Harold posted: "Godfather Politics9/3/2012The First Amendment to the Constitution states as clearly as it can that the people have the right to "petition the government for a redress of grievances." Wrapped up in this Constitutional right are additional rights regard" Respond to this post by replying above this line | New post on ACGR's "News with Attitude" | | Godfather Politics 9/3/2012 The First Amendment to the Constitution states as clearly as it can that the people have the right to "petition the government for a redress of grievances." Wrapped up in this Constitutional right are additional rights regarding speech, press, and assembly. It's a package deal. We can petition in several ways without [...] Read more of this post Harold | September 4, 2012 at 6:47 am | Categories: Corruption, Criminal Activity, Executive, Freedom of Speech, Government, History, Judicial, Legislative, NeoConservatives, Patriotism, Police State, Politics, Privacy Rights, Progressives, Propaganda, Property Rights, Sovereignty, States Rights, U.S. Constitution | URL: http://wp.me/pmtmV-8sJ | | | |

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