Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fwd: What are some great stories about Steve Jobs? - Quora

Top Content For You This Week
Erik Lammerding voted up this answer.
Kristopher Wright, Film Maker
Founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, passed away today. I never met the man personally and now I never will. I only had one semi-personal interaction with Steve Jobs and I thought it was a good time to share it.

Before I met the wife I had a girlfriend named Rebecca. Rebecca had non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. It was a rough time in her life and she was very depressed by it, even though chemotherapy was healing her over time.

Rebecca was a big fan of Pixar films. I knew Steve Jobs had also been battling cancer and was a big part of the Pixar company. I d... Read More »
Erik Lammerding
Anne K. Halsall, lifelong Apple Macintosh fan
I've been an Apple devotee all my life. I grew up on the products of Mr. Jobs's imagination. I wrote BASIC on an Apple //e, I composed poetry on a Mac Plus, I learned Photoshop on a Performa, I chatted with friends on a blueberry iMac, I played games on a G4 cube, I took lecture notes on an iBook, I created websites with a MacBook, I designed educational software for the iPad, I helped bring Quora to the iPhone.

These devices have shaped my friendships, my personality, my education, and my career. They have taught me the value of good desi... Read More »
Jason Crawford, Amazon employee 2004–2007
Some key pieces:
  • Visionary leadership: Jeff Bezos built an online retailer before most people knew what the Internet was. He was talking about what he called the "machine-to-machine Web" before the term "web services" was even coined.
  • Customer focus: Amazon is driven by serving customers and creating value for them, not by beating competitors or by winning any piece of some pre-existing market. This helps keep them focused on a consistent strategy ( and prevents them from wasting resources on me-too or copy...
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Jason Crawford
Patrick Ruffini, Partner at Engage, former RNC and Bus...
Traditional, 9-to-5 jobs seem to be playing less and less of a role in today's economy. How can we support people who have lost their jobs who want to start their own small businesses, through the tax code or otherwise?
Patrick Ruffini
Jonas M Luster, Science is sexy, food is sexy, culina...
I'd like to take you down another path.

All means of production of food in the United States and elsewhere are a drain on the ecosystem in one way or another. Modern societies produce, transport, and consume food as a commodity, which means all steps along the way are tailored to be as cheap and as fast as possible.

Producing rice, soy, and beans, staples of a vegan diet, requires massive operations which carve swaths of land from the ecosystem. Harvest is a killer, both of animals and humans, depending on the country it is performed in. A... Read More »
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