Friday, July 6, 2012

**JP** Fw: [sadqayyarasolallah] " " Doosroun Ke Aiyeb " "

--- On Fri, 6/7/12, Rubina Yasmeen <> wrote:

From: Rubina Yasmeen <>
Subject: [sadqayyarasolallah] " " Doosroun Ke Aiyeb " "
Date: Friday, 6 July, 2012, 3:06 PM




Surely We Have Heard A Preacher Calling To The Faith, 
Saying : Believe in Your Allah, So We Did Believe; 
Ya Allah !
 Forgive Us Therefore Our Faults, 
And Cover Our Evil Deeds And Make Us Die With The Righteous.
Ya Allah ! 
Grant Us Good in This World And Good in The Hereafter,
 And Save Us From The Chastisement Of The Fire. 
Ya Allah ! 
Accept From Us ;
Surely Thou Art The Hearing, The Knowing


Please Take A Moment To Forgive Me For All Mistakes

And Make Dua For Me If You Have Received Anything Of Benefit

Share This Post With Ur Family & Friends

Guiding One Soul To Knowledge And Faith Is A Momentous Achievement

It Is What Will Earn Us Great Blessings Insha Allah

May Allah Accept This Little Service From Us

Ameen Ya Rabbul Alameen !!!!!!


Rasool Allah Sallalahu Alaihe
Wassalam Na Farmaya :
"Allah Ki Qasam Agar Tere Zariye
Ek Aadmi Ko Hidayat Mil Jaye Toh
Woh Tere Liye Surq Ountoun Se Behtar Hai

Abu Dawood-JILD3  PAGE 322..



Remembr Me In Ur Prayers

Mrs Rubina Yasmeen


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Bangladesh Rifles revolt: An outcome of international conspiracy

 I was following the media reports of Bangladesh; it was reported in bdnews24 "HRW report 'international conspiracy".  The report said "The Home Ministry circular has termed a New York based human right watchdog's report "part of an international conspiracy" after it called for abolition of elite crime-busting unit, Rapid Action Battalion."

I wondering how the home minister can the facts that human rights watch has publish in report "The Fear Never Leaves Me" as international conspiracy.

Advocate Shahara Khatun, the minister for home affairs is very well known for twisting the truths. In this event when the truths in limited level are exposed the minister came up with her false version calming the reports as international conspiracy.

In reality the 2009 Bangladesh Rifles revolt which was staged on 25 and 26 February 2009 in Dhaka by a section of the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR), was a result a total failure of ruling Awami League government.

I was following the whole events with my contacts inside of the country and outside of the country, I was informed that just before the mutiny held a high profile team of India's external intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing(R&AW) came to Bangladesh and they have also informed what is going to happen to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

 It is Prime Minister Seikh Hasina and his government is involved in conspiracy against the people of Bangladesh.R&AW officials gave assurance to prime minister that all the things will be under control and if the some military officials are controlled in proper way, she would be killed like her father. So it is very much needed to deal the armed officials in proper manner.

A high official of R&AW during his stay in Dhaka during the mutiny meet with me, while sharing some viewpoints she told me what is going inside. She told me that R&AW have guided they prime minister directly and R&AW officials from Delhi and officers in Dhaka directly guiding Prime Minister Hasina to deal with the crisis.

During the meeting on the second day of mutiny the R&AW official told me that the law enforcement officials from the part of Bangladesh are operating under the direct guidance of R&AW.

I was really wondered what I have heard on that meeting , I wonder when prime minister of country take decision based on the guidance of Delhi and take actions based on the reports of R&AW , whether the prime minister has any ability or legitimate reasons to continue on her position.

The aftermath of the mutiny was more dangerous. More international intelligence get involved and the situations get worse. But the truth which was not exposed in media, should be exposed today.

Through my sources inside the Pilkhana , I was getting regular information regarding the inhuman torture, the BDR mutineers were facing.

One of the sources within the law enforcement  were describing the way of torture, the army officials were making naked the mutineers and tied them up and interrogating the and forcing them to speak up. If anyone denied talking they use push on the nails of hand and leg hardly and if even after that if they were not speaking out with the rifle the army officials were heating on the penis. The sources within the law enforcement agencies were saying that we used to torture but we never saw this type of inhuman way of torture.

The beating, using of electric shock were very common practice.

I was in touch with my friend in R&AW , she told me that your prime minister is a brainless idiot, who is really a back boneless , that is why we need to come and guide her, she is doing all these things to save her and her government not to save the nation or army officials.

She told me Prime Minister Hasina has laughed when she heard that army officials   were killed and she said "Allah has done her judgment, some army officials killed my father and now they are killings themselves". Let them die and I will enjoy while they die.

