New post on Fellowship of the Minds | | Skittles is a candy manufactured by Wm. Wriggley Jr. Company. There's a new Skittles commercial, created by ad firm DDB Chicago, which is causing quite a stir for all the wrong reasons. You see, the commercial features a woman passionately kissing a walrus, complete with disgusting smooching sound effects:  "Aww, that's just an attention-grabbing device," you say. John Nolte, who reports for's Big Hollywood and knows well the entertainment industry den of iniquity, thinks otherwise. Citing Merriam-Webster's definition of bestiality as "sexual relations between a human being and a lower animal," Nolte writes: "Were I caught passionately making out with another woman, my wife would most certainly define that as a sexual relation and that's exactly what the woman in this commercial is doing with an animal. [...] You can laugh and say it's just a joke, but through a war of inches, Hollywood continues its assault to define deviancy down and to normalize destructive behavior. Humor is an excellent way to get us used to and to take the shock value out of something hideous and immoral. If you don't think there's an agenda behind this, you haven't been paying attention the last 40 years. And if you don't think that there are those who hold the levers of power in our popular culture that would like to remove the stigma from bestiality, you don't understand the depths of sexual depravity the human animal is capable of. I used to laugh at loud at the term 'slippery slope.' Then I grew up." What do you think? ~Eowyn | | | |

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