Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 05:35:52 -0600
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The drivel the media are blathering about Obama's 2012 race for reelection is absolute baloney! All those talking heads and print [so-called] journalists should be ashamed of themselves for prattling on about this unserious subject while studiously avoiding the urgent issues that threaten the very life of our country.
These are issues that a maniacal Nancy Pelosi, as House Minority Leader in the lame-duck session, is intent on cramming down the already-gagging throats of American voters who loathe her fetish with Marxism so much that on November 2 they decisively returned the House she had appropriated back to We the People. As columnist Ralph R. Reiland writes, it was "...the greatest defeat for a newly elected president in a midterm since…1922."
Make no mistake about it, when the Obama-Pelosi-Reid-orchestrated disasters listed below take place, this triumvirate will applaud them, as any disaster that befalls our country fits neatly into their vision of Big Bad America. Yes, the very same America that brought them to the pinnacle of prominence, wealth, and power is the country they're working overtime to destroy.
Here is just a sampling of what's in store:
According to, to accomplish this draconian agenda, John Podesta, head of the Center for American Progress—which is funded by George Soros—issued a report in which he suggested to the "president" that he use federal agencies and executive branch power to circumvent Congressional approval, as well as rulemaking, and even the armed forces "to accomplish important change," and that such means "should not be underestimated."
The Armed Forces? Is Podesta mistaking America for Nazi Germany? This is nothing less than horrifying, but, I must add, vintage Leftism!
In other words: "Damn the torpedoes (in this case, the Congress)—full speed ahead." The hell with the November 2nd vote, the will of the people, the U.S. Constitution, and the law! They've meant nothing for the past two years…and to the Obama regime, they still mean nothing!
After the midterm shellacking and a decidedly less-than-successful Asian tour, Obama has been featured in tabloid headlines around the world, all saying that he's having a "nervous breakdown." Even Sean Hannity said on his radio show that, "The feeling among some people in the White House is that this president is unhinged, that he's detached, that he's losing it. He's obsessed with critics, very specifically obsessed with Fox News. He can't stand Biden, he hates the Clintons, and the Clintons hate him. If the president is brought bad news on the economy, he has a meltdown every time he hears it. And this is what people—and I'm telling you my sources are reliable—are telling me."
I don't buy it. Many people, including me, have written about Obama's pathological narcissism, his out-sized self-regard, and an insecurity that impels him to use a teleprompter to speak to a kindergarten class! And now we see that he is psychologically unable to acknowledge any accountability for the massive midterm losses.
But this kind of loss makes people like Obama angry, which will fuel and energize his lame-duck efforts.
While the Obama-Pelosi-Reid destruction is taking place, the perpetrators will be exulting. Although they tout "equality" for the masses, meaning widespread mediocrity, they—like the communist oligarchs they admire—never tire of indulging in crass materialism, non-stop partying, and decadent excesses.
All of which brings me to the conviction that Obama will never run for a second term, for the following reasons:
Looking back over Obama's nearly two years in office, it should be obvious to everyone that as things got worse and worse—the tanking economy, escalating unemployment rate, the BP oil spill disaster, even the recent slap-down at the G-20—he never lost the bounce in his step, his broad smile, his appetite for golfing (or vacationing, in general), or his predilection to entertain lavishly three or four times a week.
This is because for DNA Leftists like Obama, two things are immutably true. The first is that if it's bad for America, it's intrinsically good! Remember Obama's strange interview with Steve Kroft of "60 Minutes," in which Kroft was so startled (horrified? appalled?) when Obama inappropriately smiled and chuckled when discussing the plunging economy, forcing Kroft to ask: "Are you punch drunk?" But Obama couldn't help himself… it made him happy!
The second is that everything done to further THE PLAN is good, meaning the plan to destroy free-market capitalism, subvert the Constitution, bloat the size of government, raise taxes, coddle terrorists, indiscriminately open America's borders, genuflect to the backwater tyrants at the U.N., and generally strip America of its exceptionalism.
