On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 11:17 AM, MJ <> wrote:
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MORE fallacy ... it never ends, apparently.
"It is hard for the plain people to think about a thing, but easy for them to feel. Error, to hold their attention, must be visualized as a villain, and the villain must proceed swiftly to his inevitable retribution. They can understand that process; it is simple, usual, satisfying; it squares with their primitive conception of justice as a form of revenge…. [The average reader] is not at all responsive to purely intellectual argument, even when its theme is his own ultimate benefit…. But he is very responsive to emotional suggestion, particularly when it is crudely and violently made, and it is to this weakness that the newspapers must ever address their endeavors. In brief, they must try to arouse his horror, or indignation, or pity, or simply his lust for slaughter. Once they have done that, they have him safely by the nose. He will follow blindly until his emotion wears out. He will be ready to believe anything, however absurd, so long as he is in his state of psychic tumescence." -- H. L. Mencken
At 11:13 AM 6/4/2012, you wrote:
Typical response by a crackpot. Once you realize that you are a crackpot, maybe things will start getting better for ya!
On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 11:10 AM, MJ <> wrote:
- Gingrich had already proven himself to be a fraud and a fake (as far as his promises/rhetoric go). -- see the FAILED 'Republican Revolution'
- What your LATEST fallacy has to do with anything is not known.
- GHWB is a poopeyhead. <rolls eyes>
- Regard$,
- --MJ
- "Gingrich backed Rockefeller over Goldwater in 1964, backed Ford over Reagan in 1976, voted to create the Department of Education in 1979, wrote a book advocating a gigantic expansion of NASA, backed cap and trade, backed the individual mandate, long trumpeted FDR as the greatest president of the 20th century, and in general has always been a lefty. Romney's father was a member of the anti-Goldwater, anti-Reagan leadership of the '60s and '70s GOP; Romney gave Massachusetts Romneycare; and Romney has proposed no substantial spending reduction. These people are more Bushes." -- Kevin Gutzman
- At 11:05 AM 6/4/2012, you wrote:
- Throughout the campaign, despite the nasty rhetoric by Paul and Romney, Gingrich was the most upfront, honest of all of the Republican candidates, and the most forthcoming.
- Gingrich has changed nothing at all in his rhetoric. Gingrich has said since day one, that he would prefer to see any one of the individuals standing on the Republican candidate stage for the debates, as President, rather than President Obama.
- This is typically far left spin by the likes of Lew Rockwell dot com. Far from being a libertarian, and not even remotely being conservative, Rockwell is a Moonbat....Always was, always will be:
- On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 10:06 AM, plainolamerican <> wrote:
- He has surrounded himself with the most unhinged of the Bush neocon
- advisors, those who marched this country into the decade-long morass
- of Mideast warfare. Romney's repeated call for a new "American
- century" is especially chilling since his war cabinet includes eight
- signatories of the Project for the New American Century, the manifesto
- calling for the invasion of Iraq long before 9/11/2001.
- ----
- call'em what they are ... zionists
- On Jun 4, 8:11 am, MJ <> wrote:
- > "What short memories the electorate must have. Has Gingrich's dubbing Romney "Obama light" been forgotten so soon? At the beginning of the year, Gingrich insisted that Romney was a "liar," and a "fundamentally dishonest" tool of Wall Street. Is January so distant that it his warning has disappeared down a memory hole? Now Gingrich reports that Romney is "a lot like Eisenhower," and "a solid conservative." (He cannot, by the way, be both.)"War Pig in a Pokeby Charles Goyette
- > With a win in the Texas Republican primary election Tuesday, Mitt Romney has clinched a spot in the November championship round. Or, so his corner tells us. Although there are some valid questions about the real delegate count, with Ron Paul having effectively conceded, it may be academic. But confidence in Romney's victory can be seen in the repugnant spectacle of many of his recent opponents now gathering around to tell us how wonderful a leader Romney will be.
- > What short memories the electorate must have. Has Gingrich's dubbing Romney "Obama light" been forgotten so soon? At the beginning of the year, Gingrich insisted that Romney was a "liar," and a "fundamentally dishonest" tool of Wall Street. Is January so distant that it his warning has disappeared down a memory hole? Now Gingrich reports that Romney is "a lot like Eisenhower," and "a solid conservative." (He cannot, by the way, be both.)
- > A quick Google search for "Santorum criticizes Romney" spits out 2.7 million hits. But now, "Governor Romney is the candidate who will stand up for the conservative principles that we hold dear," says Santorum.
