Thursday, May 31, 2012
40 Of The Most Powerful Photographs Ever Taken
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A Man’s Guide to Wearing Shorts
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Mark Levin Calls ‘em As He Sees ‘em
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More cannibalism in the 21st Century: Iranian prof cut & ate wife’s lips
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Re: A gay Canadian conservative....and i thought I was the only one...LOL
On May 31, 11:17 am, THE ANNOINTED ONE <> wrote:
> or who one
> chooses
> to hop in the sack with.
> This covered the Gay thing....
> On May 31, 9:56 am, plainolamerican <> wrote:
> > I do believe that like me, most
> > people don't care what one's religious preferences are, or who one
> > chooses
> > to hop in the sack with. ...... The same can be said for race or
> > culture. As
> > long as your liberty interests don't interfere with my liberty
> > interests,
> > then all is right with the world!
> > ---
> > you left out homosexuality
> > own it
> > On May 31, 10:29 am, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> > > Hey Bear,
> > > I do know folks who are on the right, and are also clueless.....However I
> > > am by no means the exception here. I do believe that like me, most
> > > people don't care what one's religious preferences are, or who one chooses
> > > to hop in the sack with. The same can be said for race or culture. As
> > > long as your liberty interests don't interfere with my liberty interests,
> > > then all is right with the world!
> > > I do have an issue with folks who in my opinion are detrimental to our
> > > Nation's well being, and who advocate for large, central government.
> > > Those individuals who don't have an understanding of our history. Those
> > > who believe that "Marxism"; "Socialism", "Communism"; "Trotskyism", and
> > > "Maoism" are truly wonderful political and economic systems, but we just
> > > haven't had the right folks try and implement these types of systems yet.
> > > On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:15 AM, Bear Bear <> wrote:
> > > > *Yes I ran across his blog a while back. he has a good head on his
> > > > shoulders.
> > > > I was just talking to a buddy about the blog I posted and realized that I
> > > > have " come out" 3 times. Gay, Conservative and Atheist. Atheist is the
> > > > hardest. People have very harsh reactions when you tell them that you just
> > > > don't believe in their god. And don't want them wasting their time praying
> > > > for you. Some of the reactions that I have gotten have been very harsh.
> > > > Living in our national capital, a very left wing city, you learn not to
> > > > try and reason with the lefties. They don't even try to argue their case.
> > > > Just get insulting and call you names.
> > > > I can't tell you the number of insults I've gotten along with just amazed
> > > > looks when you tell someone that you are gay and a conservative. Traitor is
> > > > a favourite one. Though just what I have betrayed is never explained to me.
> > > > Critical thought seems to be a thing of the past in our society.
> > > > Especially at universities.
> > > > Bear
> > > > *
> > > > On 31 May 2012 10:51, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> > > >> Good Morning From Tampa Bear,
> > > >> Here's an interesting blog, also from a conservative Gay American. It's
> > > >> refreshing to see some common sense from the Gay community from time to
> > > >> time and on occasion. I salute you, Bruce Majors and others who, "Think".
> > > >>
> > > >> On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Bear Bear <>wrote:
> > > >>> *Just saw this guy on TV. Was kind of surprised that he lives not far
> > > >>> from me. Same neighbourhood...LOL
> > > >>> He has an interesting blog. And the film society that he founded has
> > > >>> some great stuff. Some of you might remember a while back when they tried
> > > >>> to show a film about the Iranian regime. And the Iranian embassy tried to
> > > >>> have it shut down. When that failed they got bomb threats.
> > > >>> any hoo. his blog makes for an interesting read.
> > > >>>
> > > >>> bear
> > > >>> *
> > > >>> --
> > > >>> Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
> > > >>> For options & help see
> > > >>> * Visit our other community at
> > > >>> * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls.
> > > >>> * Read the latest breaking news, and more.
> > > >> --
> > > >> Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
> > > >> For options & help see
> > > >> * Visit our other community at
> > > >> * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls.
> > > >> * Read the latest breaking news, and more.
> > > > --
> > > > Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
> > > > For options & help see
> > > > * Visit our other community at
> > > > * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls.
> > > > * Read the latest breaking news, and more.
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Re: Were Nazi Soldiers Heroes?
Nazis were a "minority" party that took control of the government by
applying the existing bureaucratic rules and petty jealousies
rigorously in the 30s.