No, Obama won't run in 2012, although he'll be coy about it for at least a year. He has no taste for compromise and his over-weaning narcissism won't allow him to be the head of a devolving minority party. Besides, I think his handlers are not pleased with the thwacking he took in the midterms, and will be looking hard for another puppet. In fact, George Soros, Obama's premier benefactor and perhaps even the puppet master pulling his strings, just told a group of Progressives: "We have just lost this Election, we need to draw a line. And if this president can't do what we need, it is time to start looking somewhere else."
Instead of running, Obama will become a man of the world, traveling widely (no doubt to his favorite dictatorships), maybe allowing a few ghost-written books to bear his name, accepting the multi-millions offered him for speaking engagements, and working on his golf swing for the next 50 years.
Now wouldn't that be fantastic for America!
| Joan Swirsky Most recent columns Joan Swirsky is an award winning author and journalist. Her work can be found at Joan receives email at |
DemonRats in the Senate Turn on Obama |
This is where it gets tricky.
Obviously, the DemonRats are in serious trouble come 2012. So, they will do whatever it takes to increase their voter base via legislation.
Beware the so-called, "Dream Act." It is simply amnesty for illegals in order to increase the voter base for the DemonRats. I expect much more such legislation in the near future as the DemonRats fight for their political lives:
Senate Democrats vent anger with Barack Obama
By GLENN THRUSH & MANU RAJU | 11/19/10 | Politico
Senate Democrats – including typically mild-mannered Bill Nelson of Florida – lit into President Barack Obama during an unusually tense air-clearing caucus session on Thursday, senators and staffers told POLITICO.
Nelson told colleagues Obama's unpopularity has become a serious liability for Democrats in his state and blamed the president for creating a toxic political environment for Democrats nationwide, according to two Democrats familiar with his remarks.
"It was a raucous caucus," said one Democratic senator, who spoke on condition of anonymity because closed-door sessions are not supposed to be discussed with outsiders.
Nelson declined to respond when asked about the incident Thursday night, saying he was in a hurry to leave the Capitol to catch a flight. His spokesman didn't return a request for comment.
In interviews after the marathon three hour meeting, several senators and senior aides told POLITICO that Nelson was just one of several senators to express anger at White House missteps – and air deep concerns about their own political fates if Obama and the Democratic Party leadership can't turn things around by 2012.
Added one veteran senator: "It was the most frank exchange of views I've ever seen."
Several senators expressed the opinion that Obama needed to show more passion, while party liberals renewed their complaint that Obama should abandon the pretense of bipartisanship in the face of Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's intransigence and what they consider the Kentucky Republican's blatantly political tactics aimed at making Obama a one-term president.
Others said Democratic leaders need to clearly spell out what they believe are the motivations behind the Republicans' positions: that they are beholden to special interests, who bankroll their campaigns.
If Democrats keep losing the message war, they worry, they will be wiped out in 2012.
"There was a lot of passion in that room," one senator said. "The reason is because the public is with us on our policies, but they're not getting the message."
LOL! What an uber-marooni! The public is definitely NOT behind their communist policies! It is the DemonRats, through their arrogance and ideological blinders, who are not getting the message! Nor will they EVER get the message unless they are voted out of office!
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who along with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders had met with Obama at the White House earlier in the day, calmly presided over the gripe session, sources say, allowing members to have their say.
With 21 Democrats and two independents facing reelection in 2012, Reid and the White House will be forced to deal with skittish Democrats eager to see a sharpened political operation.
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Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition
On Nov 19, 10:17 am, Travis <> wrote:
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and a nod to Roger Waters
On Nov 19, 12:40 pm, Mark <> wrote:
> We have decided and it is rather simple:
> Kids, mentioned in a negative manner or any misguided wish that someones
> elses kid were also ill is wrong.
> Nominal9 if you can't live with that, I am sorry.
> On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 11:22 AM, nominal9 <> wrote:
> > I was discomforted when Merc brought her child into a string. To
> > bring
> > in a child is distasteful at best. She then went on to wish the same
> > upon another posters child and in rather raunchy terms.... This I
> > will
> > not abide from anyone about any child. The words she used about
> > children (regardless of whose) is (thank God) a felony in my country.
