New post on Fellowship of the Minds | | Black lawmakers plan walkout during contempt vote By Johnathon Allen / Politico 6/27/12 The Congressional Black Caucus plans to walk off the House floor during tomorrow's votes to hold Attorney General Holder in contempt of Congress, according to a letter being circulated among members of Congress. Another group needing an ethics probe "We adamantly oppose this partisan attackand refuse to participate in any vote that would tarnish the image of Congress or of an attorney general who has done nothing but work tirelessly to protect the rights of the American people. We must reflect upon why we are elected to this body and choose now to stand up for justice," the CBC members wrote in a copy of the letter obtained by POLITICO. "We call upon all members of Congress to stand with us during a press conference on the Capitol Building steps during this appalling series of votes to discuss our nation's most significant priority — creating jobs. At this critically important time in our nation, we must work as colleagues rather than political enemies." In particular, CBC members are hoping to garner support for their move from members of other minority and liberal groups, including Hispanics, Asians and the Congressional Progressive Caucus. "Instead of focusing on job creation and other critical issues before this Congress, we have been asked to engage in a political stunt on the floor of the United States House of Representatives. Our constituents elected us to do real work, not to engage in meaningless partisan activity," they wrote. What a coincidence that they picked this particular moment in time to do non-partisan activity and REAL WORK! Terry | June 28, 2012 at 4:55 am | Tags: Barack Obama, CBC, Congress, Democrats, Eric Holder, Fast & Furious, government, Obama administration, White House | Categories: 2012 Election, Agenda 21, Congress, crime, Culture War, Liberals/Democrats, Race, The Powers That Be, Uncategorized, US Presidents | URL: | | | |

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