Saturday, May 19, 2012
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Feds Poised to Seize the Instruments of Rock and Country Stars
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Re: Has the Bell Begun To Toll for the GOP?
You should prime automobile fenders before painting them.
"I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break in pieces." -Étienne de La Boétie
At 08:49 AM 5/19/2012, you wrote:
The majority of folks that Buchanan is talking about and describing, don't give a damn about Dr. Paul's, nor any other conservative or libertarian.......It's naive to believe so.
On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 2:45 PM, MJ <> wrote:
- Buchanan's point is yet ANOTHER reason why the GOP needs Paul. Paul has been 'educating', 'inspiring' and 'leading' the 'youngsters' that the GOP needs.
- Regard$,
- --MJ
- "I have been asked on more than one occasion if I would vote for Romney to keep Obama out of office for a second term. Here is my answer: 1. I don't vote unless the candidate is named Ron Paul. 2. Voting for Romney is like voting for Hitler to keep out Stalin or voting for Stalin to keep out Hitler (N.B. I am not comparing Obama or Romney to Hitler or Stalin; they haven't gotten as many people killedyet). 3. Romney is, as Lew Rockwell recently wrote, "a corporate statist, a follower of the neocons, a war monger, a welfarist, an advocate of torture, concentration camps, the surveillance state, and the all-powerful presidency." This means he is just like Gingrich, Santorum, McCain, and Bush. If I were going to vote Republican to keep out Obama, then it would make no difference which Republican jerk was the candidate. 4. I have a greater chance of getting struck by lighting than my vote for Romney against Obama amounting to anything. 5. The lesser of two evils is still evil (and that is assuming that Romney is the lesser of two evils, which is debatable)." -- Lawrence Vance
- At 08:42 AM 5/19/2012, you wrote:
- Thomas Sowell's commentary today is very similar.....
- On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 2:21 PM, MJ <> wrote:
- Has the Bell Begun To Toll for the GOP?
- by Patrick J. Buchanan
- Among the more controversial chapters in Suicide of a Superpower, my book published last fall, was the one titled, "The End of White America."
- It dealt with the demographic decline of the white majority and what it portends for education, the U.S. economy, politics and national unity.
- That book and chapter proved the proximate cause of my departure from MSNBC, where the network president declared that subjects such as these are inappropriate for "the national dialogue."
- Apparently, the mainstream media are reassessing that.
- For, in rare unanimity, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and USA Today all led yesterday with the same story.
- "Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.," blared the Times headline. "Minority Babies Majority in U.S.," echoed the Post. "Minorities Are Now a Majority of Births," proclaimed USA Today.
- The USA Today story continued, "The nation's growing diversity has huge implications for education, economics and politics."
- Huge is right.
- Not only are whites declining as a share of the population, they are declining in real terms. Between 2010 and 2011, the number of births to white women fell 10 percent. The median age of white Americans, now 43 and rising, means that half of all white women have moved past the age that they are ever likely to bear more children.
- White America is a dying tribe.
- What do these statistics mean politically? Almost surely the end of the Republican Party as a national governing institution.
- Republicans now depend on the vanishing majority for fully 90 percent of their votes in presidential elections, while the Democratic Party wins 60 to 70 percent of the Asian and Hispanic vote and 90 to 95 percent of the black vote.
- The Democratic base is growing inexorably, while the Republican base is shriveling.
- Already, California, Illinois and New York are lost. The GOP has not carried any of the three in five presidential elections. When Texas – where whites are a minority and a declining share of the population – tips, how does the GOP put together an electoral majority?
- Western states like Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Arizona, which Republican nominees like Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan swept almost every time they ran, are becoming problematic for the party.
- Thus the GOP refrain: We must work harder to win over Hispanics.
- Undeniably true. But how does the GOP appeal to them?
- Fifty-three percent of all Hispanic children are born out of wedlock, with no father in the home and many of the moms themselves high school dropouts. Most Hispanic kids thus start school far behind.
- In tests of fourth-, eighth- and 12th-graders, their scores are closer to those of African-American kids than whites and Asians. Their dropout rate matches that of black kids. Absent affirmative action, not only are America's colleges and universities but her professions are going to look far more Asian and white than the national population.
- Not a formula for social peace.
