New post on actjonesboroar | | Fellow infidels, Below is a copy of an e-mail that the ACT! for America headquarters sent out recently. We are asking that you join with others in support of the Congressmen (and Congresswoman) who have stood up and called for an investigation into the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood within certain federal agencies. Please click on the link below to contact your Congressman to voice your support for these brave lawmakers. They are absolutely correct for looking into this. Hillary Clinton's close relationship with her Muslim Sisterhood assistant, Huma Abedin, and Mohammed Eliabary's questionable ties to radical Muslim groups is more than enough to warrant this. (Eliabary holds a position in Homeland Security!!) Here is the e-mail: Over the last few days, ACT! for America's grassroots have demonstrated a massive force of support for Representative Michele Bachmann and her colleagues Representatives Trent Franks, Louie Gohmert, Thomas Rooney, and Lynn Westmoreland, who recently called for investigations into the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood within certain federal agencies. See the congressional letters calling for this investigation by CLICKING HERE. Last week, we asked you to send an e-mail to your Members of the U.S. Congress in support of the legislators' request. We also stressed that the tangential issue upon which the mainstream media, as well as other politicos (many of whom should know better) were focusing, should not be the main focal point. The issue is whether the Muslim Brotherhood has positioned itself in our highest levels of government. The American people deserve to know. David N. Bossie, President of Citizens United, offered what we feel is an excellent assessment of, and response to, the overall issue. We think you'll enjoy reading it, which you can do by CLICKING HERE. While 10,600 e-mails to Capitol Hill is a great start, we know that there are many, many more Americans who support an investigation into the Muslim Brotherhood's influence within our government. The only way our federal legislators are going to understand that this level of support exists is if they hear from their constituents. If you have not yet taken the 5 minutes necessary to make your voice heard in the U.S. Capitol, PLEASE do so now by following the simple steps below. ***Action Item*** Please click HERE to be taken to the Contact Congress page of our website. Click on the Alert in the red box entitled: Support Members of Congress Calling for Muslim Brotherhood Investigation. From there, follow the easy directions and send your e-mails to those who represent you in the House and Senate. It should take no more than 5 minutes of your time. Note: As you follow the directions to send your e-mail, you will see that we have provided a sample letter addressing this matter. We encourage you to modify the letter as you see fit to personalize it. AS ALWAYS, PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL AND PROFESSIONAL. OTHERWISE, THIS EFFORT WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE! Finally, please forward this Alert to everyone you know who shares our concerns about the Muslim Brotherhood and how the U.S. Government is addressing this threat. Through our online system, writing your e-mail will take only a matter of minutes to make your voice heard. And if we ALL act together, it will be a powerful and effective voice that every Member of the U.S. Congress will hear. Please act NOW! Thank you for all that you do. REMEMBER, YOUR VOICE COUNTS! IF EACH OF US DOES JUST A LITTLE, TOGETHER WE CAN ACCOMPLISH A LOT! Until next time, Burkasrugly | | | |

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