> > To have allowed them to post would have made me complicit.
> > One last Time............ KIDS ARE OFF LIMITS IN THIS FORUM.
> > There are NO second chances. /Annointed One
> > I've only known Merc on the boards for about one year....
> > Point is, her child is the one who is (however it is prioperly
> > put).... disabled... not anyone else's child. I truly believe that
> > Merc has and conntinues to lash out at others (incluing their
> > children) because those others have lashed out at her own child (of
> > course, Merc sometimes gets confused in her emotional outbursts and
> > happens to target innocent bystanders, but she "usually" corrects
> > herself when she is made aware of the error) .... Merc is the victim,
> > and anyone seeking to make her the "perpetrator" is just very ignorant
> > or is trying to pull some sort of "reverse-discrimination"
> > scam....You. Annointed One speak of yourself as being a liberal-
> > progressive sort of person and here you champiion the interestes of
> > "children'... If that is true, I definitely think that you missed the
> > boat in using that "angle" to censure Merc....As I understand it, Merc
> > is also trained to somne extent in medicine, I believe that she is a
> > registered nurse of some kind... So, in terms of medical knowledge or
> > even psychological stability.... I think she has a leg up on most
> > others here abouts....
> > There's reality and then there's what "posters" spew out to make
> > points in arguments [on [political bioards and such.].. Merc is living
> > a reality, when it comes to at least this one issue.....Cheap shots
> > just do not carry the same eight... or they shouldn't... among "half-
> > way serious folks" who try to deal in mutually respectful
> > relationships.... of course... if people just want to sling the crap
> > around... tha'ts alright, too, as long as it's understood for the crap
> > that it is and given it's due "weight".....The crap that has been
> > slung against Merc... IMO.... is not worth censorship or
> > "banning".....
> > Let me know awhat "y'all" decide....
> > On Nov 18, 9:21 pm, THE ANNOINTED ONE <> wrote:
> > > Nominal9,
> > > I was discomforted when Merc brought her child into a string. To bring
> > > in a child is distasteful at best. She then went on to wish the same
> > > upon another posters child and in rather raunchy terms.... This I will
> > > not abide from anyone about any child. The words she used about
> > > children (regardless of whose) is (thank God) a felony in my country.
> > > To have allowed them to post would have made me complicit.
> > > One last Time............ KIDS ARE OFF LIMITS IN THIS FORUM.
> > > There are NO second chances.
> > > On Nov 18, 4:26 pm, nominal9 <> wrote:
> > > > Annointed One, Keith from Tampa...
> > > > Mark M. Kahle H.
> > > > Kindly reconsider.... I don't like censors.... lowest of the low, in
> > > > my book.... usually the jaclass stupidest of the jackass stupid, as
> > > > well..... have to be, to think censorship is any sort of answer....
> > > > Always room in the Hell Pits.... head up the ass with shit for
> > > > brains... for eternity....
> > > > nominal9
> > > >
> > ..
> > > >
> > ..
> > > > Sadly, I must enter the Owner "sysop" Rabbit... the Pusillanimous
> > > > Pellet..... into my Nominal9 Censorship Hall of Shame, along with the
> > > > Message Board.... 72....
> > > > The Pusillanimous Pellet censored and apparently "banned" at least
> > > > two
> > > > posters from 72....les and merc.
> > > > Granted that les and merc can be irritating, still .....whatever
> > > > offense they may have ostensibly given amounts to naught in
> > > > comparison
> > > > to the general level of offense prevalent on the 72 board and of the
> > > > offense that they, themselves, received.Rather, it seems that les and
> > > > merc were subject to the usual "cabal" of social castigation
> > > > irrespective of politics, ideology or affiliation that seems to run
> > > > rampant among censors and sysops..... which is to say... censorship
> > > > for the sake of dominance, sadism and control....
