Islamic supremacy
Devout Muslims are quite certain they are the supreme religious culture on the planet Earth. And, as we saw in Part 3, they were very tolerant and open to questions and scrutiny (sarcasm). They are promoting their cause anywhere and everywhere they can and, of course, the Progressive left is willing to help them in the ever-effluent name of diversity.

1001 Inventions: The Enduring Legacy of Muslim Civilization

1001 Inventions and The Library of Secrets - starring Sir Ben Kingsley as Al-Jazari
1001 Inventions is a global educational initiative that promotes awareness of the scientific and cultural achievements of Muslim civilization, during the thousand year period from the 7th century onwards, and how those contributions helped build the foundations of our modern world.
Working with the world's leading academics, 1001 Inventions engages with the public through educational media and interactive global exhibitions, in order to highlight the shared cultural and technological inheritance of humanity.
Since it launched in March 2006, 1001 Inventions has successfully educated more than a million people, promoted cross-cultural understanding and strengthened social cohesion.
1001 Inventions was created by the academic Foundation for Science, Technology and Civilization (FSTC) with support from the British Government.
Good intentions paved the road to hell ... with support from the British Government. Probably similar to the support Obama is giving Islam here in America--where Islam demands we allow them to tell us what to do!
How dare you question authenticity!?
Our friend David Wood posted a critique of "1001 Inventions" and was immediately met with fierce opposition. You see, it is all good and well for Islam to be critical of Western culture, but it is NOT alright if we are critical of Islam; just like Progressives agree with free speech … as long as it agrees with them, otherwise you shouldn't be allowed to say it! 1001 Inventions filed a false copyright infringement notification with YouTube against David Wood and, wouldn't you know it, the cowards at YouTube immediately removed Wood's video. As part of his counter-claim, Wood was forced to disclose his home address to the Islamic supremacist group, 1001 Inventions ... isn't that special? I know I would appreciate having that crowd know where I live. He then posted his video at LiveLeak and it was removed there as well. Ever diligent, Wood persisted; that is what it is going to take to tell the truth about Islam and its motives. This is one of the battlegrounds for preserving liberty.

David Wood responded to this action:
Wow! LiveLeak took down my response to "1001 Inventions and the Library of Secrets." This is insane. "Fair Use" was designed so that people like me could criticize other people's work. And now both LiveLeak and YouTube have declared that Fair Use doesn't apply on their sites.
Science and Islam: A Reply to '1001 Inventions and the Library of Secrets'
It amazes me that we are supposed to ignore all of the socio-technical advancements made by Western culture–individual sovereignty, liberty, natural law, science and medicine--and hastily return to the "sanctity" of the Seventh Century. Also, I find it ironic Muslims consider a part of history we know as the "Dark Ages" as the "Golden Ages." There seems to be a perpetual celebration of subjugation and death in Islam, and the rules are made up as they go alone; henceforth; "abrogation" and "taqiyya" are very convenient. Yet, we are continually reminded that Islam is the "religion of peace and tolerance."
How tolerant was it when Pastor Umar Mulinde (a former Muslim) was attacked and doused in acid by Muslims last year in Uganda after a Christmas Eve church service?
CBN News: Jerusalem Dateline - Pastor Umar Mulinde
There was nothing peaceful, tolerant, civilized or supreme about what Muslims did to Pastor Umar Mulinde. This was a cruel, barbaric and inhumane act of vengeance. The Lord teaches us in the Bible that vengeance is His alone. Umar explains Islam does not serve the purposes of God; it is about the globalization of Islam. Subjugation is not divine, nor is supremacy. Killing or threatening to kill someone for their beliefs is not divine, tolerant, peaceful or supreme.

Muslim Threatens Christians for Speaking about Muhammad
Matthew 5
Love for Enemies
43 ¶ Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy.
44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
45 that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
My purpose for writing this is to ask Muslims to search their hearts and ask themselves if they can truly accept the violence that is appropriated in the Qur'an.
Part 5 to follow soon …
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