Monday, February 27, 2012
Re: [PresidentBarakObama] Anita Bryant's Ex-Hubby Bob Green Dies Full of Hatred, Bigotry & Blaming Gays
And they and their parents are not free to choose a safer school to go to
Because Tammy and her fuhrer Obama get their funding from the educrat cartel, loot paid to them for the slave children they sell to the educrats
On Monday, February 27, 2012, THE ANNOINTED ONE <> wrote:
> It is also what happens when you try to force your agenda down the
> throats of others... BEWARE TOMMYTOMTOM... you too will reap what you
> sow.
> On Feb 27, 8:05 am, Tommy News <> wrote:
>> Anita Bryant's Ex-Hubby Dies Full of Hatred, Bigotry & Blaming Gays
>> Note: Homophobic Miss America loser and anti-gay activist Anita "Save
>> The Children" Bryant is living in obscurity in Edmond, Oklahoma with
>> her second husband Charlie Dry. She went bankrupt twice. Florida's
>> ban on gay adoption, which Bryant championed, was finally overturned
>> in 2010. More here:
>> Guest blogger Will Kohler is a freelance writer and activist from
>> Cincinnati, Ohio. Will blogs at
>> Bob Green, was a onetime radio DJ who married pop Miss Oklahoma and
>> orange juice spokesman Anita Bryant, managed her career and then
>> followed her into anti-gay activism - which ultimately destroyed their
>> careers and marriage. For more than 30 years Green lived alone full of
>> hate and resentment blaming gays for all of his problems. Green was
>> found dead Jan. 26 at his home in Miami Beach. He was 80.
>> In 1977, Mr. Green and Bryant led a successful effort to repeal
>> Miami-Dade County's newly passed gay rights ordinance, Bryant out
>> front and the tall, handsome Green behind the scenes, as he had been
>> when he managed her singing career...
>> Flush with victory in Miami-Dade, the couple founded Anita Bryant
>> Ministries, which offered "deprogramming" and halfway houses for gays
>> and a lecture series called "Design for Successful Living," aimed at
>> battling divorce...
>> In 1980, Bryant filed for divorce, a scandal in the Christian circles
>> where she'd been revered. Mr. Green begged her to reconcile in an open
>> letter: "Let us both put aside all other earthly considerations and
>> reunite in Christian love."Bryant wasn't interested. She told People
>> magazine: "Divorce is against everything I believe in. I wanted to
>> save my marriage, but I decided that was not the route to go."
>> The following year, she told a woman's magazine that the marriage "was
>> never much good to begin with" and hinted that both had been
>> unfaithful.
>> In 2007, Mr. Green told the Miami Herald that he blamed gay people for
>> the turmoil in his life because "their stated goal was to put [Bryant]
>> out of business and destroy her career. And that's what they did. It's
>> unfair."
>> No one should ever celebrate the death of another but in Bob Greene's
>> case (and the eventual upcoming of Anita Bryant's) its a very hard
>> thing not to do.
>> So many forget that Bryant and Green obsessed when Miami-Dade County
>> added an amendment to its human rights ordinance, making it illegal to
>> discriminate in housing, employment, loans, and public accommodations
>> based on "affectional or sexual preference."
>> They forget that Bryant is the "originator" of the lie that children
>> would be molested or converted by gay perverts. "As a mother," she
>> famously explained, "I know that homosexuals cannot biologically
>> reproduce children; therefore, they must recruit our children."
>> Bryant and Greene fanned the flames of anti-gay bigotry with speaking
>> tours that made her a national spokesperson against "homosexual
>> rights." She was the star attraction at rallies that led to the repeal
>> of gay rights in numerous cities, and she came to California to
>> support the Briggs Initiative in 1978 (which failed, but would have
>> banned homosexuals or anyone advocating the "gay lifestyle" from
>> teaching in public schools).
>> "I don't hate the homosexuals," she wrote in a fundraising letter.
>> "But as a mother, I must protect my children from their evil
>> influence." and promised she would "seek help and change for
>> homosexuals, whose sick and sad values belie the word 'gay' which they
>> pathetically use to cover their unhappy lives."
>> You reap what you sow. Anita Bryant and Bob Green sowed hate. They
>> lost their fortune, their OJ gig, and their marriage. Greene died
>> alone, bitter and filled with hate.
>> Take note Tony Perkins, Bryan J. Fischer, and Maggie Gallagher - this
>> is what happens when people are more con> More:
>> --
>> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
>> Have a great day,
>> Tommy
>> --
>> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
>> Have a great day,
>> Tommy
> --
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> For options & help see
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Re: Anita Bryant's Ex-Hubby Bob Green Dies Full of Hatred, Bigotry & Blaming Gays
throats of others... BEWARE TOMMYTOMTOM... you too will reap what you
On Feb 27, 8:05 am, Tommy News <> wrote:
> Anita Bryant's Ex-Hubby Dies Full of Hatred, Bigotry & Blaming Gays
> Note: Homophobic Miss America loser and anti-gay activist Anita "Save
> The Children" Bryant is living in obscurity in Edmond, Oklahoma with
> her second husband Charlie Dry. She went bankrupt twice. Florida's
> ban on gay adoption, which Bryant championed, was finally overturned
> in 2010. More here:
> Guest blogger Will Kohler is a freelance writer and activist from
> Cincinnati, Ohio. Will blogs at
> Bob Green, was a onetime radio DJ who married pop Miss Oklahoma and
> orange juice spokesman Anita Bryant, managed her career and then
> followed her into anti-gay activism - which ultimately destroyed their
> careers and marriage. For more than 30 years Green lived alone full of
> hate and resentment blaming gays for all of his problems. Green was
> found dead Jan. 26 at his home in Miami Beach. He was 80.
> In 1977, Mr. Green and Bryant led a successful effort to repeal
> Miami-Dade County's newly passed gay rights ordinance, Bryant out
> front and the tall, handsome Green behind the scenes, as he had been
> when he managed her singing career...
