| Let the Flushing Begin! catscanner150 | August 24, 2011 at 7:28 pm | Tags: Barack Obama, Bill of Rights, Election, United States Bill of Rights, United States Constitution | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/pKuKY-8Sa |
I've been ready to flush this joker since before the election in 2008. Anyone with half a brain knew he was a lying socialist fraud with absolutely no qualifications to be president. Thanks to a bunch of mind numbed Obamabots and a weak, jelly spined republican candidate, we are almost three years into the worst presidency in the history of our country.
With still almost 15 months until the next election don't think for a second that this evil clown is done inflicting ruin on this country, because he's not. Soon his policies will be shutting down many coal fired power plants, so look for a rise in your power bills, He has already virtually shutdown all oil drilling in our country, and made us almost a hundred percent dependent on foreign oil, mostly supplied by countries that hate us. With the average price of a gallon of gas over $3.50, don't look for relief anytime soon.
Obama knows exactly what he is doing and he also knows that with the sentiment in the country right now, he doesn't stand a chance of being reelected (not legitimately anyway). He doesn't care, his plan is to drive us over the brink, to make any kind of recovery impossible. He has already shredded the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, ruined the housing market, put us trillions of dollars in debt and cut the budget of our military and stretched them to the breaking point.
Who knows what other evil tricks he has up his sleeve, but don't think that the worst is over yet. I'm sure his checklist of destruction is far from complete and might include:
- Confiscation of privately own guns.
- Detention of Conservatives/Christians.
- Implementation of sharia law.
- More spending.
- The takeover of more private industry.
- Martial law and the suspension of elections.
- Increase in black on white racism and attacks.
- Higher taxes.
- Higher inflation.
- Continue government expansion.
- Higher unemployment.
This cannot be allowed to continue, his crimes against this country and the Constitution include:
- Operation Fast and Furious
- Obamacare
- Illegally ordering our military into a conflict with Libya without congressional approval.
- Voter fraud in the 2008 election.
- Unconstitutional searches of passengers, unnecessary eposure to radiation by TSA agents at airports.
And the list goes on:
Congress needs to grow a couple and start the articles of impeachment immediately. WE DEMAND IT!!!!!
Tom in NC
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