Your argument in favour of corrupt democracy or the way of governing either it is self claimed democracy or other wise is baseless because look at historical figures:
First democratic era (1947–1958) = 11 years
First military era (1958–1971) = 13 years
Presidential republic (1962-1969) = 7 years
Martial law in Pakistan (1969-1971) = 2 years
Second democratic era (1971–1977) = 6 years
Second military era (1977–1988) = 12 years
Third democratic era (1988–1999): Benazir-Nawaz period = 11 years
Third military era (1999–2007): Musharraf-Aziz Period = 8 years
Fourth democratic era (2008–present) = 4 years
Because according to above, Military + Politicians ruled Pakistan. For your kind information Gen Zia is same bird as FM Ayyub and Gen. Musharraf, however you can not term Musharraf era as Third Military Era because your present Assembly is a proof that his era was a democratic(self acclaimed) one like others because PML (Q) + ANP + MQM + Tanga Parties still hold same power and status quo in this so called Fourth democratic era as they do in Third Military Era. Do not be so blunt that our rulers have any thought about Islam and Mulla because they needed them as (I am sorry to make this example) a marriage of convenience, e.g. Islamic Clauses (used by Dastoor Saz Assembly) + by Bhutto in 1973 constitution + chant of Nahmudho wa Nussali Ala Rasool e hil Kareem by Gen. Zia and other so called Islamic Ordinances + MMA by Musharraf etc. etc. Even that Tyrant Ayyub has a decency to step aside before been convicted and termed although I am in favour of Gillani and hope that he complete his term because voting people should know how corrupt and shameless they themselves are to defend this madar pidar azzad democracy and dictatorships which they were choosing and accepting for long. Charity begins at home if you want system to change then you have to change yourselves, stop this petty excuses and useless pondering over blame games and abusing and calling Pres. and PM Dogs and rouges it only shows how weak and baseless you are and how indecent.
Therefore my Dear Dr. Jamil, do not build your castles on sand and do not think that every Paksitani is a sheep.
Best regards.
On 6/2/2012 3:11 PM, Dr. Jamil wrote:
Mr Asan Deen I am in favor of democracy or any other form of Govt elected by the people not only PPP. You people are just biased against PPP. many years of Pakistan were under these Leaders you are abusing. Most of the time it was/is run by the Militry/Mullas planted Journals and dictators who have brought the country to this end. If you look from above they are killing their people in the streets like warlords kill them in Ethiopia etc etc...Which political Leader has ruled for 12 or 11 years....? Every political govt was allowed to work for few years to clear their mess and again they come to rule.Hope you understand my point....?Best wishesJamil
Prof.Dr. M. Jamil Khan
Director DDE/Chairman/Co-Editor (GJAES)
Department of Soil & Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Agriculture Gomal University
Dera Ismail Khan,29050, KPK.,Pakistan.
Ph. Off: 0092 966 750425-8/3068, 0092 966 750120,
--- On Sat, 6/2/12, Asan Deen <> wrote:
From: Asan Deen <>
Subject: Re: **JP** Shah Ky Kutty / Dog.,....
To: "Dr. Jamil" <>
Date: Saturday, June 2, 2012, 2:56 PM
Dr. Jamil Sb.,You are so pround of your PPP Regieme and your beloved Leaders... But here is a report of Bangladesh, which is a clear mirror for our Bay Ghairat wa Bay Sharam Govt. Leaders, which has no shame at all for its corruppest regiome of the world record, while they put Pakistan and Pakistanis in a garbage of debts and over debts and miseries all around... Why not they all shoud be thrown to the Hell all at once, just like Khumeni did in his Country????
The retarded kadyanis and agakhanis have nothing better to write, so please know that once in 1960s Pakistan was boasting to be teacher of South East Asia and teaching these countries under Colombo plan how to build ships, a mechanical complex, etc. but under the corrupt governments Pakistan has become a beggar and bootlicker of the West, while others like Korea, Bangladesh are becoming industrial giants of Asia:
Bangladesh turns from
hulk-breaking to shipbuilding
By Syed Tashfin ChowdhuryDHAKA - Bangladesh, known worldwide as a place for breaking up old ships, is making a push to grab more of the global shipbuilding business, slashing corporate tax as an incentive for its more than 100 shipyards to expand.
