| Who's Afraid of Ron Paul? Eowyn | August 25, 2011 at 5:25 am | Tags: 2012 presidential election, Barack Obama, conservative, Constitutionalist, Federal Reserve, libertarian, media bias, TEA Party | Categories: 2012 Election, Constitution, Culture War, Economy, Liberals, Media, Republican Party, Taxes, Tea Party, United States, US Presidents | URL: http://wp.me/pKuKY-8Wd |
Ron Paul, M.D., is a longtime Congressman serving the state of Texas. Described as conservative, Constitutionalist, and libertarian, Paul has been termed the "intellectual godfather" of the Tea Party movement.
He is also one of the Republicans competing to be the GOP presidential nominee for 2012. In fact, a recent (August 23) Rasmussen Reports poll finds that Obama and Ron Paul are running almost dead even in a hypothetical 2012 election matchup.
This is the media's coverage of Ron Paul compared to other 2012 candidates:
Source: Journalism.org
Here's the chart presented as number of campaign stories:
Candidate # of Campaign Stories
Barack Obama 221
Mitt Romney 120
Newt Gingrich 112
Michele Bachmann 108
Donald Trump 94
Sarah Palin 85
Tim Pawlenty 52
Jon Huntsman 44
Rick Perry 33
Ron Paul 27
Rick Santorum 21
Herman Cain 11
Tim Pawlenty got more media coverage than Ron Paul? Puleeze!!!!!
Why is that?
Is it because of Ron Paul's adamant insistence that the "creature from Jekyll Island," aka as the U.S. Federal Reserve System, be audited?
Or is it because Ron Paul recently warned that "They're setting up the stage for violence in America"?
H/t beloved fellow Joseph.
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