With the direct help of R&AW many of the BDR mutineers were illegally arrested and detained and tortured in different cantonments in the country and they were killed and many of them officially remain missing. The mutineers who are claimed to be missing were killed by army officials due extreme torture during illegal detention. Their family member will never find out their bodies.

In absence of rule of law and democracy, the in the name of mutiny Trials the mockery of justice is going on within the country. The day will come when Sheikh Hasina will bring under the law. If that is not going to happen she will be get killed worse than her father dictators Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Now time will say , which way justice will come up , by the barrels of gun of proper peaceful restoration of rule of law and democracy in the country .


William Gomes, is a Bangladeshi journalist and human rights activist. He can be reached at , cell +8801974440666.

William Nicholas Gomes
Journalist & Human Rights Activist
80/ B Bramon Chiron, Saydabad,
Dhaka-1203, Bangladesh.
Cell: +88 019 7 444 0 666
William [at],editorbd[at]
Skype: William.gomes9
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Lawyers Have Already Drafted 13,000 Pages of Regulations for New ObamaTax Law

Lawyers Have Already Drafted 13,000 Pages of Regulations for New ObamaTax Law

Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, July 5, 2012, 12:37 AM
It's a lawyer's dream!

Officials have already drafted 13,000 pages of new regulations for the new ObamaTax law.

FOX News reported:

With the Supreme Court giving President Obama's new health care law a green light, federal and state officials are turning to implementation of the law — a lengthy and massive undertaking still in its early stages, but already costing money and expanding the government.

The Health and Human Services Department "was given a billion dollars implementation money," Republican Rep. Denny Rehberg of Montana said. "That money is gone already on additional bureaucrats and IT programs, computerization for the implementation."

"Oh boy," Stan Dorn of the Urban Institute said. "HHS has a huge amount of work to do and the states do, too. There will be new health insurance marketplaces in every state in the country, places you can go online, compare health plans."

The IRS, Health and Human Services and many other agencies will now write thousands of pages of regulations — an effort well under way:

"There's already 13,000 pages of regulations, and they're not even done yet," Rehberg said.

"It's a delegation of extensive authority from Congress to the Department of Health and Human Services and a lot of boards and commissions and bureaus throughout the bureaucracy," Matt Spalding of the Heritage Foundation said. "We counted about 180 or so."

There has been much focus on the mandate that all Americans obtain health insurance, but analysts say that's just a small part of the law — covering only a few pages out of the law's 2700.

"The fact of the matter is the mandate is about two percent of the whole piece of the legislation," Spalding said. "It's a minor part."

Much bigger than the mandate itself are the insurance exchanges that will administer $681 billion in subsidies over 10 years, which will require a lot of new federal workers at the IRS and health department.

"They are asking for several hundred new employees," Dorn said. "You have rules you need to write and you need lawyers, so there are lots of things you need to do when you are standing up a new enterprise."

For some, though, the bottom line is clear and troubling: The federal government is about to assume massive new powers.


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The Pauls' New Crusade: "Internet Freedom"

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Ever Feel Like You’re in the Wrong Place? (Part Two)

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In 3 days, FBI will cut your Internet access if you have this virus

New post on Fellowship of the Minds

In 3 days, FBI will cut your Internet access if you have this virus

by Dr. Eowyn

This is NOT a hoax. Please take this warning seriously.

Three days from today, on Monday, July 9, the FBI may cut off your access to the Internet if your computer is infected with a malware.

Warnings about this have been splashed across Facebook and Google, and Internet service providers have sent notices as well. But tens of thousands of Americans may still lose their Internet service Monday unless they do a quick check of their computers for malware that could have stealthily taken over their machines more than a year ago.

Despite repeated alerts, the number of computers that probably are infected is more than 277,000 worldwide, down from about 360,000 in April. Of those still infected, the FBI believes that about 64,000 are in the United States.

Users whose computers are still infected Monday will lose their ability to go online, and they will have to call their service providers for help deleting the malware and reconnecting to the Internet.

The problem began when international hackers ran an online advertising scam to take control of more than 570,000 infected computers around the world. When the FBI went in to take down the hackers late last year, agents realized that if they turned off the malicious servers being used to control the computers, all the victims would lose their Internet service.

In a highly unusual move, the FBI set up a safety net. They brought in a private company to install two clean Internet servers to take over for the malicious servers so that people would not suddenly lose their Internet.

But that temporary system will be shut down at 12:01 a.m. EDT Monday, July 9.

Most victims don't even know their computers have been infected, although the malicious software probably has slowed their Web surfing and disabled their antivirus software, making their machines more vulnerable to other problems.

