creeping posted: "This number should be higher... 72% Put Freedom of Speech Ahead of Not Offending Other Cultures - Rasmussen Reports™. Voters overwhelmingly rate protecting freedom of speech as more important than not offending other nations and cultures despite " Respond to this post by replying above this line | New post on Creeping Sharia | | This number should be higher... 72% Put Freedom of Speech Ahead of Not Offending Other Cultures - Rasmussen Reports™. Voters overwhelmingly rate protecting freedom of speech as more important than not offending other nations and cultures despite claims that the latest outbreak of anti-American violence in the Middle East is due to an amateur YouTube [...] Read more of this post creeping | September 18, 2012 at 12:35 PM | Tags: Life, Media, News, Politics, Random | Categories: Alerts, Creeping Sharia, Immigration, Media, News, Politics | URL: | | | |

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