New post on ACGR's "News with Attitude" | | James Wilson, Downsize DC 5/1/2012 Asset forfeiture is nothing but theft and must be stopped "Civil asset forfeiture" is the polite-sounding name for blatant government theft. It means the State takes property that it CLAIMS might have been used in a crime, even if the owners are never even charged with a crime. Forfeiture is [...] Read more of this post Harold | May 2, 2012 at 7:04 am | Categories: ATF, Corruption, Criminal Activity, DEA, DHS, Executive, FBI, Financial, Government, IRS, Legislative, Local Law Enforcement, NeoConservatives, Police State, Privacy Rights, Progressives, Propaganda, Property Rights, Sovereignty, States Rights, TSA, U.S. Constitution | URL: | | | |

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