> Flush with victory in Miami-Dade, the couple founded Anita Bryant
> Ministries, which offered "deprogramming" and halfway houses for gays
> and a lecture series called "Design for Successful Living," aimed at
> battling divorce...
> In 1980, Bryant filed for divorce, a scandal in the Christian circles
> where she'd been revered. Mr. Green begged her to reconcile in an open
> letter: "Let us both put aside all other earthly considerations and
> reunite in Christian love."Bryant wasn't interested. She told People
> magazine: "Divorce is against everything I believe in. I wanted to
> save my marriage, but I decided that was not the route to go."
> The following year, she told a woman's magazine that the marriage "was
> never much good to begin with" and hinted that both had been
> unfaithful.
> In 2007, Mr. Green told the Miami Herald that he blamed gay people for
> the turmoil in his life because "their stated goal was to put [Bryant]
> out of business and destroy her career. And that's what they did. It's
> unfair."
> No one should ever celebrate the death of another but in Bob Greene's
> case (and the eventual upcoming of Anita Bryant's) its a very hard
> thing not to do.
> So many forget that Bryant and Green obsessed when Miami-Dade County
> added an amendment to its human rights ordinance, making it illegal to
> discriminate in housing, employment, loans, and public accommodations
> based on "affectional or sexual preference."
> They forget that Bryant is the "originator" of the lie that children
> would be molested or converted by gay perverts. "As a mother," she
> famously explained, "I know that homosexuals cannot biologically
> reproduce children; therefore, they must recruit our children."
> Bryant and Greene fanned the flames of anti-gay bigotry with speaking
> tours that made her a national spokesperson against "homosexual
> rights." She was the star attraction at rallies that led to the repeal
> of gay rights in numerous cities, and she came to California to
> support the Briggs Initiative in 1978 (which failed, but would have
> banned homosexuals or anyone advocating the "gay lifestyle" from
> teaching in public schools).
> "I don't hate the homosexuals," she wrote in a fundraising letter.
> "But as a mother, I must protect my children from their evil
> influence." and promised she would "seek help and change for
> homosexuals, whose sick and sad values belie the word 'gay' which they
> pathetically use to cover their unhappy lives."
> You reap what you sow. Anita Bryant and Bob Green sowed hate. They
> lost their fortune, their OJ gig, and their marriage. Greene died
> alone, bitter and filled with hate.
> Take note Tony Perkins, Bryan J. Fischer, and Maggie Gallagher - this
> is what happens when people are more concerned about how others should
> live than their own happiness. They will face this same bitter end.
> More:
> --
> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> Have a great day,
> Tommy
> --
> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> Have a great day,
> Tommy
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**JP** Fw: WAKE UP Pakistan'

Violent Uproar in Afghanistan Casts Shadow on U.S. Pullout
Dar Yasin/Associated Press
An American soldier guarding the Parwan detention facility near Bagram
Air Base in Afghanistan last year. Korans from the library at Parwan
were mistakenly incinerated at the Bagram base last week.
Published: February 26, 2012
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CloseDiggRedditTumblrPermalink WASHINGTON — American officials sought
to reassure both Afghanistan's government and a domestic audience on
Sunday that the United States remained committed to the war after the
weekend killing of two American military officers inside the Afghan
Interior Ministry and days of deadly anti-American protests.
Blast Wounds at Least 6 Americans in Afghanistan (February 27, 2012)
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But behind the public pronouncements, American officials described a
growing concern, even at the highest levels of the Obama
administration and Pentagon, about the challenges of pulling off a
troop withdrawal in Afghanistan that hinges on the close mentoring and
training of army and police forces.
Despite an American-led training effort that has spanned years and
cost tens of billions of dollars, the Afghan security forces are still
widely seen as riddled with dangerously unreliable soldiers and police
officers. The distrust has only deepened as a pattern of attacks by
Afghan security forces on American and NATO service members, beginning
years ago, has drastically worsened over the past few days. A grenade
attack on Sunday, apparently by a protester, wounded at least six
American soldiers.
Nearly a week of violent unrest after American personnel threw Korans
into a pit of burning trash has brought into sharp relief the growing
American and Afghan frustration — and, at times, open hostility — and
the risks of a strategy that calls for American soldiers and civilians
to work closely with Afghans.
The United States now has what one senior American official said was
"almost no margin of error" in trying to achieve even limited goals in
Afghanistan after a series of crises that have stirred resentment.
The official said the unrest might complicate but was unlikely to
significantly alter the overall plan: to keep pulling out troops and
focus instead on using Special Operations forces to train the Afghans
and go after insurgent and militant leaders in targeted raids while
diplomats try opening talks with the Taliban.
At the same time, the administration plans to continue negotiations on
a long-term framework to guide relations with Afghanistan after the
NATO mission through the International Security Assistance Force
(ISAF) ends in 2014. Officials from the White House, the State
Department, the Pentagon and other agencies are to begin meeting this
week to hammer out details of the various efforts, and to work out the
size of the next round of withdrawals, which President Obama is
expected to announce at a NATO summit meeting planned for May in
Those immediate talks, officials say, could be most affected. What
only weeks ago was an undercurrent of anti-Americanism in Afghanistan
is now a palpable fury, and if the situation continues to deteriorate
at its current pace, plans could be altered, the official said.
"There's a certain impatience — I mean, there are people who don't see
how we succeed under the current conditions, and their case is getting
stronger," the official said.
Hundreds of American military and civilian advisers have already been
pulled out of the Afghan ministries and government departments in
Kabul, the capital. While that move has been described as temporary,
the official declined to speculate about what kind of long-term
changes could be envisioned. The official and others interviewed for
this article spoke on condition of anonymity because of the
sensitivity of the crisis with Afghanistan.
