Ron Paul: 'The Establishment Can't Buy the Nomination'
Posted on June 4, 2011 by Lew Rockwell
Writes Ron:
As you may know, my campaign is holding a R3VOLUTION v. RomneyCare money bomb tomorrow. I am in this race to win, and a key factor is fundraising.
Establishment candidates are revving up their campaigns and trying to blow the field away with massive fundraising totals.
You see, Mitt Romney was able to tap his bailed-out banker buddies on Wall Street to the tune of 10 million dollars in one day.
These influence peddlers want to install a different conductor on the Big Government gravy train.
And while his support is a mile wide with the establishment, it's an inch deep with the people who decide the Republican nomination: tea party activists, grassroots conservatives, and liberty-minded Americans.
His liberal record – RomneyCare and his ever-shifting positions – leaves the media-anointed frontrunner with political liabilities.
And the freedom movement has a chance to take advantage.
But this will happen only if we can raise the funds necessary to spread the message of my consistent conservative record and commitment to liberty and the Constitution.
Every dollar raised from this Money Bomb will go toward putting top-flight teams in key early voting states like Iowa and New Hampshire to show the press and independent voters that I am a top-tier candidate.
Please visit on June 5th and make your most generous contribution toward the grassroots Money Bomb.
Polls show I am within striking distance of first place.
And my campaign's supporters are among the most enthusiastic and dedicated.
Now we need to show the establishment that no matter how much money they raise from Wall Street bankers, the real energy in the Republican Primary is with our campaign.
That's why I am counting you to make your most generous contribution at www on June 5th.
I know times are tough out there for many folks, but I hope you'll be as generous as you can.
Each and every dollar will go toward implementing our plans to run a first-class, winning campaign to restore America now.
Support for my Presidential campaign is growing every day. And I'm hopeful that we are in time to save America, rebuild our economy, and hand our children an even better country than the one we inherited.
My hope is this critical Money Bomb will prove that our campaign doesn't need fat cat bankers and rich elitists to compete.
But I do need you.
So can I count on you to make your most generous contribution at www this Sunday, June 5th?
Thank you for all you do to help us win this race!
For Liberty,
Ron Paul
P.S. It is absolutely critical my staff and I have the necessary resources to run a top-notch campaign to win this race.
Sunday, June 5th, offers us a perfect chance to demonstrate that the liberty message doesn't need well-connected insiders and fat cat bankers to compete.
So I hope you'll visit this Sunday and contribute as generously as you can toward the grassroots Money Bomb.
Thank you again for all you do to help us restore America now.
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