New post on Scotty Starnes's Blog | | It's an election year and Obama is pulling out all tricks. Obama has used waivers to allow certain pro-Obama groups to avoid his health care law. Obama is issue waivers to allow pro-Obama teacher unions to duck the No Child Left Behind law. Now Obama is continuing his waiver mania by granting them to illegal immigrants in order to avoid US immigration laws. Via Time : (WASHINGTON) — The Obama administration plans a rule change to help reduce the time illegal immigrant spouses and children are separated from citizen relatives while they try to win legal status in the United States, a senior administration official said Thursday. Where does the US Constitution grant a president the power to change laws? That is a power regulated to Congress, not a wanna-be dictator. Currently, illegal immigrants must leave the country before they can ask the government to waive a three- to 10-year ban on legally coming back to the U.S. The length of the ban depends on how long they have lived in the U.S. without permission. Without permission? No, they broke the law and lived off the US taxpayers illegally. The official said the new rule would let children and spouses of citizens ask the government to decide on the waiver request before the illegal immigrant heads to his or her home country to apply for a visa. The illegal immigrants still must go home to finish the visa process to come back to the U.S., but getting the waiver ahead of time could reduce the time an illegal immigrant is out of the country. Sorry to all those law-abiding immigrants who followed the rules. Obama and Democrats tend to favor criminals over the law-abiding. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because the proposed policy change had not been made public. The waiver shift is the latest move by President Barack Obama to make changes to immigration policy without congressional action. Congressional Republicans repeatedly have criticized the administration for policy changes they describe as providing "backdoor amnesty" to illegal immigrants. This is backdoor amnesty through non-enforcement of US immigration laws. It's an election year and Obama needs the weak-minded to vote for him, along with the criminals and dead folk in society. It's his base. Continue reading>>> | | | |

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