Another administration official said the unrest was "going to have a
really negative effect" on all the initiatives but added that much
remained unclear and that the focus was on damage control.
Regardless of the challenges, and possible setbacks to vital
negotiations, senior American officials said on Sunday that the
mission had to go on. "This is not the time to decide that we're done
here," the American ambassador in Kabul, Ryan C. Crocker, said in an
interview on CNN. "We have got to redouble our efforts. We've got to
create a situation in which Al Qaeda is not coming back."
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton expressed regret for the
burning of the Korans but said it should not derail the American
military and diplomatic effort in Afghanistan. "We are condemning it
in the strongest possible terms," she said in Rabat, Morocco, "but we
also believe that the violence must stop, and the hard work of trying
to build a more peaceful, prosperous and secure Afghanistan must
Another administration official said, however, that there was
recognition that the commitment was most likely to carry a greater
political cost. "There is no less a commitment to a long-term
relationship with Afghanistan," the official said. "But is there a
concern now that many will question the need to stay? Yes — especially
in an election year."
Continued Here:
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**JP** Pakistan Military Chief is also person in command of 14 official Prisons.
Pakistan Military Chief is also person in command of 14 official Prisons.
International Professor
In September 2011 Pakistan's army chief ordered to immediately vacate and handover Kohat and Lakki Marwat prisons to Military intelligence. This news item was published in national papers but Human Rights Pakistan's Liberal Fascists did not bother to lodge single protest.
Later it was confirmed in a report: "Another official in the local administration said the army had demanded the control of Kohat and Lakki Marwat prisons and that was granted without delay. When contacted, Superintendent Kohat district prison Aitzaz Jadoon said his bosses had ordered him to vacate the jail for the army and he just complied with the orders." (Daily Dawn)
Practically Pakistan Military is running above 200 undeclared detention centres, hidden Ghettos, torture cells, death cells and torment centres designed on Nazi Fascist philosophies, spread all over Pakistan.
Around 40,000 – 50,000 persons are sure in different Military operated prison cells. Another 15,000 citizens that are named "Missing Persons" by media were in fact kidnapped by Military Agencies are believed to be alive and are being kept under Military ghettos as well. Some investigation centres or so called offices in urban areas were well known to public, as movements of intelligence vehicles are widely familiar by locals because it is no more a secret that all military dictators have been using same facilities. Panic was created when some centres were attacked where foreigners were busy in investigations and some attacks took place on Military Intelligence centres believed to be the hidden prison cells, the product of the ongoing civil war on the name of U.S. sponsored war of terror.
Pakistani's killed by tortures, target killings and died due to malnutrition or wounded during torment at hidden facilities are usually dumped on the sides of the streets. People are aware of some mass burial places but afraid to come forward particularly at Swat, Malakand, Fata and different parts of Baluchistan.
Not only Kohat and Lakki Marwat but Bannu and DIKhan prisons are more or less in control of Pakistan Military intelligence. In the past Kohat Prison was used in December 2001 when it was handed over to FBI to hold 156 persons that were arrested on Afghan border along Kurram Agency, believed to be with the help of Turi tribes, in 2002 those were transported to Guantanamo Bay camp via Bagram airbase in Afghanistan. Musharraf and current generals received hard cash at that time and later made them addict of free money permanently. Those were initial occurrences which brought easy money into pockets of Military officials and later their greed of dollars was enhanced to a cynical high level.
The control of Military Intelligence agencies are not restricted to above jails, how Military is penetrated in civilian affairs could be gauged by a few examples just as one Taliban leader of Taliban Shoora was kidnapped from Quetta is found dead at Karachi Prison last week, Raymond Davis was released from Lahore Jail under safe exit of ISI and 11 persons were kidnapped from Rawalpindi Jail. Civil governments are also on board and share all criminal actions of Military Junta as well.
Eleven Internment Centres or "Zardari Ghettos": Pakistan's Military is applying fascist Gestapo tactics on citizens and whole world has started to cry on human right violations of Pakistan Military, under pressure a few prisoners are being shifted to new facilities called "Internment Centres". On July 20, 2011, 11 "internment centres" were established, whereas military refused to transfer additional 6000 persons, only 700 were relocated.
1. Bodies of evidence: Story of Baloch victims.
2. 608 people shifted to internment centres – Under rule of Pakistan Military Intelligence agency, some centres are named as:
Sub-jail: Fizaghat, Sub-jail: Malakand and Sub-jail: Patham.
3. Pakistan: Extrajudicial Executions by Army in Swat . Military Abuses
Human rights watch.
Zardari: a marionette of "Uncle Sam and Pakistan Military".
Pakistan is now like chalk and cheese type of country, more and far above any typical banana republic run by thieves n thugs like "Narcokleptocratic" and operated by Military Junta like "Oligarchies" type rule; it has changing colors like chameleon, ground realities are evident that it is directly under influence of U.S. administration and CIA, behind the mask of democracy, you can easily trace tyrannical, fascist and nepotistic real face. On U.S. demands thousand of criminals were given amnesty under NRO, including murderers, terrorists, money launderers, thieves and rapists. Shame on Yankees! Why such a dreadful situation has been created? For a sovereign nation.
"Civilians surrender their authority meekly Backgrounder: A report that tells how corrupt politicians surrendered their authority to Army. The Frontier Constabulary in KP/Balochistan as well as Rangers in Punjab/Sindh is civilian arms under interior ministry's control, but they are headed and manned by army officials."
Hue and cry of peoples on the execution of civilians in death camps: A haunting video: Systematic Genocide on the basis of religion, ethnicity and race.\10\10\story_10-10-2010_pg3_1
Military Generals did not trust constitution, any country's law or any International Law:
Every Pakistan citizen's loyalty is under obligation to sanction of Military officials. If Military believes that someone is liable to death without any trial, that person is killed and in most of the cases families are not allowed to ask for post mortem, otherwise thousands of missing persons signify buried at secret places.