On May 30, 5:19 pm, MJ <> wrote:
> Wednesday, May 30, 2012Were Nazi Soldiers Heroes?by Jacob G. Hornberger
> Have you ever noticed that Nazi soldiers, especially those who died in World War II, are never celebrated as heroes? Why is that? Didn t they answer the call of their government in time of war? Didn t they serve their country by loyally obeying the dictates of their government? Weren t they patriots for their willingness to fight and die for their country?
> I m not talking about soldiers who committed war crimes or who participated in the Holocaust. I m talking about ordinary German soldiers, many of whom were civilians before the war started, who fought Allied forces in North Africa, at the Battle of the Bulge, on the Eastern front, and elsewhere.
> Why aren t those Nazi soldiers treated as heroes? Didn t some of them fight as courageously and heroically as British, Soviet, or American soldiers? Why are they not honored as heroes as much as Allied soldiers are?
> Indeed, why aren t German citizens during World War II honored for having come to the support of their government during a time of war? Didn t the German people do what citizens are supposed to do? Sure, Germany ended up losing the war but no one can say that the average German citizen didn t do everything he could to win the war.
> Yesterday, theWashington Timeswent on the attackagainst MSNBC host Chris Hayes for questioning the automatic invocation of the term heroes to describe American soldiers who have died in America s many wars. TheTimeswrote:The word heroes has been used to describe America s fallen for more than 200 years. It s not rhetorically proximate to justifications for war but a traditional mark of gratitude and respect for the sacrifice made by the person who was killed and the family members left behind. It s a way of recognizing that regardless of how a person died, he did so in service to the country. It s not a glorification of war but a solemn acknowledgment of sacrifice.What s not clear from theTimesposition, however, is whether the principles it enunciates apply only American soldiers or to soldiers in every country. Applying the standard set forth by theTimes,would it be appropriate for Germans to use the word heroes to describe Germany s fallen in the many wars in which Germany has been involved, including World War II? Could it be said that describing Nazi soldiers killed in World War II as heroes would not serve to justify World War II but instead serve simply as a mark of gratitude and respect for the sacrifice made by the German soldier who was killed and the family members left behind? Could it be said that this would just be a way to recognize that regardless of how the Nazi soldier died, he did so in service to his country? Could it be said that describing the Nazi soldier as a hero would not be a glorification of war but rather a solemn acknowledgement of sacrifice?
> In other words, would theTimesapply its principles regarding war, soldiers, heroism, and patriotism only to the United States or universally?
> Or do they apply only to the winners? Do they apply, for example, to the Soviet Union, one of the winners of World War II, which was governed by a brutal communist regime during the war and for decades afterward, a regime that oppressed Jews and others and kept Eastern Europe under its iron boot for decades after the end of the war. Were communist soldiers opposing Nazi soldiers heroes for serving their government during time of war? Were they heroes for their willingness to die to ensure that their country remained under communist rule rather than Nazi rule?
> Indeed, how would theTimesapply its principles to the Vietnam War, a war that the United States lost? Surely, it would say that American soldiers who served in Vietnam or who died there were heroes, except perhaps for the ones who committed war crimes. Would it say the same about North Vietnamese communist soldiers or about the Viet Cong?
> It seems to me that the reason that Nazi soldiers have never been honored as heroes is because the world has long held Germany to a different standard than the one that theWashington Timesapplies to the United States. Both German soldiers and the German citizenry should have made a critical examination of what their government was doing and realized that their government was in the wrong. On reaching that determination, it was the duty of the individual soldier to refuse to participate in the military, and it was the duty of the citizen to oppose his government, even in time of war.
> Obviously, the Nazi government didn t take that position. Its position was that it is the solemn duty of the citizen to come to the support of his government in time of crisis or war. The Hitler regime viewed the citizen who joined the Nazi armed forces as a hero for his willingness to fight and die for his country. The German people who supported the troops and the rest of the government were looked upon as patriots.
> Isn t that the same standard adhered to by many Americans with respect to America s wars, soldiers, and citizenry?
> There were some German citizens who said no. Among them were Hans and Sophie Scholl and the members of a secret organization called the White Rose. Their position on patriotism was entirely different from the official one. They felt that it was the duty of a citizen to make a critical examination of his government s policies. That s what the White Rose members did, and they concluded that the Nazi government was in the wrong. Thus, the White Rose group not only opposed their government in the middle of World War II, they also exhorted the German citizenry, including German soldiers, to rise up and overthrow the Hitler regime.