- Comes the reply: We must spend more to close the racial gap in test scores. Yet, according to The Washington Examiner, in the District of Columbia, the community where we have spent perhaps the most per capita to close the racial gap in test scores, the racial gap is by far the largest in the nation.
- Not only do we seem not to know how to close it after four decades of plunging trillions into public schools, the country is tapped out. We are in the fourth consecutive year of trillion-dollar deficits, and our largest and richest state, California, just discovered its deficit has exploded to $16 billion.
- And why should Hispanics vote Republican?
- The majority of Hispanics are among that half of the population that pays no income tax. Why should they vote for a party whose major plank is that it will cut income taxes?
- Hispanics benefit disproportionately from government programs.
- Government puts their kids in Head Start before public school and provides them with Pell grants and student loans after public school.
- From kindergarten through 12th grade, government educates their kids for free. Government provides them with free or subsidized health care through Medicaid and clinics. Government provides their families with public housing and rent supplements. Government provides the food stamps that feed the family. Government provides them with an annual earned income tax credit, a check just for working.
- Government provides all these things, and what are Republicans going to do? They promise to cut government.
- Again, why should Hispanics vote Republican?
- Establishment Republicans say the party should support amnesty for illegal aliens. Yet this would make millions more eligible for federal programs in a country sinking in debt and mean millions more Hispanics going to the polls, and millions more coming to America in anticipation of the next amnesty.
- How would that help the GOP?
- By endlessly expanding Great Society programs, by lopping taxpayers off tax rolls, by supporting open borders and endless immigration from the Third World, the Republican Party, out of sheer nobility of character, has probably ensured its impending departure from history.
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Re: Has the Bell Begun To Toll for the GOP?
Buchanan's point is yet ANOTHER reason why the GOP needs Paul. Paul has been 'educating', 'inspiring' and 'leading' the 'youngsters' that the GOP needs.
"I have been asked on more than one occasion if I would vote for Romney to keep Obama out of office for a second term. Here is my answer: 1. I don't vote unless the candidate is named Ron Paul. 2. Voting for Romney is like voting for Hitler to keep out Stalin or voting for Stalin to keep out Hitler (N.B. I am not comparing Obama or Romney to Hitler or Stalin; they haven't gotten as many people killedyet). 3. Romney is, as Lew Rockwell recently wrote, "a corporate statist, a follower of the neocons, a war monger, a welfarist, an advocate of torture, concentration camps, the surveillance state, and the all-powerful presidency." This means he is just like Gingrich, Santorum, McCain, and Bush. If I were going to vote Republican to keep out Obama, then it would make no difference which Republican jerk was the candidate. 4. I have a greater chance of getting struck by lighting than my vote for Romney against Obama amounting to anything. 5. The lesser of two evils is still evil (and that is assuming that Romney is the lesser of two evils, which is debatable)." -- Lawrence Vance
At 08:42 AM 5/19/2012, you wrote:
Thomas Sowell's commentary today is very similar.....
On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 2:21 PM, MJ <> wrote:
- Has the Bell Begun To Toll for the GOP?
- by Patrick J. Buchanan
- Among the more controversial chapters in Suicide of a Superpower, my book published last fall, was the one titled, "The End of White America."
- It dealt with the demographic decline of the white majority and what it portends for education, the U.S. economy, politics and national unity.
- That book and chapter proved the proximate cause of my departure from MSNBC, where the network president declared that subjects such as these are inappropriate for "the national dialogue."
- Apparently, the mainstream media are reassessing that.
- For, in rare unanimity, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and USA Today all led yesterday with the same story.
- "Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.," blared the Times headline. "Minority Babies Majority in U.S.," echoed the Post. "Minorities Are Now a Majority of Births," proclaimed USA Today.
- The USA Today story continued, "The nation's growing diversity has huge implications for education, economics and politics."
- Huge is right.
- Not only are whites declining as a share of the population, they are declining in real terms. Between 2010 and 2011, the number of births to white women fell 10 percent. The median age of white Americans, now 43 and rising, means that half of all white women have moved past the age that they are ever likely to bear more children.
- White America is a dying tribe.
- What do these statistics mean politically? Almost surely the end of the Republican Party as a national governing institution.