Military Generals have a concept that current constitution and prevailing laws are ambiguous, judges are bias and did not act as desired by Military, only in a few cases where some fortunate persons were reproduced in civil courts. Some brave Judges refused to agree to yellow slips and asked for evidence. Military failed to help prosecution or produce any evidence and so called terrorists were released by courts. Generals having fascist mentality abducted freed persons, even kidnapped from Government prisons in some cases.
Army holding thousands in indefinite detention: Washington Post report says that military doesn't trust "dysfunctional civilian justice system" to prevent suspects from walking free. The majority of the detainees the Pakistani officials and human rights advocates said have been held for nearly a year and have been allowed no contact with family members, lawyers or humanitarian groups.
The Paul Joseph Goebbels was a "Minister of Propaganda" in Nazi Germany era (1933 to 1945), in current Pakistan's neo-Nazi state, Maj Gen Athar Abbas is a "Minister of propaganda", who alleged in same report that military was "extremely concerned" that the "detainees would be allowed to go free if they were turned over to the civilian government." Open defiance to the constitution and Pakistan's prevailing country Laws.\04\23\story_23-4-2010_pg7_10
In opinion of military every civilian is a "terrorists" and Military has the right to kill by any means, media is not allowed to report independently, only handful journalists on payroll could provide misinformation by sitting at homes. Over hundred thousand citizens have been killed, by helping U.S. drones with the intelligence sharing, by use of army helicopters and air force jets or with the help of heavy artillery and proxy warriors. Everything is above any prevailing laws in their eyes; even no war laws lined by UN are being applied in civil war.
2500 killed, 5,578 militants have been injured while 956 militans have been nabbed during operations "Brekhna" in FATA. (17-04-2011)
Pakistan's Military acknowledged that it killed "20,104" persons and "2000" in custody from 2003 to 2011.
Total operations carried out were 882, whereas U.S. government paid mercenary funds of only and only US$ 18.74 billion. This statement was issued by Military media on anniversary of 911; army complained that U.S. is not paying as promised. (Sana News) Refer: daily Jang, 12-09-2011
Pak Air force killed thousands of citizens:
Dropped 10,600 bombs, conducted more than 5,500 strike sorties, dropped 10,600 bombs and hit 4,600 targets in two years.
This is Pakistan's Air Force most cowards in history, sold operational bases and converted floods to residential areas to please U.S., since last 40 years not a single attempt in records to defend borders from foreign aggression. Learn how proudly it's one eyed Air Chief shamelessly telling story of killing citizens.
"Per Day" expenses of white elephants, the Army, the President, the Prime Minister and the Parliament.
Rs. 1.35 billion over three armed forces under head of Salaries and operational.
Rs. 8.60 million on President and Prime Minister
Rs. 7.8 million on Senate and National Assembly
Army's one day spending is = Years total allocation of Ministry of Education.
Air Force's one day spending = years total allocation to Min of Health.
Prime Minister spends Rs. 4.3 million on foreign tours + 1.4 Million on secretariats.
President spends one million on foreign tours + 1.322 million on secretariats.
4 million "Refugees" in their own country – Pakistan Military's barbaric role
Military operations in Pakistan are directly related to U.S. funds. Whenever U.S. administration keeps foot on the supply pipeline of dollars or Military feel that mercenary funds are under discussion of approval and some U.S. dignitary is visiting Pakistan, Generals become mad and jumps on civilians. Since Zardari came into power all military operations have been conducted in so hurry and without planning. Army and Air Force jumps to start operation without giving any time to civilians. Besides mass killings thousands of houses have been demolished or destroyed in air raids.
Peoples left their home empty handed, their corps was destroyed, cattle's were killed and UN refused to accept them as refugee, so a new term "Internally displaced person" was used. Above 4 million Pakistani's were displaced and still 90% are wandering door to door, begging and living in tents or looking for relatives. A generation has been ruined; above 95% children are wandering without education.
Revenge Seekers, suicide bombers and retribution of victims:
Statistics are records that one general was killed at Rawalpindi, son in law of one was kidnapped from Lahore, son of one was killed at Rawalpindi, two were shot on helicopters one in Baluchistan other at swat, GHQ was attacked, five ISI regional HQ were destroyed and in many areas Military is abandoned to show off official uniform. Children are growing to become teen ager and teen ager to become militants, girls have become mothers and each child is full of hate against Pakistan Military, Musharraf, Zardari and Gilani.
Future is dark for Pakistan as future of a generation has been ruined by killings of their love ones, homes have been destroyed, education has been discontinued and peoples are surviving charities. Wait for revenge seekers, now peoples have pledged that they will kill Military officials whenever those will be retired, this revelation is not from militants, it was stated by a state Minister, Ayotullah Durrani on national media.
For further reading and reference:
Jails taken over by Pakistan Military:
Islamabad land worth billions given for another golf course
Army accused of extra-judicial killings
Probe into abuse video
Video Hints at Executions by Pakistanis
General Javed injured in firing on helicopter
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**JP** Daily Quran and Hadith
Thanks & Best regards,
Imran Ilyas
Cell: 00971509483403
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They want to make the USA a xian nation. They. like the the jews, want
to protect their flock all over the globe.
They should fund and fight their own religious wars. Americans owe
them nothing.
On Feb 26, 3:49 pm, THE ANNOINTED ONE <> wrote:
> Tommytomtom,
> Please show me "separation of church and state"... it does guarantee
> "freedom of religion" NOT "freedom from religion"
> On Feb 26, 2:24 pm, Tommy News <> wrote:
> > From Greg
> > Alana Horowitz reports on the Huffington Post:"Rick Santorum on Sunday
> > took on of separation of church and state."'I don't believe in an
> > America where the separation of church and state are absolute,' he
> > told 'This Week' host George Stephanopoulos. 'The idea that the church
> > can have no influence or no involvement in the operation of the state
> > is absolutely antithetical to the objectives and vision of our
> > say that people of faith have no role in the public
> > square? You bet that makes me want to throw up.'
