What they gonna be tried for? Failure to have the proper trash burning permit? Failure to have a dog pee on the trash before burning it?
New post on Creeping Sharia | | And from the news reports we've seen those on trial would be American soldiers, unless they hang (no pun intended) some other NATO or Afghani's out to dry. At what point do we hold NATO or the Joint Chiefs responsible for the useless killing of American soldiers? via Joint Statement by the Delegations Assigned to [...] Read more of this post creeping | February 27, 2012 at 9:00 AM | Tags: Creeping Sharia, islam, Jihad, law, Legal, Life, Media, Military, Muslim, News, Obama, Politics, Random, Religion, Sharia, terrorism | Categories: Alerts, Creeping Sharia, Legal, Media, Military, News, Obama, Politics, Religion, Sharia | URL: http://wp.me/pbU4v-aX1 | | | |

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