- Republicans now depend on the vanishing majority for fully 90 percent of their votes in presidential elections, while the Democratic Party wins 60 to 70 percent of the Asian and Hispanic vote and 90 to 95 percent of the black vote.
- The Democratic base is growing inexorably, while the Republican base is shriveling.
- Already, California, Illinois and New York are lost. The GOP has not carried any of the three in five presidential elections. When Texas – where whites are a minority and a declining share of the population – tips, how does the GOP put together an electoral majority?
- Western states like Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Arizona, which Republican nominees like Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan swept almost every time they ran, are becoming problematic for the party.
- Thus the GOP refrain: We must work harder to win over Hispanics.
- Undeniably true. But how does the GOP appeal to them?
- Fifty-three percent of all Hispanic children are born out of wedlock, with no father in the home and many of the moms themselves high school dropouts. Most Hispanic kids thus start school far behind.
- In tests of fourth-, eighth- and 12th-graders, their scores are closer to those of African-American kids than whites and Asians. Their dropout rate matches that of black kids. Absent affirmative action, not only are America's colleges and universities but her professions are going to look far more Asian and white than the national population.
- Not a formula for social peace.
- Comes the reply: We must spend more to close the racial gap in test scores. Yet, according to The Washington Examiner, in the District of Columbia, the community where we have spent perhaps the most per capita to close the racial gap in test scores, the racial gap is by far the largest in the nation.
- Not only do we seem not to know how to close it after four decades of plunging trillions into public schools, the country is tapped out. We are in the fourth consecutive year of trillion-dollar deficits, and our largest and richest state, California, just discovered its deficit has exploded to $16 billion.
- And why should Hispanics vote Republican?
- The majority of Hispanics are among that half of the population that pays no income tax. Why should they vote for a party whose major plank is that it will cut income taxes?
- Hispanics benefit disproportionately from government programs.
- Government puts their kids in Head Start before public school and provides them with Pell grants and student loans after public school.
- From kindergarten through 12th grade, government educates their kids for free. Government provides them with free or subsidized health care through Medicaid and clinics. Government provides their families with public housing and rent supplements. Government provides the food stamps that feed the family. Government provides them with an annual earned income tax credit, a check just for working.
- Government provides all these things, and what are Republicans going to do? They promise to cut government.
- Again, why should Hispanics vote Republican?
- Establishment Republicans say the party should support amnesty for illegal aliens. Yet this would make millions more eligible for federal programs in a country sinking in debt and mean millions more Hispanics going to the polls, and millions more coming to America in anticipation of the next amnesty.
- How would that help the GOP?
- By endlessly expanding Great Society programs, by lopping taxpayers off tax rolls, by supporting open borders and endless immigration from the Third World, the Republican Party, out of sheer nobility of character, has probably ensured its impending departure from history.
- --
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Re: Has the Bell Begun To Toll for the GOP?
Has the Bell Begun To Toll for the GOP?
by Patrick J. Buchanan
Among the more controversial chapters in Suicide of a Superpower, my book published last fall, was the one titled, "The End of White America."
It dealt with the demographic decline of the white majority and what it portends for education, the U.S. economy, politics and national unity.
That book and chapter proved the proximate cause of my departure from MSNBC, where the network president declared that subjects such as these are inappropriate for "the national dialogue."
Apparently, the mainstream media are reassessing that.
For, in rare unanimity, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and USA Today all led yesterday with the same story.
"Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.," blared the Times headline. "Minority Babies Majority in U.S.," echoed the Post. "Minorities Are Now a Majority of Births," proclaimed USA Today.
The USA Today story continued, "The nation's growing diversity has huge implications for education, economics and politics."
Huge is right.
Not only are whites declining as a share of the population, they are declining in real terms. Between 2010 and 2011, the number of births to white women fell 10 percent. The median age of white Americans, now 43 and rising, means that half of all white women have moved past the age that they are ever likely to bear more children.
White America is a dying tribe.
What do these statistics mean politically? Almost surely the end of the Republican Party as a national governing institution.
Republicans now depend on the vanishing majority for fully 90 percent of their votes in presidential elections, while the Democratic Party wins 60 to 70 percent of the Asian and Hispanic vote and 90 to 95 percent of the black vote.
The Democratic base is growing inexorably, while the Republican base is shriveling.