The National Board of Revenue of Bangladesh has approved a 12-year tax rebate facility under which corporate tax is cut to 10% from 18.75% effective July 1. In the event of any shipbuilder becoming listed, it will have to pay only 5% corporate tax. The government hopes the move will help to create 1.5 million additional jobs and lead to as much as US$2 billion in export earnings by 2015.
Companies such as Western Marine Shipyard and Ananda Shipyard and Slipways are seeking to attract more buyers of small vessels as the world's leading shipbuilders in China and South Korea increasingly focus on large vessels such as ever-bigger container carriers and specialized ships such as transporters of liquefied natural gas.
Bangladesh's 124 shipyards, with more than 100,000 skilled and 150,000 semi-skilled workers, can easily secure a substantial share of the global small shipbuilding market, according to a World Bank study published in March.
If the country can capture even 1% of the $167 billion global shipbuilding market, "exports will be worth $1.6 billion", the World Bank noted earlier this year. Total export orders can easily exceed a billion dollars within a year or two "if we succeed in maintaining our present momentum despite the worldwide economical turmoil", Mohammad Shahidul Bashar, public relations deputy manager at Western Marine, told Asia Times Online. The industry at present has orders to build 42 ships worth around $600 million, he said.
Export earnings from ships, boats and floating structures rose to $40.4 million in the 12 months to last June from $12.7 million in the year to June 2009, according to the Export Promotion Bureau. The latest tax incentive comes after a dip in exports to $9.3 million in the 2009-10 fiscal year.
The World Bank's "Bangladesh - Diagnostic Trade Integration Study" released in March said the sector accounted for 0.57% of the global market by 2008, up from 0.08% in 2006 and 0.35% in 2007.
The shipbuilding industry could become the country's third-largest foreign exchange earner in less than 10 years if the government provided support relating to bank guarantees and declares export-oriented shipyards as export-processing zones, the Bangladesh Foreign Trade Institute says. The country's exports are dominated by textiles and ready-made garments, at around 70% of value.
The Association of Export-Oriented Shipbuilding Industries has for the past three years been urging the government to ease taxes to make the industry more competitive. Association president Abdullahel Bari, in a written proposal to the government, earlier forecast that global ship manufacturing capacity would rise to 10,000 vessels by 2015 from 7,500 at present and that "the traditional shipbuilders will come to new builders like Bangladesh in the coming years to meet the rising demand".
Present buyers of Bangladesh-made vessels come from as far afield as Europe and Africa. On March 21, German buyer Grona Shipping took possession of the last two of eight 5,200 deadweight tonnage (DWT) ice-class cargo vessels ordered from Western Marine. Each vessel was sold at $9.74 million.
Western Marine has also delivered six vessels to buyers from Denmark, Pakistan and Finland, said Bashar. "The shipyard has also built more than 60 ships including ferries, tankers, cargo vessels and dredgers for coastal and inland use in Bangladesh," he said.
Ananda Shipyard and Slipways (ASSL) in April handed over the $12 million Enzian, a 6,100 DWT multi-purpose ship, to German's Komrowski Maritim. ASSL has also sold ocean-going vessels to buyers from Germany, Denmark and Mozambique. Other local shipbuilders winning international orders include Highspeed Shipbuilding, Dhaka Dockyard and Engineering Works, Khan Brothers Shipbuilding and Karnaphuli Shipyard.
Bangladesh is historically noted for its ship-breaking industry, which competes with India, China and Pakistan to be the world's largest, but it appears unlikely that the steel garnered from old hulks will make its way into new vessels destined for the world's oceans.
"Ships built for foreign buyers and even local owners comply with a set of standard guidelines set by the International Maritime Organization [IMO]," said Bashar of Western Marine. "Classification societies work under the IMO to monitor each new building project. Therefore all machinery and equipment used and installed in new building must be class approved. According to this, parts from expired ships are not permissible."
