakistan. The recent floods forced them to flee their homes and the government just does not have the resources to help especially over such a large, rough area. I have seen estimates that as many as 10 million + are homeless, hungry and many are in remote areas and may not see help for weeks and possibly months.

People need shelter, food, clean water, medical care and they need it yesterday. The world has started to respond; charities (mostly western ones) are all over this. The UN has asked for help and (mostly western) nations have responded. America has already given more than all the islamic nations combined.

It is not enough; they need more. With crops destroyed; entire regions underwater and with the diseases that will soon ravage the survivors; the Pakistani people have only seen the beginning of their problems. Things will get worse, much worse.

Many of you will attend religious services this weekend and you will be asked to open your hearts and wallets. I am asking you not too. Read more of this post

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**JP** please

asalam o alaikum,
can any one of u please send me the annual accounts of pakistan petoleum limited PPL. for the year 2009 plzzz


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**JP** pia services in world wide for flood.

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Daily Express


Re: **JP** Praise to MUSHARRAF for free Media

My Dear All,

Aslam o Alaikum, after this i have very bad commints about of zardari and i m so worried for my country Pakistan in this condition we have suffered in much a lots problem and i think zardari can do only theft and make money with wrong ways so 
i will request to all please you should write your comments for flood adds to other countries they should come here in pakistan and serve all money for floods by hand by self we have taken alots of money with this money we can make our lovely pakistan but we will see 

--- On Wed, 8/18/10, Asma Aajum <> wrote:

From: Asma Aajum <>
Subject: Re: **JP** Praise to MUSHARRAF for free Media
Date: Wednesday, August 18, 2010, 10:27 PM

Your had wrote about Mushraff but let me what you think the current Government (Zardari) and his team.
Is these able to run Government.

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 6:27 PM, Ihsan Ur Rehman <> wrote:
Total stupidity by Riaz Ch.
If you count the poor decisions made by Musharaf against such economic developments you will find that it will take another 20 years to eridicate its after effects.
Musharaf has really destroyed our beautiful Pakistan in order to prolong his rule.
Musharaf should be brought to jutice for killing so many innocent people and involving in so called war on terror.
Shame for MUSHARAF lovers.

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 8:51 PM, chaudry <> wrote:

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Well Wisher!
Ihsan ur Rehman
+92 300 6452830
+92 333 8176956

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**JP** references for ahadees‏

Hello everyone,
Hope everyone is doing well!
As everyne is asking me about the refernces for ahadees perhaps i dont know aloot about it but  for your satisfaction  i will send u the link from which website i m getting the ahadees and islamic mials so further details in future pleas direct urself through this website Thank you.

**JP** FW: Where Are Pakistan's Millionaire Politicians?



ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—This is a lesson for the whole Pakistani nation. If you are a Pakistani reading this, please tell others.


While the world’s rich dole out money to help Pakistan’s flood victims, Pakistan’s rich political elite refuses to budge. By now we should have been seeing members of this ruling elite buying tents, building shelters and providing gallons of clean drinking water to the homeless millions.


But in every flooded district of the country, you will see Pakistani civilian and military volunteers. But not the politicians.


Consider this:


On the first day of a nationwide Saudi campaign to raise funds for the victims of floods in Pakistan on Monday, 17 Aug. 2010:


-         King of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah bin Abdelaziz Al Saud, donated US$5.3 million from his private money to Pakistan flood victims


-         Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdelzziz Al Saud gave away US$2.7 million from his private money


-         Interior Minister Nayef bin Abdelaziz Al Saud gave away two million Saudi riyals


-         Governor of Tabouk donated one million Saudi Riyals


-         Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdelaziz Al Saud gave ten million Saudi riyals


-         Businessman Eesa bin Mohammad al Eesa, president of the Samba Financial Group, donated two million Saudi riyals


This is not to mention the sight of Saudi women who thronged public aid collection camps in different Saudis cities and were photographed by the international media donating their jewelry to King Abdullah’s campaign in support of Pakistan.


Compare this to the reaction of the Pakistani elite:


-         Pakistan’s president, a billionaire in dollar terms by some accounts, is yet to donate anything or even be seen donating anything anywhere. There were reports he donated Rs. five million to a fund named after his son and daughter, and only Rs. one million to the government fund. This is less than what he might have spent wandering in France and Britain earlier this month.


-         The most shocking part is that the PPPP is trying to milk large companies out of relief money for private party funds. This means that the party is quietly trying to direct aid money to private funds rather than relief funds run by the government or the Pakistani military. The ruling party is reported to have convened a meeting in the business hub city of Karachi where leading businessmen were asked to donate to a Bakhtawar Fund, named after the president’s elder daughter. The meeting was chaired by president’s sister, senator Faryal Talpur. But she failed to get a pledge for a single rupee from any attending businessmen.


-         The Sharif family has donated Rs. 10 million, which is peanuts compared to what the family could have donated. Not to mention that no one knows how this amount will be spent. Pakistanis are yet to see any member of the Sharif clan seeing off trucks carrying relief goods or opening clean water plants in the affected areas.


-         None of the one thousand members of the federal and provincial parliaments have been sighted at any of the affected regions helping people or distributing aid. If anything, a few of the shameless politicians were quick to jump in front of visiting TV crews. One of them, from Sindh, was seen seated in a boat run by the army for the media giving out an interview to a leading anchor. The politician was pretending as if he was organizing the rescue operations in Sindh.


-         Forget helping people, a senior member of the PPPP from Balochistan is accusing two influential feudal members of PPPP Sindh of diverting flood waters to Balochistan and creating a humanitarian crisis there to save their vast landholdings in Sindh. This is a serious allegation that merits investigation and stern punishment if proven. But who will do it? And what is more important: private feudal landholdings or the lives of thousands of poor people? Don’t ask Pakistani politicians, obviously.


-         An unusual situation in Pakistan is that the country’s closed club of political elite monopolizes large chunks of the economy. So these politicians control everything, benefit from inflation, pay no taxes and are under no obligation to donate generously when fellow countrymen are in need.


-         The Pakistan Army donated a day’s salary of its soldiers, who come from poor backfrounds, for the relief effort. No politician is yet to take a similar step. And we are talking about a bunch of people who arrive at the federal parliament in Islamabad in expensive imported luxury cars, wearing expensive watches and jewelry and looking awash in wealth.


-         The millionaires and billionaires in the Pakistani business community, unlike the politicians, are donating directly to the victims in the affected areas but refuse to route the money through the coffers of a government run by this political elite.


The conclusion is this: while the country reels under a humanitarian tragedy, it is the Pakistani middle class, the Pakistani business class, a couple of religious charities and the armed forces that have come to the rescue of their fellow countrymen during a disaster. They will always step up to help their countrymen.


Pakistan’s politicians, among them the nation’s richest, will disappeared in a flash during a crisis like they have done now.






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