New post on Fellowship of the Minds | | That's right - spy "rocks." First Afghanistan - then your backyard. . . This technology is not new. It has been used by many governments to covertly monitor each other. These new "rocks" are quite a bit more advanced, and have the potential to spy for decades. . . A Lockheed Martin "unattended ground sensor," or UGS, disguised as a rock. Ground sensors are a well established method of keeping the information flowing, but they very often give false readings. The new technology is undetectable, and is the best way to keep tabs on remote locations. "You use them to cover up your dead space — the areas you're concerned about but can't cover with other ISR [intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance] assets," says Lt. Col. Matt Russell, an Army program manager overseeing the deployment of unattended sensors. But earlier UGSs — even ones of the recent past — were relatively large and clunky, prone to false alarms, and had lifespans measurable in days or weeks. "What we found in the field was significant under-usage," Russell tells Danger Room. Plans to incorporate them into every combat brigade fizzled as the Army's proposed $200 billion revamp, Future Combat Systems, went south. The new models are dramatically smaller and consume far less power, enabling them to operate for months — maybe even years — at a time with only the slimmest chance of being detected. Lockheed calls them "field and forget" systems for "persistent surveillance." And they won't just be used overseas. U.S. Customs and Border Patrol today employs more than 7,500 UGSs on the Mexican border to spot illegal migrants. Defense contractors believe one of the biggest markets for the next generation of the sensors will be here at home. "They could be used for border security or even around corporate headquarters," Plyburn tells Danger Room. [] "Spot illegal immigrants?" With all this amazing technology - how are they still getting in? Around "corporate headquarters?" That could encompass schools and large housing complexes as well. I can see it all now. Glistening utopian sustainable cities, with Disney Epcot-like "green" areas - complete with spy rocks.  I think I'll go out and check my rock garden.  sage sage_brush | May 29, 2012 at 6:24 pm | Tags: monitoring technology, remote spying, spy rocks, sustainable cities | Categories: Agenda 21, Military, New World Order, Technology, Terrorism, The Powers That Be, United Nations, United States | URL: | | | |

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