Saturday, February 19, 2011

Re: The Dems' tantrum - JSOnline

Hey  Bruce
I do see what you are saying and would have agreed with you years ago. We no longer have a government seperated by dem or rep they are all one big happy family playing games with our money . I think people forget the hugh paycheck these crooks take home and this is not counting what they are given for exspense  of the money they are given by the lobbyist to stab the people in the back.  So yes I do agree they are running and hide and next week the rep do it . Remember the game we played when we were kid you know hide and seek Well this is what this government is doing to us every day  of the year . Do not  for one minute think they have the best interests of america or american  in their sight . The only thing they have in they sights is the next bribe or pay raise same thing for them. . Please go to my site if you have a chance and really read what I've wrote and let me know . Even if you think it not right for you I think you will agree on most points   this is the small website I put out plus a few blogs trying to get interest in starting a new political party that will bring back the government under the control of the people .
Hope to hear from you
Bob Prezioso

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 2:59 PM, Bruce Majors <> wrote:

In a snit, Senate Democrats run and hide - making a mockery of the democratic process.

Democrats in the state Senate threw a temper tantrum Thursday - essentially they took their ball and went home.

Actually, they didn't go home. They apparently went to Illinois, just out of reach of their obligations.

By boycotting an expected vote on Gov. Scott Walker's budget repair bill, they were able to prevent action on the measure. Twenty senators are required for a quorum; the Republicans have only 19.

The Walker plan is deeply divisive. We're not supportive of some aspects of the bill, either, including those that will make it nearly impossible for unions to negotiate. And we think that police and firefighter unions should not be excluded as they are now. But public worker benefits need to be reined in, and Walker is right to target them.

State Sen. Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee), apparently with plenty of time on her hands Thursday afternoon, posted on her Facebook page, "brb," slang for "be right back." Too bad she and her colleagues weren't.

One leading Democrat - Obama was his name, as we recall - put it well after winning the White House in 2008: "Elections have consequences," he told Republicans at the time. Indeed they do. The Democrats' childish prank mocks the democratic process.

Meanwhile, some Wisconsin teachers decided to make a mockery of their own profession by penalizing their students after an irresponsible call to action by Mary Bell, the chief of the state teachers union.

"On Thursday and Friday, we are asking Wisconsinites to come to Madison," Bell, president of the Wisconsin Education Association Council, said Wednesday. She then claimed disingenuously that she wasn't telling the union's 98,000 teachers to walk off their jobs.

Unfortunately, that's what many of them did. There were no classes in Madison schools. Port Washington High School had to close. The same was true at other schools around the state. Do these teachers care more about their jobs than their kids? We wonder.

Both Senate Democrats and teachers should get over their snits and get back to work.


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