New post on Fellowship of the Minds | | Oh, I can just picture it. That (Nobel) Prize winning soul group-"SnoopPrez and the Pimps" have just finished their performance of "We Got Your Back", and Don Cornelius is interviewing the 'Soul Gravy Train' dancers: "Yo Brotha Don-I really dig the jams, but when he gonna pay my rent?" "I give it a 7. It was easy to nasty-dance to, but the lyrics sucked dawg!" ~Terry Snoop-Prez chillin' backstage Are You Ready to Hear Barack Obama's New Ad Targeting Blacks? Imagine a Soul Train soundtrack combined with politics and you have the start of President Obama's new ad targeting blacks. The new spot, which is set to air nationally on Tuesday, is based on the phrase "We got your back." The phrase is repeated several times throughout by a group of singers as quotes form the president and Barry White-like music play in the background. "Four years ago we made history," a male announcer says. "Now it's time to move forward and finish what we started together. We have to show the President we have his back." The spot is inter-cut with audio from President Obama's speeches, touching on familiar political and campaign themes. "I refuse to pay for another millionaire's tax cut by kicking children off of Head Start programs; asking students to pay more for college; or eliminating health insurance for millions of poor and elderly and disabled Americans on Medicaid," the president can be heard saying in the ad. Of course, not everyone is happy with the ad. One blogger charged that it's stereotypical and lamented that such an ad is acceptable if it targets blacks but would likely be criticized if it was a different candidate targeting, say, whites. It's also worth pointing out that Obama's support within the black community has taken a hit, especially among black religious leaders after the president came out and supported gay marriage. In that sense, "We got your back" is more of a statement of hope than one of fact. Terry | June 13, 2012 at 4:25 am | Tags: Campaign ads, Democrats, Obama | Categories: 2012 Election, Culture War, Economy, Humor, Liberals/Democrats, Media, Race, Uncategorized, US Presidents | URL: | | | |

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