Sunday, September 2, 2012

The heroin issue... thank your daddy and mommy suckers

So let's just get this straight;
Afghan President Karzai addresses Congress AND the American people
after 9-11 and say's; "we will cut down on the number opium fields.
That's a promise to the American people, and you can hold us
accountable for it".

Well no one ever did.

Bush Jr. (aka: The Idiot) AND Obama (aka Bush The Lesser Idiot) have
spent billion$$$ training Afghan security forces to PROTECT the poppy
Afghanistan alone produces more poppy than WORLD demand.

And that's why heroin use has skyrocketed in the U.S., the price of
heroin actually fell, while the quality went up.

So not only did YOU spend billion$$$ for Afghanistan, now we can throw
our kids in jail, ruin their lives, and have MORE deaths and
destruction from heroin than ten 9-11's caused.

Can't you just hear the police and prison officials now?
'We need MORE money for the war on drugs!
'We need MORE money for the prisons!''
'We need MORE money for rehabilitation programs!'

All because YOU are a dumbass for supporting either Bush and Obama.

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