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AEI Events Date: Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Subject: Reminder: Supreme Court's epic ruling on health care reform: real-time reaction this Thursday (June 28)
To: Bruce Majors <
| Thursday, June 28, 2012 9:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. AEI, Twelfth Floor 1150 Seventeenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 Two blocks from Farragut North Metro This event will be livestreamed. Participants: John Barrasso, Chairman of U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee (R-Wyo.) Thomas M. Christina, Ogletree Deakins Tevi Troy, Hudson Institute On Thursday morning, June 28, the Supreme Court will issue its ruling on several constitutional law challenges to the Affordable Care Act. At this event, AEI scholars and legal analysts will provide real-time reactions to the decision and offer prescriptions for what should come next in health policy reform. Three of the panelists, Thomas P. Miller, James C. Capretta and Thomas M. Christina, were instrumental in the filing of an amicus brief about severability filed before the Court, which was cited by Justice Samuel Alito during oral arguments.
Coverage of the ruling will be broadcast live at the event. RSVP to attend this event. To watch live online, click here on Thursday, June 28, at 9:30 a.m. ET. Registration is not required. | | Video
Also of Interest Thomas P. Miller, Grace-Marie Turner, and James C. Capretta | The American Journal of Medicine April 25, 2012 Subscribe Sign up for AEI Today, a daily newsletter of the latest events, publications, analysis, and commentary from AEI. ![Subscribe now]() | | |
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