catscanner150 posted: "The Stench of Socialism in North Carolina As a resident of North Carolina I started noticing a slight odor last Saturday at my home 152 miles east of Charlotte. At first I thought it was one of my neighbors septic systems, but that turned out not " Respond to this post by replying above this line | New post on Fellowship of the Minds | |  As a resident of North Carolina I started noticing a slight odor last Saturday at my home 152 miles east of Charlotte. At first I thought it was one of my neighbors septic systems, but that turned out not to be the case. As the holiday weekend continued the smell became stronger especially when the wind blew from the west. The offending odor could only be described as a combination of bullshit, the reek of desperation and the stench of socialism. By Tuesday the funk was really bad and I finally put two and two together, between the DNC and the occupy idiots, they were polluting the air for hundreds of miles. The only breath of fresh air comes from visiting Conservative websites such as FOTM, listening to Conservative talk radio and watching FOX News. After the peak of pungency tonight, we should start to see the stench slip away and our air quality return to normal. Hopefully North Carolina will never have to endure the emanations of this many democrats gathered together in one place ever again. Tom in NC | | | |

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