Syed Tashfin Chowdhury is the Editor of Xtra, the weekend magazine of New Age, in Bangladesh. (Copyright 2012 Asia Times Online (Holdings) Ltd. All rights reserved. Please contact us about sales, syndication and republishing.)On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Dr. Jamil <> wrote:
People elected them....people have accepted them...still the poor people of Pakistan know that their present plight is due to the Mula and Military... The wise and democratic people of Pakistan still remember Hathorra Groups, Whit Powder, Klashnikov the Big Black Coward Munafiqs and Ghaleez Mullas...In the begining I tried to be polite but later on brought my tone to your pitch...hope you understand...
--- On Wed, 5/30/12, Asan Deen <> wrote:
From: Asan Deen <>
Subject: Re: **JP** Shah Ky Kutty / Dog.,....
Date: Wednesday, May 30, 2012, 3:12 PM
--Maza to tab ha,,, kaya yeh Shah aur kaya Shah kay Kuttay,,,, ooper say lay ker neechay tak,,, saray kay saaray,,, aaeynda election maen aisay gum gashta ho jaeay,,, jaisay gadday kay sar say seeng,,,,aur aik bhee VOTE inn ki taraf nah janay paey. Awwam un naas nay agar ab bhee apni aankhen nah kholien,,, to yeh to phir say apnay lao lashkar kay saath doosri mudat ki hakumat karnay kay khawb daikh rahay,,,, MUSHTARI HUSHIYAAR BAASH
2012/5/30 hafeez rehman <>
ہمارے حکمران کتوں کی خصلت پر پورے اترتے ہیں کیونکہ ان کو ہڈی امریکہ سے ملتی ہے اسلئے یہ امریکہ کے وفادار ہیں انہیں پاکستان اور اس کے عوام سے کوئی دلچسپی یا سروکا ر نہیں
لگتا ہے انہوں نے امریکہ کو اپنا خدا بنا لیا ہے جو کہتے ہیں کہ امریکہ کے معافی مانگنے سے شہید زندہ نہیں ہو جائیں گے۔ لعنت ہے ایسے حکمرانوں پر۔۔۔۔۔
2012/5/28 aamir_bhatti bhatti <>
Please do not call them "Kuttay" (Dogs).Dogs are very faithful animals, these creatures can not match a Dog ever..... So please call them "Suwwar" Pigs, Boar, or maybe Hyena. These are more suitable words for them.From: Waqar ShafiSent: Friday, May 25, 2012 3:30 PMTo: undisclosed-recipients:Subject: **JP** Shah Ky Kutty / Dog.,....
ڈاکٹر عاصم حسین نے گیس کی قیمتوں میں کمی کی اوگرا کی سفارش مسترد کردی ![]()
Updated 19 hours ago
اسلام آباد … وفاقی وزیر پیٹرولیم ڈاکٹر عاصم حسین نے اوگرا حکام کو دھمکی دی ہے کہ گیس کی قیمتیں کم کرنے کی بات کرتے ہو، آپ کے خلاف وزیر اعظم کو خط لکھوں گا، وزیر پیٹرولیم ڈاکٹر عاصم حسین نے اوگرا کو ایک بے سمت ادارہ قرار د ے دیا۔ جیونیوز سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے ڈاکٹر عاصم نے کہا کہ اوگرا اوگرا کی طرف سے گیس کی قیمتوں میں کمی کی سفارشات کو مسترد کرتا ہوں۔ انہوں نے اوگرا کے خلاف وزیر اعظم کو خط لکھنے کا علان کیا، اوگرا کی طرف سے وزارت پیٹرولیم کو ایک ہفتے قبل وزارت پیٹرولیم کو بھیجی گئی اپنی سفارشات میں نئے مالی سال سے گیس کی قیمتوں میں کمی کی سفارشات پر مبنی سمری وزارت پیٹرولیم کو ارسال کی تھی جس میں سوئی ناردرن کیلئے 47 روپے اور سدرن کے سسٹم پر گیس کی قیمت میں 34 روپے فی ایم ایم بی ٹی یو کمی کی سفارش کی گئی تھی۔
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