> Not surprisingly, the German authorities considered the White Rose members to be bad people and unpatriotic Germans, which is why they executed them. Personally,I happen to believethat they were among the most courageous and heroic people in history.
> In 1951, during the Korean War, Leonard E. Read, the founder of The Foundation for Economic Education, wrote one of the most thought-provoking essays ever written, entitled.Conscience on the Battlefield. In that essay, Read stated that from a moral standpoint, no soldier can ever escape the consequences of his individual actions during war simply by later telling God that he was following orders or loyally serving his government during time of war. It was incumbent on each soldier, Read stated, to make a personal determination as to whether the killing he was ordered to do was morally justified and could be reconciled with the soldier s individual conscience.
> In my opinion, Read and the White Rose people had it right. The genuine patriot stands and fights for his government when it is right and he refuses to support it and even opposes it when it is in the wrong. That s the type of courage and heroism that enlightens a country, not the blind type of my government, right or wrong type of patriotism and heroism that afflicted Nazi Germany and that continues to afflict people in many other countries today.
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Fwd: [LA-F] Mother-of-two, 36, receives police warning for Facebook joke about squirting Olympic flame with water pistol
Mother-of-two, 36, receives police warning for Facebook joke about squirting Olympic flame with water pistol
- Helen Perry, 36, joked that she would block the torch after learning people from 60 miles away had been chosen to carry the torch through her town
- The former care home manager wrote: 'Let's all have a street party on the route so its blocked till they hand the torch to a Brid born and bred person'
- She posted comments on local newspaper's Facebook page
By Rob Cooper
PUBLISHED: 13:22, 31 May 2012 | UPDATED: 15:30, 31 May 2012

Arrest threat: Helen Perry who joked on Facebook that she would squirt out the Olympic flame with her son's water pistol
A mother-of-two who joked on Facebook that she would squirt the Olympic flame out with a water pistol was given a police warning.
Helen Perry, 36, was threatened with arrest after writing that she had her son's water guns at the ready after learning that people who live 60 miles away had been chosen to carry the torch through her hometown.
She also said that she would blockade the route through Bridlington, East Yorkshire, until they chose a local person to take part in the relay.
Several weeks after posting the light-hearted comments on a local newspaper page, she received a call from police.
'I could not believe what I was hearing when I answered my phone and it was the police calling about what I had written on Facebook,' said the former care home manager.
'At first I thought it was a joke.
'The officer I spoke to warned me that if I carried out what I had joked about online then I would be committing a criminal offence and would be arrested.
'I understand that security is very tight at the moment what with the Olympics and the Queen's Jubilee but this was very clearly a joke.
'Bridlington is quite a small place and it was just like we were having a conversation between friends on Facebook.

Water pistol threat: Helen Perry writes on Facebook that she has nicked her son's water pistol ready to target the Olympic flame in a series of messages posted on a community page
'The tone was clearly light-hearted.
'I got quite a telling off and I remember him mentioning something about terrorism.
'I felt quite stupid because I have warned people in the past to be careful what they post on Facebook.'
Mrs Perry said she assured the police officer that she would not do anything to disrupt the relay when it passes through Bridlington later this month.
Mrs Perry first posted: 'there are people in brid who do deserve the privilege and should've been a consideration.'

Torch threat: Karen Ashton is pictured carrying the Olympic Flame between Macclesfield and Knutsford in Cheshire today

Torchbearer: Chancellor George Osborne stands with Michael Dooling in his constituency today as the flame visits Tatton Park, Cheshire
She later wrote: 'Let's all have a street party on the route so its blocked till they hand the torch to a brid born and bred person. Lol.'
Another user wrote on the thread that they should arm themselves with water guns and put the flame out in protest.
In a light-hearted response Mrs Perry put: 'I've already nicked the kids water guns. LoL.'
A spokesman for Humberside Police confirmed that words of advice were offered to a Bridlington woman following comments made about disruption to the Olympic Torch's progress in advance of its forthcoming visit to the region.
Assistant Chief Constable Alan Leaver said: 'We are delighted the torch is coming to the region. Officers from the Yorkshire and Humber region want to make sure that it is a happy event which people can come and enjoy.
'Anyone intent on causing trouble will be dealt with appropriately. We won't allow people to make a nuisance of themselves.'
The 70-day relay started in Land's End and will finish on July 27 at the opening ceremony of the Games.
