Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 6:19 AM
Subject: Stunner! Supremes to give eligibility case another look
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| Stunner! Supremes to give eligibility case another look | In a stunning move, the U.S. Supreme Court has scheduled another "conference" on a legal challenge to Barack Obama's eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, but officials there are not answering questions about whether two justices given their jobs by Obama will participate. | Read the latest now on WND.com.
| Plus! | Fox News talk show host Glenn Beck today said Americans should be alarmed over the revelations of The Islamic Antichrist in which author Joel Richardson documents the similarities between the "bad guy" of the Bible, the Antichrist, and the "good guy" of the Quran, the Mahdi.
The author contends they are, in fact, the same.
"You have to look at this, really ask yourself, 'Wow, is this true?'" Beck said. | Click here for details.
| Entertainment Today! | Entertainment-soaked culture damages kids' brains; here's the antidote
Over consumption of media among children is an enormous concern. According to a study I conducted in 2003, the average young man is involved in 33.25 hours a week of "screen time" (watching movies, playing video games, surfing the Internet). Girls averaged ... | Click to read more
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