To check whether a computer is infected, users can visit a website run by the group brought in by the FBI: This link also provides resources for how to "disinfect" your computer should the malware be found on it. Fixing the problem will be much harder once your access to the Internet is cut off.

H/t The Blaze

Yesterday, I went onto and followed the instructions for my operating system, WindowsXP, to see if my "DNS Setting" matches the malicious DNS Setting. Happily, my computer is not infected with this malicious malware.

So go to to check if your computer is infected!

Do it now!


Dr. Eowyn | July 6, 2012 at 5:38 am | Tags: DNS Settings, malware | Categories: crime, Evil, Media, Technology, United States | URL:

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Media reports 'magical' government spending

Media reports 'magical' government spending
Lawrence Reed Columnist
Published Thursday, June 28, 2012

The sins of the mainstream media, which leans so far to the liberal-left you have wonder what holds them up, are not so much what they tell you as what they distort or omit altogether.

Adlai Stevenson's description of the journalist as one who "separates the wheat from the chaff and then prints the chaff" was never more accurate than in the April 5, 2009 edition of The New York Times. Adam Nossiter's article, "Louisiana, a Test Case in Federal Aid," makes lowly chaff seem like nothing less than the cream of the crop. I could have chosen any one of endless examples from the past week but this piece from three years ago has become a classic case of the problem.

Imagine a thief who spends an afternoon pick-pocketing a sizable crowd. In a few hours, he's nabbed thousands of dollars in cash and a bag full of credit cards. He then spends a small fortune at jewelry stores and makes off with the loot as a suspicious citizen who recognizes him cries, "Stop!"

If Nossiter were covering this little episode, the story in The Times the next day would read: "A Good Samaritan yesterday gave several gem shops a big boost when he bought more diamonds than the stores usually sell in a month. The benefits of the spending binge were confirmed by no less an authority than the store owners themselves, who promise to hire more employees if the generous customer comes back regularly. An obviously disgruntled passerby attempted to interfere in the matter by shouting as the customer left, but he was told by an angry store manager to leave well enough alone."

Make these substitutions and you have the gist of the article that appeared in The Times: The Good Samaritan is the federal government, the jewelry store is Louisiana and the passerby who tried to rain on their parade is Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.

The Times story notes that the feds had dumped more than $50 billion in money on Louisiana since Hurricane Katrina. "Indicators suggest," notes Nossiter, that "dumping a large amount of reconstruction money into a confined space . . . has had a positive outcome." Apparently, not even the government can spend $50 billion on construction without yielding some construction.

Gov. Jindal raised objections to this "free" money. He warned of "dire consequences" of the federal spending spree. But Nossiter says not to worry: "In Louisiana, the consequences have hardly been dire ­ just the opposite, in fact." He's looking at the few upon whom the money was spent and ignoring all those from whom the money was taken (including future generations to whom Washington is sending most of the bill through its monumental debt).

Sadly, The Times story is typical of what passes these days for mainstream journalism. Its reasoning is so infantile, its evidence so transparent, and its economics so woefully deficient that one can't help but wonder if it was printed simply to advance somebody's brainless big government agenda.


(Lawrence W. Reed, a resident of Newnan, is president of the Foundation for Economic Education in Irvington, N.Y., and Atlanta.)

**JP** pl see the link did you know?

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RE: **JP** Must be read for you .. Sugar ka alaj


Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2012 02:21:31 -0700
Subject: Re: **JP** Must be read for you .. Sugar ka alaj

plz tell me gond kya chese hai?


--- On Sat, 6/30/12, jan rahi <> wrote:

From: jan rahi <>
Subject: **JP** Must be read for you .. Sugar ka alaj
To: "Pindi-Islamabad" <>,
Date: Saturday, June 30, 2012, 11:18 AM

For ur information guys.

best regards
Jan rahi

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**JP** صدر پاکستان کی نذر۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔

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Same as Congress in action


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Muslim group to host mass prayer at DNC; expects 20,000

Charlotte will never recover from the double stink blast.

New post on Creeping Sharia

Muslim group to host mass prayer at DNC; expects 20,000

by creeping

Labor Day Weekend. Like Islam itself, groups like this are anything but apolitical. Not to mention led by individuals closely tied to terrorists. via Muslims to host events during DNC; up to 20,000 could attend | CHARLOTTE -- A national Muslim American organization plans a series of events to coincide with the Democratic National [...]

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Obama Adviser Valerie Jarrett: Obama Rhetoric Not Responsible For Class Warfare, Fox News Is (Video)

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**JP** How the world sees Pak US raproachment and the apology .

How the world sees Pak US raproachment and the apology




Ever Feel Like You’re in the Wrong Place?

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