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The League of Ordinary Gentlemen Date: Monday, August 6, 2012
Subject: [New post] Convening the Democracy Symposium
majors.bruce@gmail.com New post on The League of Ordinary Gentlemen | | Hi there everybody. This post opens up our second symposium, this time on the subject of democracy. Our opening question is: "Is liberal democracy viable?" There are lots of directions an author might go in response to that question, and I can't wait to see what everyone has to say. I'm also not particularly married to the idea that this exact question be the only one addressed by our authors. The possibilities for of quirks and twists in the discussion as we get different perspectives on the general subject is tantalizing indeed. My own first post appears below the jump. If you wish to submit a guest essay for the symposium, you are more than welcome to do so. Please submit it to me at burtlikko [at] gmail [dot] com and bear with me if I don't get around to scheduling it immediately after I get it -- I have a day job that interferes with my blogging avocation from time to time. Please make sure your posts have the tag "Democracy Symposium." I'm looking forward to sharing ideas with you all! Now, if you'll proceed to the jump, I have some opening remarks about how an eighteenth-century Scots Tory predicted the travails of Greece and the poisoned polticial polarization of the contemporary American healthcare reform debate. Read more of this post | | | | |

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