Gore is what you get when a puppy gets sick.
New post on Scotty Starnes's Blog | | Green Energy=Makes me richer! If state's fall for Gore scheme, billions of pension dollars will be lost. Look at what Obama's green energy scheme has cost US taxpayers for a prime example. From UTSanDiego: State pension fund managers you can relax now: Al Gore is here. Gore wants to put your retirement savings in green energy. He does not want to tell us what companies or how much. Just last month it was revealed that Al Gore's investment company has been managing assets for New York state and city pension funds for three years. Pension fund officials say Al is doing a great job. But they refuse to tell us where Gore is putting the money. The news of Gore's involvement in state pension funds comes the same week several research reports surfaced that said state public employee pension funds are in crisis and underfunded by $1 trillion to $4 trillion. Not to worry, says Gore. Now that his Nobel Peace Prize for his theory about global warming is gathering a bit of dust, Gore has another theory. He calls this one sustainable capitalism. "We invest in private equity, restricted public equity and unrestricted public equity. This strategy is focused exclusively on deploying capital into companies that are part of the transition from a high-carbon to a low-carbon economy." That's what it says at his website: indecipherable graduate-student seminar talk. What isn't there is any mention of what these great companies might be. The only thing we do know for sure is that if Gore's companies get successful, he will want to tax the bejesus out of them. An important part of Gore's philosophy is to invest long-term, he says. Combine that with not letting us know what his holdings are, and that makes his investment strategy even more challenging. Continue reading>>> | | | |

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