Monday, October 10, 2011

Herman "Godfather" "Pimp Daddy" Cain

*** "My father taught me not to steal a Cadillac from the rich, but to
work hard and buy my own Cadillac". - Herman "Godfather" "Pimp Daddy"

#1. No one is saying that your Cadillac Pimp-mobile should be
stolen... who would want to be seen in that piece-o-shit anyway???
Except maybe another pimp.

#2. Your father taught you how to get rich off the backs of the
working poor. That's why you started a shitty pizza joint and hire
people at minimum wage... you just wish the wages were lower so you
could be a even richer phoney.

*** "I'm a Christian, and what I was taught was; to do the right
thing". Herman "Godfather" "Pimp Daddy" Cain

You'd lie to Jesus Christ himself if you could pimp daddy Cain.

You and all the other Republitards are nothing more than evil
personified who do the bidding of Satan himself.

*** "I don't understand what the nature of these Wall Street protests
are. These people should go get a job". - Herman "Godfather" "Pimp
Daddy" Cain

I thought you were supposed to be smart enough to tell that's what the
problem is moron; no jobs.

What a complete moron, or is he trying to gauge just how much stupider
other people can be???
As if the Republitard Party is going to nominate him anyway?
You gotta be kidding me with these morons.

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