Already, California, Illinois and New York are lost. The GOP has not carried any of the three in five presidential elections. When Texas – where whites are a minority and a declining share of the population – tips, how does the GOP put together an electoral majority?
Western states like Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Arizona, which Republican nominees like Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan swept almost every time they ran, are becoming problematic for the party.
Thus the GOP refrain: We must work harder to win over Hispanics.
Undeniably true. But how does the GOP appeal to them?
Fifty-three percent of all Hispanic children are born out of wedlock, with no father in the home and many of the moms themselves high school dropouts. Most Hispanic kids thus start school far behind.
In tests of fourth-, eighth- and 12th-graders, their scores are closer to those of African-American kids than whites and Asians. Their dropout rate matches that of black kids. Absent affirmative action, not only are America's colleges and universities but her professions are going to look far more Asian and white than the national population.
Not a formula for social peace.
Comes the reply: We must spend more to close the racial gap in test scores. Yet, according to The Washington Examiner, in the District of Columbia, the community where we have spent perhaps the most per capita to close the racial gap in test scores, the racial gap is by far the largest in the nation.
Not only do we seem not to know how to close it after four decades of plunging trillions into public schools, the country is tapped out. We are in the fourth consecutive year of trillion-dollar deficits, and our largest and richest state, California, just discovered its deficit has exploded to $16 billion.
And why should Hispanics vote Republican?
The majority of Hispanics are among that half of the population that pays no income tax. Why should they vote for a party whose major plank is that it will cut income taxes?
Hispanics benefit disproportionately from government programs.
Government puts their kids in Head Start before public school and provides them with Pell grants and student loans after public school.
From kindergarten through 12th grade, government educates their kids for free. Government provides them with free or subsidized health care through Medicaid and clinics. Government provides their families with public housing and rent supplements. Government provides the food stamps that feed the family. Government provides them with an annual earned income tax credit, a check just for working.
Government provides all these things, and what are Republicans going to do? They promise to cut government.
Again, why should Hispanics vote Republican?
Establishment Republicans say the party should support amnesty for illegal aliens. Yet this would make millions more eligible for federal programs in a country sinking in debt and mean millions more Hispanics going to the polls, and millions more coming to America in anticipation of the next amnesty.
How would that help the GOP?
By endlessly expanding Great Society programs, by lopping taxpayers off tax rolls, by supporting open borders and endless immigration from the Third World, the Republican Party, out of sheer nobility of character, has probably ensured its impending departure from history.
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Has the Bell Begun To Toll for the GOP?
Has the Bell Begun To Toll for the GOP?
by Patrick J. Buchanan
Among the more controversial chapters in Suicide of a Superpower, my book published last fall, was the one titled, "The End of White America."
It dealt with the demographic decline of the white majority and what it portends for education, the U.S. economy, politics and national unity.
That book and chapter proved the proximate cause of my departure from MSNBC, where the network president declared that subjects such as these are inappropriate for "the national dialogue."
Apparently, the mainstream media are reassessing that.
For, in rare unanimity, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and USA Today all led yesterday with the same story.
"Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.," blared the Times headline. "Minority Babies Majority in U.S.," echoed the Post. "Minorities Are Now a Majority of Births," proclaimed USA Today.
The USA Today story continued, "The nation's growing diversity has huge implications for education, economics and politics."
Huge is right.
Not only are whites declining as a share of the population, they are declining in real terms. Between 2010 and 2011, the number of births to white women fell 10 percent. The median age of white Americans, now 43 and rising, means that half of all white women have moved past the age that they are ever likely to bear more children.
White America is a dying tribe.
What do these statistics mean politically? Almost surely the end of the Republican Party as a national governing institution.
Republicans now depend on the vanishing majority for fully 90 percent of their votes in presidential elections, while the Democratic Party wins 60 to 70 percent of the Asian and Hispanic vote and 90 to 95 percent of the black vote.
The Democratic base is growing inexorably, while the Republican base is shriveling.
Already, California, Illinois and New York are lost. The GOP has not carried any of the three in five presidential elections. When Texas – where whites are a minority and a declining share of the population – tips, how does the GOP put together an electoral majority?
Western states like Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Arizona, which Republican nominees like Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan swept almost every time they ran, are becoming problematic for the party.
Thus the GOP refrain: We must work harder to win over Hispanics.
