Thursday, June 14, 2012

Re: [I-S] Walker wins one for the plutocrats -

Joan Walsh is the editor of Salon and a frequent guest on msnbc

She has large front teeth

She is a socialist but her child goes to a special magnet chart school only the politically connected can get into

For days after other leftoids had given up the issue she was on tv claiming Breitbart had faked the pictures of Anthony wieners underwear

On Thursday, June 7, 2012, Keith In Tampa wrote:
"Spittles Matthews"?   I literally laughed out loud on that one.....Who's Joan?
I saw Debbie "DoucheBag" Wasserman Schultz this morning on Piers Morgan.  She was not amused.....Blaming it all on the Republican outsiders' money.   Douchebag conveniently forgot about the 21 million Union monies that flowed into Wisconsin in favor of Barrett....

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
thanks for sharing, it allowed me to post a reply to Joan, one of my face hobbies

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THURSDAY, JUN 7, 2012 04:40 AM EDT
Poor sad Demotard whores, used to voting for Democrat tax predators in exchange for a government job, a subsidy, a bailout, some walking around money, a Solynda slush fund grant, assume that a normal decent person also votes one way or another because of money. And here we have Joan again, still maintaining that those cock shots are not Anthony Weiner's because she knows what his junk looks like, and she knows it is a fabrication and a conspiracy. Joan honey you are a has been and a laughingstock and have been for years. Only Spittles Matthews ever interviews you and he has an audience of 3. You might as well just talk to him in his hot tub in the back of his $2 million house in his lily white Chevy Chase Maryland manse. You two can plot rounding up poor black kids and selling them to the educrat cartels for donations to your Demonazi candidates, the slave trade you have used to fund your socialist candidates for decades. Or you could get out. Move to Cuba or Iran before we kick your flabby skanky asses again in November. You rat toothed hag.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: S
Date: Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Subject: [I-S] Walker wins one for the plutocrats -
To: "" <>

Outspent 7-1, Democrats couldn't beat Scott Walker with a strong ground game. What does that say about November?

At about 3 pm Wisconsin time Scott Walker Tweeted: "President Reagan died on June 5, 2004. Let's win one for the Gipper!" It was moment of grandiosity for a man who endured the shame of a recall election, then ultimately spent enough to survive it, but it wasn't the first time Walker invoked Reagan on one of his big days.

While talking to a prankster who pretended he was billionaire GOP funder David Koch more than a year ago, Walker confided what he did at a dinner for his staff the night before he unveiled his union-busting agenda. "I pulled out a picture of Ronald Reagan and I said 'You know, this may seem a little melodramatic, but 30 years ago Ronald Reagan, whose 100th birthday we just celebrated the day before, had one of the most defining moments of his political career, not just his presidency, when he fired the air traffic controllers,'" Walker told the faux-Koch.

It turns out Walker's anti-union gambit was a defining moment for the modern Republican Party. When Reagan busted PATCO, the air traffic controllers' union, he accelerated the decline of the American labor movement, and American workers' wages have declined along with it ever since. When Walker moved against public employee unions, it was an effort to drive the final nail in labor's coffin, while defunding a crucial resource base for the Democratic Party. Plutocrats rewarded him handsomely for his work, shoveling money into Wisconsin and burying Democrat Tom Barrett with a 7-1 cash disadvantage.

Could it have been otherwise? Progressives got their hopes up in the last 24 hours, as polls tightened and reports of record turnout in Milwaukee and Madison let people believe an upset might be afoot. But the results were much what polls had predicted all along.  With hindsight, it was hard for it to turn out any other way. Wisconsin's was only the third gubernatorial recall election in history. I'm reluctant to cite exit polls that showed a much tighter race than the actual election, but 60 percent of voters polled said they didn't believe in recalls for anything other than "official misconduct." That was a tough hole for Barrett to climb out of.

He was also climbing out of a primary battle with labor favorite Kathleen Falk. Polls showed that people who made up their minds in the last month overwhelmingly chose Barrett, but that most people decided on the recall before May – when Democrats were fighting with one another and Walker was blanketing the airwaves with advertising. Most important, Barrett drowned in outside money, with two thirds of Walker's cash coming from out of state, floods of it from the usual suspects like the Kochs, Sheldon Adelson, Foster Freiss and Bob Perry. So some very local factors went into Walker's win, but Democrats nationally are likely to face a big fundraising disadvantage in this post-Citizens United world.

There were a few other interesting tidbits in those not entirely reliable exit polls. Walker won big with folks making more than $75,000

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