creeping posted: "And there's another half billion or more of additional aid being made available to the Muslim Brotherhood courtesy of U.S. taxpayers. This isn't news to Creeping Sharia readers as we've been telling you about if for more than a year. Did Your Elected Off" Respond to this post by replying above this line | New post on Creeping Sharia | | And there's another half billion or more of additional aid being made available to the Muslim Brotherhood courtesy of U.S. taxpayers. This isn't news to Creeping Sharia readers as we've been telling you about if for more than a year. Did Your Elected Officials approve this? via U.S. Prepares Economic Aid to Bolster Democracy in Egypt [...] Read more of this post creeping | September 4, 2012 at 8:55 AM | Tags: Barack Obama, clinton, Creeping Sharia, finance, hamas, law, Legal, Life, Media, Muslim, News, Obama, Politics, Random, Sharia | Categories: Alerts, Creeping Sharia, Legal, Media, Middle East, News, Obama, Politics, Religion, Sharia, Stealth Jihad | URL: | | | |

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