Each torch cost £495 to make but runners were offered the chance to buy them for just £215, while those who won their places through sponsors, such as Coca-Cola, were given them for free.
Many of the torch-bearers have listed the torch for sale on Ebay, with some demanding £100,000 pounds.
Olympic bosses have come under fire for allowing The Voice's American judge carry the Games' torch.
A man has appeared in court charged with threatening to disrupt the Olympic Torch relay.
Darren Cole, 40, appeared via video link in a blue T-shirt at Taunton Magistrates' Court today after being charged under the criminal damage act.
It is alleged Cole, of no fixed abode, phoned a journalist at a national newspaper on May 20 and threatened to set fire to his camper van, which would have damaged property nearby.
The threat was made on the eve of the third day of the Torch relay prior to the Olympic flame being carried through the Somerset town.
Thousands of people lined the streets of Taunton with music star a surprise torchbearer.
Cole was remanded in custody and is due to appear before the same court on June 13.
-- Mario Huet Libertarian Alliance Forum List Administrator ********************************************** Words cannot picture her; but all men know That solemn sketch the pure sad artist wrought ********************************************** James Thomson, The City of Dreadful Night
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Re: A gay Canadian conservative....and i thought I was the only one...LOL
to hop in the sack with.
This covered the Gay thing....
On May 31, 9:56 am, plainolamerican <> wrote:
> I do believe that like me, most
> people don't care what one's religious preferences are, or who one
> chooses
> to hop in the sack with. ...... The same can be said for race or
> culture. As
> long as your liberty interests don't interfere with my liberty
> interests,
> then all is right with the world!
> ---
> you left out homosexuality
> own it
> On May 31, 10:29 am, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> > Hey Bear,
> > I do know folks who are on the right, and are also clueless.....However I
> > am by no means the exception here. I do believe that like me, most
> > people don't care what one's religious preferences are, or who one chooses
> > to hop in the sack with. The same can be said for race or culture. As
> > long as your liberty interests don't interfere with my liberty interests,
> > then all is right with the world!
> > I do have an issue with folks who in my opinion are detrimental to our
> > Nation's well being, and who advocate for large, central government.
> > Those individuals who don't have an understanding of our history. Those
> > who believe that "Marxism"; "Socialism", "Communism"; "Trotskyism", and
> > "Maoism" are truly wonderful political and economic systems, but we just
> > haven't had the right folks try and implement these types of systems yet.
> > On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:15 AM, Bear Bear <> wrote:
> > > *Yes I ran across his blog a while back. he has a good head on his
> > > shoulders.
> > > I was just talking to a buddy about the blog I posted and realized that I
> > > have " come out" 3 times. Gay, Conservative and Atheist. Atheist is the
> > > hardest. People have very harsh reactions when you tell them that you just
> > > don't believe in their god. And don't want them wasting their time praying
> > > for you. Some of the reactions that I have gotten have been very harsh.
> > > Living in our national capital, a very left wing city, you learn not to
> > > try and reason with the lefties. They don't even try to argue their case.
> > > Just get insulting and call you names.
> > > I can't tell you the number of insults I've gotten along with just amazed
> > > looks when you tell someone that you are gay and a conservative. Traitor is
> > > a favourite one. Though just what I have betrayed is never explained to me.
> > > Critical thought seems to be a thing of the past in our society.
> > > Especially at universities.
> > > Bear
> > > *
> > > On 31 May 2012 10:51, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> > >> Good Morning From Tampa Bear,
> > >> Here's an interesting blog, also from a conservative Gay American. It's
> > >> refreshing to see some common sense from the Gay community from time to
> > >> time and on occasion. I salute you, Bruce Majors and others who, "Think".
> > >>
> > >> On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Bear Bear <>wrote:
> > >>> *Just saw this guy on TV. Was kind of surprised that he lives not far
> > >>> from me. Same neighbourhood...LOL
> > >>> He has an interesting blog. And the film society that he founded has
> > >>> some great stuff. Some of you might remember a while back when they tried
> > >>> to show a film about the Iranian regime. And the Iranian embassy tried to
> > >>> have it shut down. When that failed they got bomb threats.
> > >>> any hoo. his blog makes for an interesting read.
> > >>>
> > >>> bear
> > >>> *
> > >>> --
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> > >>> For options & help see
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> > >> --
> > >> Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups.
> > >> For options & help see
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> > >> * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls.
> > >> * Read the latest breaking news, and more.
> > > --
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