> > > > I have given Rabbit, the Pusillanimous Pellet, more than ample
> > > > warning of his impending dishonor , shame and eternal damnation of
> > > > being relegated to my Nominal9 Censorship Hall of Shame....Consigned
> > > > to an eternity of literal punishment to correspond to the
> > > > metaphorical condition in which he lives his life as the censor and
> > > > sysop of 72... which is to say, Damnerd to an Eternity in Hell with
> > > > his Head Stuck Up His Ass and with Shit for Brains. But Rabbit, the
> > > > Pusilllanomous Pellet, seems to scoff at this most foul and dire
> > > > opprobrium... seemingly glad to join the ranks of his fellow Head Up
> > > > The Ass and Shit For Brains sysops and Censors in their eternal
> > > > misery...
> > > > So be it....Abandon All Hope...forever...
> > > > nominal9
> > > > Rogue View profile
> > > > More options Aug 27, 12:46 pm
> > > > From: Rogue <>
> > > > Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 12:46:29 -0400
> > > > Local: Fri, Aug 27 2010 12:46 pm
> > > > Subject: Re: Nominal9 Censorship Hall Of Shame.... enter... Rabbit...
> > > > the "Pusillanimous Pellet"
> > > > Forward | Print | Individual message | Show original | Report this
> > > > message | Find messages by this author
> > > > Rabbit? Ban posters?
> > > > Say it ain't so! / rogue
> > > > - Hide quoted text -
> > > > -Reporting spam
> > > > Message reported
> > > > Rate this post:
> > > > nominal9 View profile
> > > > More options Aug 30, 2:33 pm
> > > > From: nominal9 <>
> > > > Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 11:33:51 -0700 (PDT)
> > > > Local: Mon, Aug 30 2010 2:33 pm
> > > > Subject: Re: Nominal9 Censorship Hall Of Shame.... enter... Rabbit...
> > > > the "Pusillanimous Pellet"
> > > > Forward | Print | Individual message | Show original | Remove |
> > > > Report
> > > > this message | Find messages by this author
> > > >
> > > > Rabbit, the pusillanimous pellet... with the shit-eating grin..... /
> > > > n9
> > > > Then I tried to add another post in reply to a snide aside by Rabbit
> > > > under his pseudonym...RighteousObserver...
> > > > here's Rabbit's "concealed" whiny-ass post
> > > > From: RighteousObserver <>
> > > > Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 04:24:29 -0700 (PDT)
> > > > Local: Tues, Aug 31 2010 7:24 am
> > > > Subject: I Sucked The Fun Out Of 71 And Now I'm Here For You On 72!
> > > > Forward | Print | Individual message | Show original | Report this
> > > > message | Find messages by this author
> > > > I *am* RighteousOberserver.
> > > > Sworn Defender of Board Justice and stoopid shit like
> > > > that.
> > > > <doin' the crab>grrrrr</doin' the crab><doin' the crab>grrrrr</doin'
> > > > the crab> / rabbit
> > > > To which I replied with my own counter that flashed on the board for
> > > > a
> > > > minute or so... before rabbit proceeded to remove it from 72...
> > > > as I recall it....
> > > > "The cecotrophic Rabbit, the pusillanimous pellet with the shit-
> > > > eating grin... turns two big floppy deaf ears...."
> > > > That was it.... looks like I'm "Banned" from 72... too.....another
> > > > badge of honor.....
> > > > Always good to be Banned by the Damned ... see?... Rabbit does
> > > > deserve
> > > > to be in Nominal9's Censorship Hall of Shame...
> > > > n9- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -
> > --
> > Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
> > For options & help see
> > * Visit our other community at
> > * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls.
> > * Read the latest breaking news, and more.
> --
> Mark M. Kahle H.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
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Odd how humble hoi poloi like you and I know that, but a US Senator
This was no hot mic incident or his gabbing with buddies over beers
and a football game, or even some magazine interview. He said this to
a Senate Committee.
On Nov 19, 12:08 pm, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> I have never liked this guy, he is the poster child for term limits.
> What gets me is his audacity to even make such a statement. Rockefeller
> threw in MSNBC only for appearance sake.....MSNBC has all of about three or
> four hundred viewers, (*See* LilMarxistMoonbatTommyTomTomForNews, Sean
> "Sugarshack" VirtualTruth, Euwe and Euwetopia) and almost as important,
> the FCC does not govern cable television broadcasts!