Undeniably true. But how does the GOP appeal to them?
Fifty-three percent of all Hispanic children are born out of wedlock, with no father in the home and many of the moms themselves high school dropouts. Most Hispanic kids thus start school far behind.
In tests of fourth-, eighth- and 12th-graders, their scores are closer to those of African-American kids than whites and Asians. Their dropout rate matches that of black kids. Absent affirmative action, not only are America's colleges and universities but her professions are going to look far more Asian and white than the national population.
Not a formula for social peace.
Comes the reply: We must spend more to close the racial gap in test scores. Yet, according to The Washington Examiner, in the District of Columbia, the community where we have spent perhaps the most per capita to close the racial gap in test scores, the racial gap is by far the largest in the nation.
Not only do we seem not to know how to close it after four decades of plunging trillions into public schools, the country is tapped out. We are in the fourth consecutive year of trillion-dollar deficits, and our largest and richest state, California, just discovered its deficit has exploded to $16 billion.
And why should Hispanics vote Republican?
The majority of Hispanics are among that half of the population that pays no income tax. Why should they vote for a party whose major plank is that it will cut income taxes?
Hispanics benefit disproportionately from government programs.
Government puts their kids in Head Start before public school and provides them with Pell grants and student loans after public school.
From kindergarten through 12th grade, government educates their kids for free. Government provides them with free or subsidized health care through Medicaid and clinics. Government provides their families with public housing and rent supplements. Government provides the food stamps that feed the family. Government provides them with an annual earned income tax credit, a check just for working.
Government provides all these things, and what are Republicans going to do? They promise to cut government.
Again, why should Hispanics vote Republican?
Establishment Republicans say the party should support amnesty for illegal aliens. Yet this would make millions more eligible for federal programs in a country sinking in debt and mean millions more Hispanics going to the polls, and millions more coming to America in anticipation of the next amnesty.
How would that help the GOP?
By endlessly expanding Great Society programs, by lopping taxpayers off tax rolls, by supporting open borders and endless immigration from the Third World, the Republican Party, out of sheer nobility of character, has probably ensured its impending departure from history.
**JP** Fw: [Yaadein_Meri] every have to say ameen
From: Naveed Ahmed <>
To: Yaadein <>
Sent: Friday, 18 May 2012 7:25 PM
Subject: [Yaadein_Meri] every have to say ameen

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President Zardai damage Pakistan economy and peoples party !!!!!!!!
It was dark day when Benazir Bhutto assassinated The Pakistani nation voted for PPP elected characterless aberrant president, Instead nation should boycott the Election, an uprising riots put shadow of fear in heart and mind of every Pakistani went in shock and think tanks and politician the whole nation was hypnotized by pre -plan of inner and outer enemy of State was involved, Suddenly and abruptly 18 crore Awaam(nation) been hand over to caddish (wicked) President whose found the ABSINTHE (Naag Munny) and become most powerful and rich person in Pakistan after the Bhutto family.
our poor peoples will and should never forgive to PLMN- Nawaz Shariiff,ANP,MQM Q league as well and Big Sconder Gen:Musharraf who has made same deal for his life , When he had expelled Shariff family to Saudi Arabi and push Pakistani nation into deep ABYSMAL to face the consequence until today.what kind of justice system in this country is ? in our country criminals get rewarded after stealing Nation l wealth and public fund with both hand after dacoit could leave country freely with full VIP protocol but public whose get rob by these culprits, Have to suffer lives in a miserly
Since Mr.Zardari become in power poor nation are paralyzed country is facing one of the worse era ever in history of Pakistan I will say divine wrath or curse has send on to this sovereign nation and we must pray to Almighty Allah send your divine power to free 18 crors from devil and culprits ,Nepotism,provincialism,terrorism ,ethnicity's has push peoples of Pakistan in deep quagmire.
lawless country where law offenders could lives and leave freely , its seem to me every institutions are involve in corruption All are partners and every one has sold their conscience for personal interest in the hand of Asif Ali Zardari government seem to me lack of ethical or moral has left or rule of law in our society.
