Islam Declares War on America and the World? |  |
Written by The Infidel Alliance |
Wednesday, 23 June 2010 02:16 |
Let's face the facts and the truth about what we are dealing with. It is not a 'War on Terror' against a few ragtag misunderstanders of Islam. It is nothing less than: THE ISLAMIC WORLD WAR. We must understand that Islam's prime directive is the militant conquest of the entire world, mandated by Allah & Muhammed in the Koran & this hadith: Bukhari (8:387) - Allah's Apostle Muhammed said, "I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah'" Islam has been dutifully following this mandate for 1,400 years, since the time Muhammed left Mecca for Medina. What we are facing is nothing less than an ISLAMIC WORLD WAR that rages on every continent except Antarctica, against everyone and everything "non-Islamic". Let's look at the FACTS. Islam against: - the Catholics in the Philippines (routine slaughter & beheadings) - the Christians in Indonesia (routine slaughter & beheadings) - Australian tourists in Bali (blown up...twice) - the Buddhists in Thailand (routine slaughter & beheadings) - the Hindus & Sikhs in India (hundreds of years battling the Islamic Jihad) - the Jews in Mumbai (slaughtered) - the Zoroastrians & Baha'i in Iran (virtually exterminated) - Islamic converts to Christianity in Afghanistan (death fatwa) - ancient Buddhist statues in Bamiyan, Afghanistan (blown up) - the Chaldean Christians in Iraq (routine persecution, slaughter & church burnings) - the Jews in Israel (routine attacks against civilians, threat of 2nd genocide) - the Jews in Yemen (nearly exterminated) - S. Korean & German tourists in Yemen (blown up) - the Coptic Christians in Egypt (routine persecution, slaughter & church attacks) - the Christians & animists in Sudan (genocide) - the Christians in Kenya (constant Jihadist threat from Obama's homies) - the Christians in Nigeria (routine Jihadist attacks) - U.S. embassies in Tanzania & Kenya (blown up) - the athiests in Europe (the prime target) - the native French in Paris (torched car terrorism) - Jews in Paris (read the grisly story of Ilan Halimi, a Jewish shop clerk who was kidnapped, tortured and killed in 2006) - the native Swedes in Malmo (Islamic rape brigades) - the native Dutch in Amsterdam (routinely terrorized) - Dutch politicians (Geert Wilders & Ayyan Hirsi Ali - death fatwa) - Dutch cinematographers (Theo vanGogh savagely murdered by an Islamist in broad daylight) - Dutch cartoonists (Kurt Westergaard - death fatwa) - Dutch newspaper editors (Flemming Rose, Jyllands-Posten's culture editor - death fatwa) - Train commuters in Spain (blown up) - Tube commuters in London (blown up) - Airports in Scotland (blown up) - Jews in Argentina (blown up) - Jews in Caracas (blown up) - Twin Tower office workers in N.Y. (blown up - twice) - Defense workers in the Pentagon (blown up - airliner jihad) - Army/Navy military recruiters in Little Rock (gunned down by an Islamist) - Soldiers in F.t Hood Texas (gunned down by an Islamist) - Pedestrians at the U. of N. Carolina (run down with an SUV by Islamist) - Journalists like Daniel Pearl (savagely decapitated by Islamists) - Nick Berg, Kim Sung-il, Piotr Stanczyk, Jack Hensley, Eugene Armstrong, Paul Johnson (savagely decapitated by Islamists) - Jewish centers in Seattle (slaughtered by Islamist Jihadist) - Jewish centers in Toronto (slaughtered by Islamist Jihadist) - Infidel Delta Airlines passengers (underwear bomber) - Times square civilians (SUV bomber) And on, and on, and on..........
It is Islam against everyone, everything, everywhere that is not Islamic.
It is Dar al-Islam against Dar al-Harb. Islam against us, not us against them.
Faisal Shahzad, the Times Square bomber just told us: "One has to understand where I'm coming from....I consider myself ... a Muslim soldier" and "we will be attacking U.S." THE ISLAMIC WORLD WAR - Muhammed's legacy - it's real.
~ The Infidel Alliance ------------------------------- . |
Last Updated on Wednesday, 23 June 2010 05:36 |
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