> On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 11:32 AM, GregfromBoston <>wrote:
> > Because thats just as unconstitutional as what this idiot
> > gazillionaire Senator is proposing.
> > On Nov 19, 11:15 am, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
> > > why not do away with the Senator/his office?
> > > On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Travis <> wrote:
> > > >
> > ..
> > > > SEN. JAY ROCKEFELLER (D-WV): "There's a little bug inside of me which
> > > > wants to get the FCC to say to FOX and to MSNBC: 'Out. Off. End.
> > > > Goodbye.' It would be a big favor to political discourse; our ability
> > to
> > > > do our work here in Congress, and to the American people, to be able to
> > > > talk with each other and have some faith in their government and more
> > > > importantly, in their future."
> > > > *Now WHY would we want to give you slovenly, corrupt bastards more room
> > *
> > > > *and freedom to screw the American people?*
> > > > *While I don't agree with the drooling liberalism that vomits out of *
> > > > *MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN, the public has the right to question your *
> > > > *every move. You forget YOU WORK FOR US, not the other way around.*
> > > > * *
> > > > *It appears it's time Jay Rockefeller goes, and his liberal, fascist *
> > > > *tendencies with him!*
> > > > * *
> > > > --
> > > > Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
> > > > For options & help see
> > > > * Visit our other community at<>
> > > > * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls.
> > > > * Read the latest breaking news, and more.- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -
> > --
> > Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
> > For options & help see
> > * Visit our other community at<>
> > * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls.
> > * Read the latest breaking news, and more.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
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We have decided and it is rather simple:Kids, mentioned in a negative manner or any misguided wish that someones elses kid were also ill is wrong.KIDS ARE OFF LIMITS, NO SECOND CHANCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Nominal9 if you can't live with that, I am sorry.--On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 11:22 AM, nominal9 <> wrote:
There are NO second chances. /Annointed One
I was discomforted when Merc brought her child into a string. To
in a child is distasteful at best. She then went on to wish the same
upon another posters child and in rather raunchy terms.... This I
not abide from anyone about any child. The words she used about
children (regardless of whose) is (thank God) a felony in my country.
To have allowed them to post would have made me complicit.
One last Time............ KIDS ARE OFF LIMITS IN THIS FORUM.
I've only known Merc on the boards for about one year....
Point is, her child is the one who is (however it is prioperly
put).... disabled... not anyone else's child. I truly believe that
Merc has and conntinues to lash out at others (incluing their
children) because those others have lashed out at her own child (of
course, Merc sometimes gets confused in her emotional outbursts and
happens to target innocent bystanders, but she "usually" corrects
herself when she is made aware of the error) .... Merc is the victim,
and anyone seeking to make her the "perpetrator" is just very ignorant
or is trying to pull some sort of "reverse-discrimination"
scam....You. Annointed One speak of yourself as being a liberal-
progressive sort of person and here you champiion the interestes of
"children'... If that is true, I definitely think that you missed the
boat in using that "angle" to censure Merc....As I understand it, Merc
is also trained to somne extent in medicine, I believe that she is a
registered nurse of some kind... So, in terms of medical knowledge or
even psychological stability.... I think she has a leg up on most
others here abouts....
There's reality and then there's what "posters" spew out to make
points in arguments [on [political bioards and such.].. Merc is living
a reality, when it comes to at least this one issue.....Cheap shots
just do not carry the same eight... or they shouldn't... among "half-
way serious folks" who try to deal in mutually respectful
relationships.... of course... if people just want to sling the crap
around... tha'ts alright, too, as long as it's understood for the crap
that it is and given it's due "weight".....The crap that has been
slung against Merc... IMO.... is not worth censorship or
Let me know awhat "y'all" decide....
> > n9- Hide quoted text -
On Nov 18, 9:21 pm, THE ANNOINTED ONE <> wrote:
> Nominal9,
> I was discomforted when Merc brought her child into a string. To bring
> in a child is distasteful at best. She then went on to wish the same
> upon another posters child and in rather raunchy terms.... This I will
> not abide from anyone about any child. The words she used about
> children (regardless of whose) is (thank God) a felony in my country.