> > "The GOP candidate was responding to comments he made last October. He
> > had said that he 'almost threw up' after reading JFK's 1960 speech in
> > which he declared his commitment to the separation of church and
> > state. "Santorum also on Sunday told Meet The Press host David Gregory
> > that separation of church and state was 'not the founders' vision.'
> > "The GOP candidate has been doubling down on religious rhetoric in an
> > effort to court evangelical voters ahead of Super Tuesday. Last week,
> > he questioned Obama's spiritual beliefs."'[Obama believes in] some
> > phony ideal, some phony theology ... not a theology based on the
> > Bible, a different theology,' he said."
> > More:
> >
> > --
> > Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> > Have a great day,
> > Tommy
> > --
> > Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> > Have a great day,
> > Tommy
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interesting take on the iran war
the existence of Jews in Iran for the first time, despite the fact
that Iran still remains the largest home to Jews in the Middle East
outside of Turkey and Israel.
As early as the sixth century B.C., Jews, exiled in Babylonia, found a
savior in Persia's Cyrus the Great, who helped them return to Israel.
In the early 1940s, Iran became a refuge to Jews, who were this time
fleeing Hitler's army. Thousands owed their lives to the valorous
conduct of Abdol-Hossein Sardari, the head of Iran's diplomatic
mission in France, who defied Nazi orders by issuing thousands of
passports and travel documents to Jews. Even when President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad was in top Holocaust-denying form, the descendants of the
Polish survivors who chose to settle in Iran were laying flowers upon
the graves of their loved ones in what's known as the Polish Cemetery
in Tehran.
Would the two nations allow their rulers to begin a war if they were
aware of their depth of indebtedness to each other? By bombing Iran,
Israel would be bombing a portion of Jewish history.
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NATO promises Afghans trial for alleged Koran burners
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GOP leaders fret about fallout from toxic negative presidential primary campaign. OBAMA 2012!
primary campaign. OBAMA 2012!
GOP leaders fret about fallout from primary, and for good reason Mike
Huckabee criticized the tenor of the GOP presidential race on Sunday,
becoming the latest Republican Party elder statesmen to caution the
current field of candidates against how the campaign has been
"A lot of it is that I think that there's just such a toxic atmosphere
now, specifically in the Republican Party," Huckabee said in an
interview with an Israeli TV station. "And I would love to be able to
say that it's going to be all about ideas and solutions, but
unfortunately, a lot of it is just being able to say I (am) more angry
at the Obama administration than somebody else."
Huckabee joins other GOP graybeards like Jeb Bush and Haley Barbour,
and some Republican governors in expressing dismay at the direction of
the GOP race.
And the numbers show they have good reason for concern.
The most recent Gallup numbers show three of the four remaining
Republican presidential candidates have higher GOP leaders fret about
fallout from primarythan favorable ratings, including Mitt Romney,
whose personal unfavorable rating has shot up to 47 percent in recent
Romney is now viewed unfavorably by essentially the same percentage of
voters as President Obama, even though Obama's favorable rating (50
percent) is more than 10 points higher than Romney's (39 percent).
Even the lone GOP candidate who is in net-positive territory — Rick
Santorum — has a favorable rating (38 percent) only slightly higher
than his unfavorable rating (35 percent).
A look back at history shows this is both unusual and troubling for the GOP.
Gallup polling in the 2008 race at this point put Sen. John McCain's
(R-Ariz.) favorable/unfavorable splits at 67 percent favorable and 27
percent unfavorable. On the Democratic side, now-President Obama was
at 62 percent positive and 33 percent negative, and even the
supposedly polarizing Hillary Clinton was at 53 percent favorable and
44 percent unfavorable — still clearly in net-positive territory.
Similarly, at this point in 2004, Sen. John Kerry's (D-Mass.)
favorable rating was 60 percent and, despite the rough-and-tumble
campaign, never dipped below 50 percent from this point on.
This isn't a totally apples-to-apples comparison, of course.
Americans are much more cynical about politicians these days, and we
see that in the approval and favorable ratings of politicians from
senators to local elected officials — not just the GOP presidential
candidates. While a politician with an approval rating below 50
percent used to be left for dead, that threshold is now arguably 45
percent or lower.
Also, Kerry and McCain had both essentially locked up their
nominations at the point the numbers above were released, and they
both got boosts from winning their races.
Indeed, Kerry and McCain's earlier numbers weren't nearly as rosy;
both were in much more middling territory just a few months before
their ratings shot up. McCain's favorable rating dropped as low as 41
percent when his campaign was really struggling, while Kerry had a
higher unfavorable rating (32 percent) than favorable rating (31
percent) as the calendar turned to 2004.
That would seem to suggest that the GOP field's current struggles
could just as easily turn around once one of them sews up the
nomination. And that's possible.
But it should also be noted that neither Kerry nor McCain was ever
nearly as unpopular during their primary campaigns as Romney is right
now — their highest unfavorable ratings only reached the low 30s, far
shy of Romney's 47 percent. Even when McCain was left for dead as a
candidate, he wasn't in nearly as bad a shape as Romney is right now
and still had a higher favorable rating than unfavorable rating.
So when people like Huckabee, Bush and Barbour worry, it's understandable.
Santorum's national lead collapses: Santorum's double-digit lead has
collapsed just as fast as it materialized.
The Gallup national tracking poll on Sunday showed Romney regaining
the lead, 31 percent to 29 percent.
Just days ago, Santorum led the poll by 10 percent — a pretty stunning
shift that appeared to be set in motion even before Wednesday's
Daniels says he's 'not planning' to crash presidential race: Sen. Jim
DeMint (R-S.C.) recently wagered that the one person who could enter
the presidential race late and have a shot is Indiana Gov. Mitch
But Daniels isn't biting.
