New post on Scotty Starnes's Blog | | Biden is know for his gaffes, so there is no doubt the live tweeting during his press call is being delayed so the media can help Joe push the White House narrative. Freedom of the press be damned. From Politico: Vice President Joe Biden will take questions from reporters on a White House press call today, and as has been the case in the past, the on-the-record conversation will be embargoed until the end of the call. The curious caveat -- who would write an article during the middle of the call? -- is a product of the post-Twitter presidential campaign, barring reporters from the beloved habit of tweeting remarks in real-time. But it begs the question: If it's going to be in an article 20 minutes later, why can't it be on Twitter right now? From White House deputy press secretary Josh Earnest, via email: "The embargo will allow journalists to hear the entirety of the Vice President's remarks and get the benefit of having their questions answered -- before trying to condense a 30-minute conference call about a 20-page NEC report into a 140 characters." | | | |

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