- > It seems never to be asked, if his opponents were so wrong when they told us he was a candidate most foul only weeks ago, why we should rely on their fawning enthusiasm for Romney today?
- > It does no good to tell me "that's just politics." It's all intellectually fraudulent and morally loathsome. I once had a leader of one of country's most well-known and strict religious institutions on the air proudly explain, as though he had just discovered what every high school follower of politics knows, that his favorite candidate would run to the right in the primary, only to run to the center in the general election. "But isn't it dishonest to represent yourself as one thing to one constituency and something else to another?" I asked this man of the cloth. "Shouldn't we be looking for integrity and principals?"
- > "That's how it's done," he explained indignantly. "That's just politics."
- > And so it is. They are all just Etch-A-Sketch men. Give them a good shake after the nomination.
- > Americans should know that Romney's nomination means that in both the Republican and Democrat candidates we have Keynesian, spend-our-way-to- prosperity presidents. Even Paul Krugman believes Romney "is actually more of a Keynesian than he would ever let on." We will have the choice between Obama deficits and Romney deficits, just as we will have the choice between Romney-care and Obama-care.
- > If there is any hope to save America from certain debt destruction, it has to start with the $1.2 trillion a year in national security state spending. It is an opportunity that will be missed under President Romney.
- > As often as John Kerry told us he served in Vietnam, Gingrich reminds us he was a history professor. ("I am the most seriously professorial politician since Woodrow Wilson," he once modestly announced.) But it would be a mistake to rely on Professor Gingrich's new slavering description of Romney as "a lot like Eisenhower."
- > Seven months into his presidency, Eisenhower had ended the Korean War, just as he promised to do during the campaign. He even made an effort to moderate the Cold War and the nuclear arms race. Although he provided some support to the French early on, he avoided the substantial morass of Vietnam – unlike his successors in office. He quickly rolled back the 1956 Suez crisis. And he refused to a launch a nuclear attack on China as urged by his senior advisors.
- > Eisenhower was certainly not an ideal president. He approved the CIA's United Fruit Company coup in Honduras and authorized another CIA coup to install the Shah in Iran, an act that continues to have blowback today. Eisenhower is no more deserving of a peace prize than Barack Obama, but the man who warned us about the undue influence of the military industrial complex was no Mitt Romney either.
- > Romney has revealed himself to be the complete captive of the military industrial complex. Despite our present economic straits, Romney is eager to "apply the full spectrum of hard and soft power to influence events," and to that end intends to add 100,000 more people in uniform. While the U.S. spends almost as much as the rest of the worldcombinedon warfare, Romney, who claims "this is America's moment," proposes to spend more.
- > Romney's foreign policy posture is a continuum with that of George W. Bush. And while Romney avoids speaking Bush's name, referring to him with the verbally clumsy term "predecessor" five times in one speech, Romney may actually exceed Bush in his unmitigated bellicosity.
- > He has surrounded himself with the most unhinged of the Bush neocon advisors, those who marched this country into the decade-long morass of Mideast warfare. Romney's repeated call for a new "American century" is especially chilling since his war cabinet includes eight signatories of the Project for the New American Century, the manifesto calling for the invasion of Iraq long before 9/11/2001.
- > Romney joined John McCain for some saber-rattling on Memorial Day and urged the arming of Syrians. Pushing for "more assertive steps" in Syria, it may not be long before he joins McCain in urging U.S. bombing of Syria as well. He proposes to increase military training and assistance with Central Asian states. And Romney will, he tells us, "station multiple carriers and warships at Iran's door," apparently without regard for what our own intelligence community reports about Iran's nuclear viability.
- > Romney ceaselessly rearranges his taxonomy of threats, bouncing quickly from one to another. He has identified Russia as "without question our number-one geopolitical foe"; jihadists are this century's nightmare; North Korea is a clear and growing threat to the United States; the Iranian leadership is the biggest immediate threat; China threatens Romney's "American century."
- > So this is what Republicans offer the nation: the warfare part of Washington's warfare/welfare state. Oh, but there will be plenty of welfare to go along with it (mostly for the crony classes), just as Obama has included plenty of warfare even as he tilted to the welfare state.
- > Americans are perfectly capable of buying a pig in a poke. They have done so over and over again. Even before announcing his run for the presidency, Bush was quite explicit with a biographer about the joyous prospects of invading a country like Iraq to pump up his approval numbers and build political capital. But he told the electorate just weeks before the vote that he wanted a more humble foreign policy, one without nation building.
- > The nomination secure, Romney may try to moderate his chest-thumping during the general election campaign, too.
- > But there's a war pig in that bag.
- --
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