Saw THIS today ... which speaks LOUDER ....
- For the Sheeple Who Still Believe That Obama Killed bin Laden
- Posted by David Kramer on September 7, 2012 06:13 AM
- In this interview with our current Murderer-in-Chief, he discusses the procedures that are followed before ordering drone bombings on suspected "terrorists" (which always seem to include innocent civilians). At 1: 35 in the segment, O-bomb-a states:
- "Our preference is always to capture if we can, because we can gather intelligence."
- But when the U.S. military had allegedly captured the NUMBER ONE terrorist in the world (at least in the U.S. government's eyes), Osama bin Laden, who was UNARMED and NOT RESISTING, they shot him in cold blood??? Do you think that perhaps the NUMBER ONE terrorist in the world might have had a wee bit of intelligence that would have been useful to the United States government??? Hmmm???
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Date: Friday, September 7, 2012
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EXCLUSIVE: Obama 'cancelled missions to kill bin Laden THREE TIMES after getting cold feet - until Hillary Clinton stepped in', claims explosive new book
- Leading from Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide for Him will be published on Tuesday
- Claims Obama cancelled three operations to kill bin Laden
- The killing of bin Laden is at the centre of Obama's re-election campaign
- The 9/11 mastermind was eventually killed by US Navy SEALs in May 2011
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