'Former Reagan official and Focus on the Family executive champions Ron Paul and LRC'
Posted on January 6, 2012 by Lew Rockwell
Writes Charlie Jarvis:
"I have served as a senior executive in Ronald Reagan's administration (ranked number 3 in one of the unconstitutional departments), as a legislative director for a still-sitting US Senator (where I had the privilege of witnessing first hand the insight and courage of LRC columnists Christopher Manion, Paul Craig Roberts, and Gary North), as a senior executive of Focus on the Family, as father and husband in a wonderful family of six that, without exception, have supported and continue to support Ron Paul for President, as one who was lost for a time in the labyrinthine, seductive world of Washington, DC's blandishments and power hunger.
"Lew, LRC and Ron Paul have together been an intellectual resort for me. For years now I literally couldn't wait to hit my favorite site: Lewrockwell.com. Thank you for never, never, never, never giving up.
"I believe Dr. Paul can own the debates, and I offer one scenario of how it can be done:
- MODERATOR: Congressman Paul, you've been called "dangerous" by Newt Gingrich and other names by Rick Santorum…
- CONGRESSMAN PAUL: I know where you're going with this. My consistent stand as Defender of the Constitution over the decades is certainly not dangerous. But Newt, you and Rick Santorum championed or voted for thousands of unconstitutional laws that created many thousands of unconstitutional regulations and they have bankrupted our country. You speak in the authentic accents of the oppressive British Empire, which attacked our Founders as dangerous for writing the Constitution and demanding protection of personal liberties with strict limits on government and foreign entanglements!
- When both of you were in Congress, when you held government power, you proved what you would do with power NOW! Based on your oath to support and defend the Constitution, both of you had the duty to go to the floor of the Senate and House and say, "Fellow members of Congress, every day, every week, every month we pass unconstitutional laws that are killing this country." You should have said on the floor, "In another era, we'd all be impeached, except perhaps for Ron Paul and a few others, then tarred and feathered, and run out of Washington on a rail!" But neither of you, Newt or Rick Santorum, stood up when you had power in the government.
- While I have asked every day, "why is Congress passing one unconstitutional law after another, making a mockery of our oath to defend the Constitution?" the two of you did the most dangerous thing of all: you made a mockery of the Constitution and your oath to defend it. And therefore you must now bear a huge responsibility for the economic disaster our country faces. If the American people want to know what a person will do with government power, just look to see what they did when they had power and authority in the past.
- My stand for the Constitution is not dangerous. My stand fulfills my oath to support and defend that very Constitution. Now I challenge you and Mitt Romney also to name – right now -- the specific federal departments and agencies that are unconstitutional and which must be immediately defunded.
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