> To have allowed them to post would have made me complicit.
> One last Time............ KIDS ARE OFF LIMITS IN THIS FORUM.
> There are NO second chances.
> On Nov 18, 4:26 pm, nominal9 <> wrote:
> > Annointed One, Keith from Tampa...
> > Mark M. Kahle H.
> > Kindly reconsider.... I don't like censors.... lowest of the low, in
> > my book.... usually the jaclass stupidest of the jackass stupid, as
> > well..... have to be, to think censorship is any sort of answer....
> > Always room in the Hell Pits.... head up the ass with shit for
> > brains... for eternity....
> > nominal9
> >
> >
> > Sadly, I must enter the Owner "sysop" Rabbit... the Pusillanimous
> > Pellet..... into my Nominal9 Censorship Hall of Shame, along with the
> > Message Board.... 72....
> > The Pusillanimous Pellet censored and apparently "banned" at least
> > two
> > posters from 72....les and merc.
> > Granted that les and merc can be irritating, still .....whatever
> > offense they may have ostensibly given amounts to naught in
> > comparison
> > to the general level of offense prevalent on the 72 board and of the
> > offense that they, themselves, received.Rather, it seems that les and
> > merc were subject to the usual "cabal" of social castigation
> > irrespective of politics, ideology or affiliation that seems to run
> > rampant among censors and sysops..... which is to say... censorship
> > for the sake of dominance, sadism and control....
> > I have given Rabbit, the Pusillanimous Pellet, more than ample
> > warning of his impending dishonor , shame and eternal damnation of
> > being relegated to my Nominal9 Censorship Hall of Shame....Consigned
> > to an eternity of literal punishment to correspond to the
> > metaphorical condition in which he lives his life as the censor and
> > sysop of 72... which is to say, Damnerd to an Eternity in Hell with
> > his Head Stuck Up His Ass and with Shit for Brains. But Rabbit, the
> > Pusilllanomous Pellet, seems to scoff at this most foul and dire
> > opprobrium... seemingly glad to join the ranks of his fellow Head Up
> > The Ass and Shit For Brains sysops and Censors in their eternal
> > misery...
> > So be it....Abandon All Hope...forever...
> > nominal9
> > Rogue View profile
> > More options Aug 27, 12:46 pm
> > From: Rogue <>
> > Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 12:46:29 -0400
> > Local: Fri, Aug 27 2010 12:46 pm
> > Subject: Re: Nominal9 Censorship Hall Of Shame.... enter... Rabbit...
> > the "Pusillanimous Pellet"
> > Forward | Print | Individual message | Show original | Report this
> > message | Find messages by this author
> > Rabbit? Ban posters?
> > Say it ain't so! / rogue
> > - Hide quoted text -
> > -Reporting spam
> > Message reported
> > Rate this post:
> > nominal9 View profile
> > More options Aug 30, 2:33 pm
> > From: nominal9 <>
> > Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 11:33:51 -0700 (PDT)
> > Local: Mon, Aug 30 2010 2:33 pm
> > Subject: Re: Nominal9 Censorship Hall Of Shame.... enter... Rabbit...
> > the "Pusillanimous Pellet"
> > Forward | Print | Individual message | Show original | Remove |
> > Report
> > this message | Find messages by this author
> >
> > Rabbit, the pusillanimous pellet... with the shit-eating grin..... /
> > n9
> > Then I tried to add another post in reply to a snide aside by Rabbit
> > under his pseudonym...RighteousObserver...
> > here's Rabbit's "concealed" whiny-ass post
> > From: RighteousObserver <>
> > Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 04:24:29 -0700 (PDT)
> > Local: Tues, Aug 31 2010 7:24 am
> > Subject: I Sucked The Fun Out Of 71 And Now I'm Here For You On 72!
> > Forward | Print | Individual message | Show original | Report this
> > message | Find messages by this author
> > I *am* RighteousOberserver.
> > Sworn Defender of Board Justice and stoopid shit like
> > that.