"I wasn't running, I'm not running, and I don't plan to run," Daniels
said this weekend at the National Governors Association conference in
Washington, D.C. "I'd love to have something new to say to y'all, but
I just don't. I've felt there are other ways a person can contribute,
and I'm trying to do that in other ways. But I'm not a candidate, and
I'm not planning to be."
Of course, a skeptic might read that as not totally foreclosing the
possibility. Daniels said he doesn't "plan to" run versus saying he
"won't run."
Not Shermanesque, but close.
Meanwhile, in related news, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) says
there could be a contested convention if Romney loses Michigan.
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Anita Bryant's Ex-Hubby Bob Green Dies Full of Hatred, Bigotry & Blaming Gays
Note: Homophobic Miss America loser and anti-gay activist Anita "Save
The Children" Bryant is living in obscurity in Edmond, Oklahoma with
her second husband Charlie Dry. She went bankrupt twice. Florida's
ban on gay adoption, which Bryant championed, was finally overturned
in 2010. More here: -T
Guest blogger Will Kohler is a freelance writer and activist from
Cincinnati, Ohio. Will blogs at
Bob Green, was a onetime radio DJ who married pop Miss Oklahoma and
orange juice spokesman Anita Bryant, managed her career and then
followed her into anti-gay activism - which ultimately destroyed their
careers and marriage. For more than 30 years Green lived alone full of
hate and resentment blaming gays for all of his problems. Green was
found dead Jan. 26 at his home in Miami Beach. He was 80.
In 1977, Mr. Green and Bryant led a successful effort to repeal
Miami-Dade County's newly passed gay rights ordinance, Bryant out
front and the tall, handsome Green behind the scenes, as he had been
when he managed her singing career...
Flush with victory in Miami-Dade, the couple founded Anita Bryant
Ministries, which offered "deprogramming" and halfway houses for gays
and a lecture series called "Design for Successful Living," aimed at
battling divorce...
In 1980, Bryant filed for divorce, a scandal in the Christian circles
where she'd been revered. Mr. Green begged her to reconcile in an open
letter: "Let us both put aside all other earthly considerations and
reunite in Christian love."Bryant wasn't interested. She told People
magazine: "Divorce is against everything I believe in. I wanted to
save my marriage, but I decided that was not the route to go."
The following year, she told a woman's magazine that the marriage "was
never much good to begin with" and hinted that both had been
In 2007, Mr. Green told the Miami Herald that he blamed gay people for
the turmoil in his life because "their stated goal was to put [Bryant]
out of business and destroy her career. And that's what they did. It's
No one should ever celebrate the death of another but in Bob Greene's
case (and the eventual upcoming of Anita Bryant's) its a very hard
thing not to do.
So many forget that Bryant and Green obsessed when Miami-Dade County
added an amendment to its human rights ordinance, making it illegal to
discriminate in housing, employment, loans, and public accommodations
based on "affectional or sexual preference."
They forget that Bryant is the "originator" of the lie that children
would be molested or converted by gay perverts. "As a mother," she
famously explained, "I know that homosexuals cannot biologically
reproduce children; therefore, they must recruit our children."
Bryant and Greene fanned the flames of anti-gay bigotry with speaking
tours that made her a national spokesperson against "homosexual
rights." She was the star attraction at rallies that led to the repeal
of gay rights in numerous cities, and she came to California to
support the Briggs Initiative in 1978 (which failed, but would have
banned homosexuals or anyone advocating the "gay lifestyle" from
teaching in public schools).
"I don't hate the homosexuals," she wrote in a fundraising letter.
"But as a mother, I must protect my children from their evil
influence." and promised she would "seek help and change for
homosexuals, whose sick and sad values belie the word 'gay' which they
pathetically use to cover their unhappy lives."
You reap what you sow. Anita Bryant and Bob Green sowed hate. They
lost their fortune, their OJ gig, and their marriage. Greene died
alone, bitter and filled with hate.
Take note Tony Perkins, Bryan J. Fischer, and Maggie Gallagher - this
is what happens when people are more concerned about how others should
live than their own happiness. They will face this same bitter end.
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Re: Fifteen Reasons Why I Voted Republican -by a Proud Republican
You would be more accurate or believable to cite something along the lines of ...
"because I honestly believe that there is a difference between Ds and Rs"
"because when the Rs put forth the same fascist policies as the Ds, they are somehow better"
"No Child Left Behind: unconstitutional, hyper-expensive, and counterproductive.
"Medicare Part D: $17 trillion dollar unfunded obligation, unconstitutional.
""Elect me president so I can undo what I did as a senator": priceless." -- Kevin Gutzman
On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 8:35 PM, Tommy News <> wrote:
- Fifteen Reasons Why I Voted Republican
- -by a Proud Republican
- 1. I voted Republican because you can blame problems on poor people
- instead of the rich ones who actually run things.
- 2. I voted Republican because firefighters and teachers are
- scum-sucking leaches, but the oil companies raking in record profits
- NEED those hundreds of millions in taxpayer subsidies.
- 3. I voted Republican because I believe companies like my cable TV
- provider, insurance company and credit card company could do a better
- job running the country than the government, no matter how much they
- screw me over.
- 4. I voted Republican because I don't trust the government, although
- I favored the government spying on my health/financial records and
- tapping my phone when Bush was in office to keep us safe from 'trrists.
- 5. I voted Republican because I don't really care whether terrorists,
- murderers and drug dealers own guns or not.
- 6. I voted Republican because I believe climate change doesn't
- exist; if I can't see it with my own two eyes, it doesn't exist. Like
- gravity.
- 7. I voted Republican because I hate women having abortions, but
- once the baby is born and dies from a preventable illness that' okay.
