New post on Scotty Starnes's Blog | | Only worried about HIS job The man is the most well documented liar in history. Obama doesn't want to help fellow Democrats because he's too busy raising every dime from weak-minded liberals he can. From Yahoo: President Barack Obama explained in a radio interview Monday why he didn't do more to help Wisconsin Democrats in their battle to recall Republican Governor Scott Walker: He was too busy. "The truth of the matter is that, as president of the United States, I've got a lot of responsibilities," he told WBAY of Green Bay, Wisconsin. WBAY was one of eight TV stations given an exclusive interview with the president — six from battleground states Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, Virginia and Wisconsin and two from California and South Carolina. He's so busy that he's only broken the record for fundraisers held by any other president but he's never too busy to hob-knob with celebrities like George Clooney, Sarah Jessica Parker or his billionaire bundlers. Obama's only busy when he knows Democrats are losing in the polls. Obama said he was "supportive" of Walker's Democratic challenger, Tom Barrett, whom Walker thumped in last week's vote. "Obviously, I would have loved to see a different result," Obama told WBAY. That's Obama. Wisconsin was in so much debt due to these unionized state employees. Obama, like most Democrats, don't care about following the laws that required states to balance their budgets. And the president said he would be working to ensure a different result in November. "We're going to be fighting very hard in Wisconsin just like we have in the past," said Obama, who carried the state by 14 points in 2008 but saw Barrett lose there by seven points. Continue reading>>> | | | |

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