New post on Scotty Starnes's Blog | | Do Democrats realize that Bush has been out of office for 3 years and their party has been in control since 2007? From Politico: The Senate's top two Democratic and Republican leaders agree on at least one thing: Democrats will try to make the 2012 election about George W. Bush. It will be an easy strategy to push because Democrats are weak-minded and have no clue about civics. Democrats controlled the House and Senate from 2007 to 2011. Presently, they control the Senate and White House with Obama having been president for 3 years. Did Bush put forth all those bills and policies that are presently sinking the economy? After occupying the White House for three years, Democrats will try to blame everyone but themselves, including the Bush administration, for the sour economy and jobs crisis, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Wednesday in a floor exchange with Majority Leader Harry Reid. Reid, a Nevada Democrat and close ally of President Barack Obama, conceded that McConnell wasn't completely off base. "I do think the presidential election will be based on what took place in the Bush administration, how we tried to recover from that, how things have been exacerbated because of the tsunami and European debt crisis," Reid said. Yes, everyone is to blame for Democrats spending historic amounts of tax dollars and running up record deficits. Just don't blame a Democrat for their actions. Blame Mother Nature and a guy who hasn't been president for 3 years. Continue reading>>> | | | |

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