You continue to have SELECTIVE hearing/seeing when it comes to Romney -- that he changes his positions like most change their socks notwithstanding. The endless fallacious spews do little for your cause and certainly do not mask their ineptness. Let me guess ... he quickly 'backtracked' after showing his hand?
WITHIN the last several days Romney ASSERTED as much so that commentators who ARE paying attention noted:
- Monday, September 10, 2012
- Incoherent Romney
- Sheldon Richman
- Mitt Romney says he wouldn't repeal all of Obamacare. He'll keep the rule forbidding exclusion for preexisting conditions, i.e., he'll maintain guaranteed issue. But he is going to find that he can't do just that. If all that's mandated is guaranteed issue, what's to stop insurers from charging premiums to already-sick clients that amount simply to prepayment for the medical expenses they are certain to incur (plus administrative overhead)? At that point the coverage is no longer insurance. Also, that won't fly politically, which is why guaranteed issue is always coupled with community rating--the requirement that insurers charge people in the same area the same premiums regardless of their health. That requirement raises premiums for younger healthy people so they will cross-subsidize older and sicker people.
- But that leads to a new problem. (See Mises's Critique of Interventionism.) Younger and healthier people will leave the insurance market: Why pay inflated premiums when you can put off buying coverage until you are sick?
- There's only one solution to this problem if the other interventions are to be maintained: an individual insurance mandate, the centerpiece of Obamacare, which Republicans and conservatives say they hate. Except that they don't really. Romney enacted a mandate in Massachusetts, and the conservative Heritage Foundation proposed one in the 1990s after the Clintons proposed their health care overhaul.
- Is this Romney capitulation to Obamacare enough to keep the GOP base home and assure Obama the election?
I predict conservatives will soon embrace ObamaCare, like they did with Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, & the entire welfare state. -- Jacob Hornberger
At 09:47 AM 9/11/2012, you wrote:
Gutzman is the epitome of a Moonbat. He is uninformed, and clearly, your commentary demonstrates likewise. Romney has made clear FOR MONTHS, that one of his first acts will be to attempt to repeal the "Patient Protection And Affordable Care" Act. Romney's statements are far from, "Mend It~~ Not End It".
Any American who is not concerned about our current health care system has their head up their proverbial ass.
Medicare Part D is a farce. When Bush proposed and then Congress enacted Part D and the Patient Prescription (Whatever the Act was called) conservatives were outraged, and Bush was condemned from most all of the Republican Party. I am unaware of anyone (except socialists and a-political Democrats) who supported Bush on this bill at the time.
The point being, is that you constantly bring out negative, usually misleading and untruthful articles from the likes of Gutzman and Raimondo, both who have shit for brains.
On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 3:30 PM, MJ <> wrote:
- <sigh>
- Gutzman, of course, is NOT a 'liberal' -- spinning or otherwise.
- Even YOUR citation demonstrates Gutzman's observation of 'mend it not end it'.
- What is needed, of course, is to REPEAL PPACA ... Medicare Part D ... and EVERYTHING else all the way back to the cartelization of the medical providers before the turn of LAST century.
- INSTEAD, Romney -- the architect of Obamacare -- will provide us with HIS (and his handlers) vision of healthcare PLANNING that Rs will PRETEND is not fascism.
- As asserted previously, had PPACA been BushCare ... we would not hear squat about it -- just like Bush's Medicare Part D expansion.
- Regard$,
- --MJ
- I wonder how many of the Republican faithful who now wring their hands over the enactment of Obama's "health care" measure understand how their unprincipled and mindless defense of George W. Bush's war-making, empire-building, and crony-capitalism was responsible for the Democrats getting swept into power in Washington? -- Butler Shaffer
- At 09:18 AM 9/11/2012, you wrote:
- Typical liberal spin and misinformation:
- "Well of course I'm going to repeal Obamacare," Romney told the conservative radio host on Monday. "I've said that on the campaign trail, I think, every single day. Obamacare must be repealed –- in its entirety. It's bad policy, it's bad law, and frankly, a $2 trillion entitlement we don't want and we certainly can't afford. I have my own health care plan, and it does not require Obamacare to make our health care system work better. Obamacare is a disaster in my opinion, and has to be repealed entirely."
- On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 3:06 PM, MJ <> wrote:
- "Romney says he'll decide later what to do about Afghanistan, won't pursue substantial spending cuts, will "Mend it, not end it" on Obamacare, and will appoint more justices like John "Obamacare" Roberts. Polls show that people prefer the actual Democrat, President Obama, to the Democrat-manque', Romney. Didn't we learn this lesson in 2008?
- "Who says you can't learn anything practical by studying history?" -- Kevin Gutzman
- New Memo Confirms That The Romney Camp Is Starting To Freak Out About Polls
- Grace Wyler | Sep. 10, 2012, 11:32 AM
- As new tracking polls show President Barack Obama benefiting from a big post-convention bounce, Mitt Romney's presidential campaign is starting to sound a little bit panicky.
- In a new campaign memo circulated this morning, Romney's pollster Neil Newhouse warns people not to get "too worked up about the latest polling."
- "While some voters will feel a bit of a sugar-high from the conventions, the basic structure of the race has not changed significantly," Newhouse writes. "The reality of the Obama economy will reassert itself as the ultimate downfall of the Obama Presidency, and Mitt Romney will win this race."
- You can read the whole memo below, but the gist of Newhouse's argument is that, regardless of what the polls say right now, the President will never be able to escape the terrible economy.
- "President Obama is the only president in modern American history to stand before the American people asking for re-election with this many Americans struggling to find work," Newhouse states. "The key numbers in this election are the 43 straight months of 8% or higher unemployment, the 23 million Americans struggling to find work, and the 47 million Americans who are on food stamps."
- Newhouse points to polls that show Romney and Obama locked in a tight race in many of the key battleground states that could determine the outcome of the election, and notes that, in most recent polls, Romney still leads Obama on economic issues.
- Interestingly, the memo deviates from the straight numbers message typical of most polling reports, and offers a wide-ranging explanation for why Obama's polling lead is actually deceptive, highlighting Romney's fundraising advantage, target advertising campaign, and voter mobilization efforts as factors that give Republicans an advantage that is not yet showing up in the polls.
- The bottom line is that people don't send "don't freak out" memos unless people are in fact freaking out.
- The latest polls show Obama widening his lead coming out of last week's Democratic National Convention, while Romney's own post-convention bounce fell short of his campaign's expectations.
- Read the full memo at link
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