- 8. I voted Republican because I believe in laying off workers to
- boost profits; then I get to complain about lazy unemployed people.
- 9. I voted Republican because I understand capitalism. Demand
- doesn't increase jobs…ensuring corporations pay no taxes and cutting
- healthcare and education does.
- 10. I voted Republican because I care about the deficit and support
- cutting services that I really need. But extra tax cuts for the super
- rich that actually caused the deficit should be extended indefinitely.
- 11. I voted Republican because I believe in never having to solve
- any problems in the government because I insist government is the
- problem anyway.
- 12. I voted Republican because I hate activist judges, unless they
- are conservative (Yes, corporations should get to spend unlimited money
- in elections).
- 13. I voted Republican because spite and fear is better than hope and change.
- 14. I voted Republican because I agree that life begins at the moment
- of conception and ends at birth, and women are incapable of making
- thier own reproductive choices.
- 15. I voted Republican because B. Hussein Obama is a secret Kenyan
- born Muslim negro far left wing extremist liberal socialist with a
- dark evil secret agenda to destroy America, take my guns, ammunition
- and freedom, and turn them all over to Islamic extremists and
- homosexuals who will rob, rape and murder me, my wife, my girlfriends,
- and my children, and force the abortion of my unborn children.
Re: Nuclear Hypocrisy
"Americans, especially the misnamed "conservatives," are prepared to believe even the lies the regime doesn't explicitly tell. The government schools have done their job." -- Thomas E. Woods Jr.
At 06:58 PM 2/24/2012, you wrote:
Let's review:
Iranian President ImADinnerJacket has repeatedly stated that (1) He doesn't believe that the holocaust ever transpired; (2) If he and Iran has anything to do with it, "He/Iran" will wipe Israel off the face of the earth; (3) Iran and I'mADinnerJacket have continuously aided and abetted the attacks against American troops who are stationed in the Middle East; (4) Although I'mADinnerJacket denies it, there is no legitimate question that Iran is attempting to arm itself with nuclear weaponry.
On top of that:
(1) Iran attacked a sovereign diplomatic corps in Tehran in 1979, which most likely included I'mADinnerJacket in the militia that attacked the U.S. Embassy; (2) Iran has never apologized, nor have they ever attempted to repatriate the United States for this flagrant violation of international law; (3) Iran technically controls the Straits of Hormuz and has continuously threatened to cut off this requisite international waterway, thereby restricting the flow of oil; (4) Iranian funded Hezbollah and that other Godforsaken entity that Iran funds have continuously attacked and supplied weaponry to those who are resisting American forces within Iraq, Afghanistan, and everywhere else our troops have been stationed;
I'm sure I am missing a number of Iranian transgressions, but the point being, sometimes pre-emptive strikes against madmen are necessary, and worthwhile. President I'mADinnerJacket and his theological government cannot be allowed to possess nuclear weaponry.....This is a danger not only to the United States, but to the world.
On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 10:13 AM, plainolamerican <> wrote:
- It doesn't matter what they say ... some Americans will stay afraid of
- Iran. It's a old and sad story that costs Americans more tax dollars
- and soldiers.
- On Feb 24, 9:06 am, MJ <> wrote:
- > "U.S. intelligence reports in2007and2010came up with no evidence that Iran is currently attempting to build or acquire nuclear weapons. The International Atomic Energy Agency and UN inspectors have confirmed it. The chief of Israel's Mossad,Tamir Pardo, "doesn't think a nuclear Iran is an existential threat to Israel."James Clapper, the U.S. director of National Intelligence, recently told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, "We assess Iran is keeping open the option to develop nuclear weapons, in part by developing various nuclear capabilities that better position it to produce such weapons, should it choose to do so. We do not know, however, if Iran will eventually decide to build nuclear weapons." According to Pentagon spokesmanGeorge Little, "We have no indication that the Iranians have made a decision to develop a nuclear weapon.""Nuclear Hypocrisyby Laurence M. Vance, February 22, 2012
- > Republican presidential candidates and officials in the U.S. government from the president on down have turned up the rhetoric against Iran.
- > In his State of the Union address,Barack Obamastated, "America is determined to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, and I will take no options off the table to achieve that goal."
- > Secretary of StateHillary Clintonreiterated that "it is the policy of this administration that Iran cannot be permitted to have a nuclear weapon and no option has ever been taken off the table."
- > U.S. State Department spokesmanMark Tonermaintains that the Obama administration "is absolutely committed to preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons."
- > During a recent campaign stop in Cleveland,Newt Gingrichwarned about the dangers to Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, and New York from an Iranian nuclear strike. Said Gingrich, "Remember what it felt like on 9/11 when 3,100 Americans were killed. Now imagine an attack where you add two zeros. And it's 300,000 dead. Maybe a half million wounded. This is a real danger. This is not science fiction. That's why I think it's important that we have the strongest possible national security."
- > Meanwhile, while campaigning in Missouri,Rick Santorumwarned Missourians about Iran: "Once they have a nuclear weapon, let me assure you, you will not be safe, even here in Missouri. These are folks who have been and are at war with us since 1979. This is a country that has killed more troops in Afghanistan and Iraq than the Iraqis and Afghans." (Funny that the Reagan administration facilitated the sale of arms to Iran in 1985 and 1986 when we were supposedly at war. And funny that Santorum said 1979 instead of 1953 the year that the United States overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran and installed an authoritarian puppet in the shah.)Mitt Romneyhas said that if you elect him, "Iran will not have a nuclear weapon" because "a nuclear-armed Iran is not only a threat to Israel, it is a threat to the entire world." If sanctions fail to halt Iran's nuclear ambitions, "there's nothing else we could do besides take military action."
- > The charge has been made that Tehran's UN-inspected nuclear power program is a front for the development of nuclear weapons to target Israel and the United States.
- > There are several things that negate that charge that the Republican presidential candidates seem to have missed.