> > <doin' the crab>grrrrr</doin' the crab><doin' the crab>grrrrr</doin'
> > the crab> / rabbit
> > To which I replied with my own counter that flashed on the board for
> > a
> > minute or so... before rabbit proceeded to remove it from 72...
> > as I recall it....
> > "The cecotrophic Rabbit, the pusillanimous pellet with the shit-
> > eating grin... turns two big floppy deaf ears...."
> > That was it.... looks like I'm "Banned" from 72... too.....another
> > badge of honor.....
> > Always good to be Banned by the Damned ... see?... Rabbit does
> > deserve
> > to be in Nominal9's Censorship Hall of Shame...
> - Show quoted text -
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Mark M. Kahle H.
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Ths could get worse though with the cyber-czar post Jay Rockerfeller
(D-WV) is proposing
(S. 778, I believe)
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19 November 2010 Last updated at 16:06
Irish government rules out raising corporation tax
Irish Deputy Prime Minister Mary Coughlan Mary Coughlan said there would
be no change to the tax rate
The Irish government has insisted it will not raise the country's low
corporation tax rate in return for a European Union-led bail-out.
Deputy Prime Minister Mary Coughlan said the 12.5% rate - much lower
than the EU average - was "non-negotiable".
Her comments come as speculation grows that France and Germany want
Dublin to raise the tax in return for aid.
Meanwhile a bank at the heart of the crisis, Allied Irish Banks, said
17% of its deposits had flown this year.
The Irish government is in bail-out talks with officials from the EU,
the European Central Bank and the IMF.
Bank woes
Although the Irish government claims to be fully-funded until the middle
of next year, it has provided a blanket guarantee to the Irish banks,
some of whom are now finding it impossible to borrow money in the markets.
Allied Irish Banks (AIB) said that businesses and institutions accounted
for most of the 13bn euros ($18bn, £11bn) deposit flight, implying that
the bank does not face a run by ordinary depositors.
AIB's admission is another sign of a steady loss of confidence in the
Irish banks that has forced them to become increasingly reliant on the
European Central Bank and the Irish Central Bank to refinance their debts.
The bank said it intends to raise 6.6bn euros by issuing new shares,
although in the current market environment the Irish government is the
only investor likely to buy them.
Imminent deal
An aid package is expected to emerge next week, according to an unnamed
source quoted by the Reuters news agency.
It will coincide with, or follow shortly after, the announcement by the
Irish Republic of a new four-year austerity programme.
On Thursday, the Irish government admitted for the first that it needed
outside help.
Finance Minister Brian Lenihan said he felt "no sense of shame" over the
country's economic record, but that it now needed outside help.
Previously the government had said it did not need any financial support
from the European Union and International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The Republic's low corporation tax has been criticised by other EU
nations, who argue that it gives the country too much of an advantage in
attracting overseas investment.
They now argue that the Republic should not be allowed to solely rely on
a bail-out, and that it should instead raise the tax rate to help boost
government funds.
The Financial Times on Friday reported a French official describing it
as "almost predatory".
However, the Republic's European Minister Dick Roche, also insisted that
the corporation tax rate was "certainly not up for negotiation".
He told the BBC: "There has been some very unhelpful chatter in the
background in the last few days about our corporation profit tax.
"Where would be the sense of destroying one of the great drivers of growth?"
EU, European Central Bank, and IMF officials arrived in Dublin on
Thursday to discuss the country's debt crisis, and what aid the country
The Republic's Central Bank Governor, Patrick Honohan, said he expected
a loan in the region of "tens of billions" of euros.
Finance Minister Mr Lenihan said the country's problem were caused by
its heavily indebted banks, which the government has had to bail-out to
the cost of 45bn euros (£39bn; $60.1bn).
"The big difficulty of course is that the banks grew to such a size that
they became too unmanageable for the state itself, that's the big
difficulty here," he said.
"And that's why we have to consider external assistance to stabilise our
banking system."
Mario Huet
Libertarian Alliance Forum
List Administrator
Words cannot picture her; but all men know
That solemn sketch the pure sad artist wrought
James Thomson, The City of Dreadful Night