Here's a little snippet form the transcript regarding Obamacare (emphasis mine): DOOCY: That's the biggest thing of his administration. Because they were going to hang their hat on health care but David Axelrod said Mr. President, don't do it and she said... KLEIN: ... Do it. Go for broke. You came here to engineer social change in this country. I mean, she's a very, very liberal person. And she, for instance, urged him to put that mandate on church related organizations that were required to give free health care for contraceptives. This was against the advice of Joe Biden, the Vice President, against the advice of bill Daley. Bill Daley brought Cardinal Dolan into the Oval Office to try to get the President to reverse himself. And when Valerie Jarrett heard that, she went to the President, blew her stack and Bill Daley was shortly ushered out. [...] READ MORE AT FOXNATION.COM Sard | May 31, 2012 at 8:30 am | Categories: #OWS, Abortion, ACORN, Afghanistan, American Culture, American Sovereignty, CAGW, Conservatism, Cultural Marxism, Debt Ceiling, Economy, Education, Energy Policy, EPA, Fast and Furious, Federal Budget, First Amendment, Foreign Policy, GOP, Health Care Bill, House of Representatives, Immigration, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Israel, Legal/Judicial, Libya, Main-Stream Media, Marxism, Mob Action, Monetary Policy, National Debt, National Defense, National Security, Planned Parenthood, Plantation Liberalism, Presidential Campaign, Progressive Movement, Racism, Science, SEIU, Senate, Social Engineering, Social Justice, Socialism, Taxation, Tea Party, Terrorism, Totalitarianism, U.S. Constitution, U.S. Military, Unemployment, Union Actions, War, Yemen | URL: http://wp.me/p1SHGG-5KH | |
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