- > U.S. intelligence reports in2007and2010came up with no evidence that Iran is currently attempting to build or acquire nuclear weapons. The International Atomic Energy Agency and UN inspectors have confirmed it. The chief of Israel's Mossad,Tamir Pardo, "doesn't think a nuclear Iran is an existential threat to Israel."James Clapper, the U.S. director of National Intelligence, recently told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, "We assess Iran is keeping open the option to develop nuclear weapons, in part by developing various nuclear capabilities that better position it to produce such weapons, should it choose to do so. We do not know, however, if Iran will eventually decide to build nuclear weapons." According to Pentagon spokesmanGeorge Little, "We have no indication that the Iranians have made a decision to develop a nuclear weapon."
- > But whether or not Iran is developing nuclear weapons, and whether or not Iran develops nuclear weapons in the future, there are seven ways in which the U.S. government is guilty of nuclear hypocrisy.
- > First, it is the United States that helped Iran to start its nuclear program. In 1967, under Dwight Eisenhower's "Atoms for Peace" program, the United Statessoldthe government of Iran a 5-megawatt, light-water-type research reactor. In 1978, Jimmy Carter made a deal with the shah of Iran to send up to eight U.S.-made light-water reactors to Iran, but the deal fell through after the Iranian revolution of 1979. A recently declassified 1974 Defense Departmentmemorandumnotes that should the shah fall from power, "domestic dissidents or foreign terrorists might easily be able to seize any special nuclear materials stored in Iran for use in bombs." The memo concludes that "an aggressive successor to the Shah might consider nuclear weapons the final item needed to establish Iran's complete military dominance of the region."
- > Second, by a vote of 4 to 1, theU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissionrecently approved licenses to build two new nuclear reactors in Georgia at an existing nuclear site. The applications were submitted seven years ago. That was the first time in more than 30 years that the U.S. government has approved the construction of new nuclear reactors. The reactors that began operation in the last decades received their initial licenses before 1978. With all the talk about clean energy, green energy, climate change, and the pollution from coal-fired power plants, it is strange that the U.S. government has stifled the construction of new nuclear reactors for peaceful use.
- > Third, besides the United States, the countries of Russia, China, France, Israel, and Great Britain, and, to a lesser extent, India, Pakistan, and North Korea, have nuclear weapons. Why are these countries not considered to be more of a threat to the United States than Iran? Especially Pakistan, which is very unstable, seeing that it borders on Afghanistan. And what about Russia and China? Director of National IntelligenceJames Clapperjust stated in his Worldwide Threat Assessment that "Russia and China are aggressive and successful purveyors of economic espionage against the United States." The controversy regarding Iran is less about nuclear weapons and more about the "sea of oil" that Iran sits on and the struggle for hegemony in the Middle East.
- > Fourth, of the 195 countries in the world, 189 of them including Iran aresignersof theNuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. North Korea signed and then withdrew; India, Pakistan, and Israel never signed; and the new countries of Kosovo (2008) and South Sudan (2011) have not signed yet. Non-nuclear signatories of the treaty agree "not to receive the transfer from any transferor whatsoever of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices or of control over such weapons or explosive devices directly, or indirectly; not to manufacture or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices; and not to seek or receive any assistance in the manufacture of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices." Article IV of the treaty allows countries to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes: "Nothing in this Treaty shall be interpreted as affecting the inalienable right of all the Parties to the Treaty to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination and in conformity with Articles I and II of this Treaty." Why doesn't the United States pressure India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea to sign and abide by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty instead of condemning Iran a signer that hasn't manufactured, acquired, or received any nuclear weapons?
- > Fifth, Iran is surrounded by U.S.military bases. There is a new U.S.special operations teamknown as Joint Special Operations Task Force–Gulf Cooperation Council at work near Iran, and the U.S. military hasaircraft carrier battle groupsnear Iran's shores. Yet the United States and Iran signed theAlgiers Accordsin 1981 to end the hostage crisis. The first point, "Non-Intervention in Iranian Affairs," reads, "The United States pledges that it is and from now on will be the policy of the United States not to intervene, directly or indirectly, politically or militarily, in Iran's internal affairs." If words have any meaning, that would have to preclude investigating Iran's nuclear program.
- > Sixth, who is the United States to say that a country should or shouldn't have nuclear weapons? When did all the other countries of the world appoint the United States to be the world's policeman, inspector, and guardian? As much as officials in the U.S. government may not like it, even if Iran had nuclear weapons that would still not give the United States the right to do anything about it beyond diplomacy. The United States has more than5,000nuclear warheads that are a threat to the entire planet. Every country in the world not just Iran would be justified in obtaining nuclear weapons to protect itself against the country that was the first to develop nuclear weapons, the country that has the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons, and the only country to ever use nuclear weapons in battle the United States.
- > That brings us to my last point. There is only one country in the world that had a secret program theManhattan Projectto develop nuclear weapons for offensive purposes and then used them. On August 6, 1945, "Little Boy" was dropped on Hiroshima. Three days later, "Fat Man" was dropped on Nagasaki. Perhaps 200,000 people died, most of them Japanese civilians, some of them Korean conscripts, and a few of them Allied POWs. But wasn't dropping atomic bombs on Japan necessary to end World War II? First of all, World War II was anunnecessarywar. Second, World War II needs to berethought. Third, thanks to the recently publishedbookby the former president Herbert Hoover titledFreedom Betrayed: Herbert Hoover's History of the Second World War, it has now once again been confirmed that Franklin Roosevelt lied about keeping America out of war even as he took one deliberate step after another to take it into war. And fourth, no it wasn't, at least according to then-GeneralDwight Eisenhower, who said, "The Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing."
- > Is Iran "guilty" of secretly developing a nuclear weapon? Perhaps. But one thing is certain the United States is guilty of nuclear hypocrisy and there is nothing secret about it.
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