Sunday, September 9, 2012
Re: Why is Incest Not Allowed?
On Sep 9, 9:00 am, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> Democrats have been inbreeding for years......Look at the damage done!
> On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 10:12 PM, nick <> wrote:
> > between consenting adults?
> > --
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U.S. and Muslim Brotherhood-led Egypt Conducting Joint Military Exercises
creeping posted: "via US, Egypt Conducting Joint Military Exercises Just days after a report that the U.S. was sharply cutting its participation in a military exercise scheduled with Israel, U.S. planes landed in Egypt Tuesday for a joint exercise, the first since the fal"
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I sense some uneasy frustration from Republitards...
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Re: Obama 'cancelled missions to kill bin Laden THREE TIMES after getting cold feet
> Saw THIS today ... which speaks LOUDER ....For the Sheeple Who Still Believe That Obama Killed bin LadenPosted byDavid Krameron September 7, 2012 06:13 AMIn this interview with our current Murderer-in-Chief, he discusses the procedures that are followed before ordering drone bombings on suspected "terrorists" (which always seem to include innocent civilians). At 1: 35 in the segment, O-bomb-a states:"Our preference is always to capture if we can, because we can gather intelligence."But when the U.S. military had allegedly captured the NUMBER ONE terrorist in the world (at least in the U.S. government's eyes), Osama bin Laden, who was UNARMED and NOT RESISTING, they shot him in cold blood??? Do you think that perhaps the NUMBER ONE terrorist in the world might have had a wee bit of intelligence that would have been useful to the United States government??? Hmmm???
The only thing anyone cares about; is that he's dead... not what his
thoughts are.
Wasn't it Bush Jr. who said; he WASN'T important now?
I love it when anyone uses the term "intelligence" to depict someone
with zero intellect.
Intelligence: is information valued for its currency and relevance
rather than its detail or accuracy.
They did EXACTLY the right thing: shoot first and ask questions later.
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Re: It’s Not $16 Trillion — It’s $222 Trillion
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Re: Jobs and Politics: Republicans have the wrong answers for fixing the weak job market.
> Obama is killing children ever day with drones
Yeah, he doesn't like eating live children.
Drones? You mean the kind that work for Walmart?
> You and he are killers
Yes. He isn't a saint like Bush Jr. The Savior Of America.
> And he stayed silent until after north Carolina outlawed gay marriage and
> you still suck his dick
Well at least Lord Willard Romney isn't staying silent...
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Re: Republicans seek to knock libertarians off the ballot in Virginia, Michigan and many states
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The misconception of Lemmings
creatures related to rats, mice, hamsters, and gerbils.
Lemmings became the subject of a popular misconception that they
commit mass suicide when they migrate. Actually, it is not a mass
suicide, but the result of their migratory behavior.
Driven by strong biological urges, some species of lemmings may
migrate in large groups when population density becomes too great.
Lemmings can swim and may choose to cross a body of water in search of
a new habitat. In such cases, many may drown if the body of water is
so wide as to stretch their physical capability to the limit.
This fact, combined with the unexplained fluctuations in the
population of Norwegian lemmings, gave rise to the misconception.
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Re: Why is Incest Not Allowed?
between consenting adults? --
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Plutocracy of the Damned (Part 3)
Sard posted: " Two of the primary sources for this article are G. Edward Griffin's book The Creature form Jekyll Island and William Still's informative documentary The Secret of Oz. If you do anything, please watch these videos, regardless of your political affiliation"
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