Arab springs in progression but still not clear where and what direction the turmoil will take those countries still too early to determine ,But long time rulers of those empires and emperor's a oppressors, culprits are near to their End game and some of them had sent to hell but their families are on run worlds is to big but not for those sconders any more
their wealth and palaces are siege,They been renowned fame, but now days are famished those most of emperors families are hidden also hiding their identity as just like Nazi's after the world war
In South Asia " Asia Spring " should begin now the revolution is imminent ! peoples of Pakistan must not wait and see the destruction of their motherland why we are waiting to see more partition of country , its time to choose the one party one leader who could take country out of crisis ,
we must leave our all the deference's put on side , We must unite as one nation to save our sovereign land and nuclear assets both had achieved after the big sacrifices , at this time we must show unity regardless who we are ! its time and obligation on every patriots Pakistani all over the world to play the role model for country because its last chance to save the God gifted land there was special purpose & miracle for creation of this land call Pakistan and we must protect now before its late.
Our nation had seen suffer so much last 64 years after Quid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah ,mother e milat , Shaheed Liaqat Ali Khan our nation was hijacked and enemy of Islamic republic of Pakistan never left us alone their conspiracy was involved in our mechanism and amendments of constitution was not betterment of country, only for personal interest to save either dictatorship seat or civilian seat and their corruption or NRO ,
enemy of Pakistan was well awarded after 1947 & 1965 and the history of FATA/ North West frontier if enemy will not success in their conspiracy or their plan in case failed , Then this great nation Pakistani will fail the All enemies plan because both countries Pakistan and Afghanistan has long unforgettable history and die hard nation
could appear as strong Islamic block and develops nation on every sectors will change the map of globe , the reason Pakistan lost so much Pakistan was newly born baby country or new kid in town , it was hard to judge how many enemies Pakistan has except India when Pakistan was hardly stood on their feet at that time country need support and who ever was holding hand or shacking hand with us was our friends because we need help to feed and build this displace nation after partition But leadership was unable to find or see the facts or conspiracy of our enemy who never miss any second or chance to keep us engage and try to finish and fail Pakistan , As our founding fathers addressed in his first presidential speech , we must unite as one nation, the implementing rule of law , protect minority's rights, keep the transparent mechanism , stay away from corruption, we must keep focus on our objective, education, industries,agriculture , all ways first Islamic republic of Pakistan .
Unfortunately after BABA E QUAM AND SHAHEED LIAQAT ALI KHAN within few years Pakistani army Generals or political leadership forget the purpose or real objective or the sacrifices of millions Muslims men and women and child's whose gives their lives for motherland . one after one was power hungers and fought for their chair ship hence those leader should save the nation interest or put country on right direction like china or Japan ,our leadership was totally failed to deal with national and international issues , our strategy was wrong and failed on every sectors , even few leaders try to change the direction to the straight and right path of our country , But once again because of our political failure some of our own politician and army general was involved in conspiracy against motherland those traitors betrayed own nation , never thought about the sovereignty of Pakistan .
I will request every brothers and sisters please support Imran khan and Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf at this time we need your support to save the future of every childes in Pakistan , PTI and Imran khan has vision and ideology also best team around the world most educated and all walk of life peoples are joining to see the change for the betterment of Pakistan .
the main reason of asking your support for Imran Khan , we all knew at this time most political parties are involved in corruption, land grabbing, mafia , ammunition suppliers , Target killings, are part of this corrupt government ,
They are part of problems but not part of solution this incompetent government destroyed the infrastructure of every institutions and sick mechanism had hypnotized the whole society .
Imran khan is capable to unite nation under one flag, Imran khan always fights for peoples rights,
Imran khan is well educated and knowledgeable leaders ik' know how to deal with crisis, how to deal with most critical issues, like terrorism, economy, tax reforms, health, education, jobs, industries, national and international foreign policy issues, ik' know the mood of east &west their cultures and policies he is charismatic leader have credibility to rule the Welfare state inshahallah .
Imran khan has leadership attribute, honest,man of principle. without being in power in government Imran khan built, SMKC, Namol College, flood relief, his assets are in Pakistan all ready declare ,
16 years he setted in opposition bench , man of critic
Imran khan was always against drone attack and against tribal army operation even today America and rest of the world realized their mistaken including Pakistan administration knew but they are traders and treasonist senseless or careless peoples.
we all should be watan prast , INSTEAD QOAAM PRAST, AND SUBAH PRAST,
Aslam Khan
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