Scotty Starnes posted: " So Obama has now added a team of intelligence officers and special force operators to his enemies list. Obama claimed he didn't take them seriously, yet his campaign has an entire page dedicated to the group. This is the same campaign that has put Rom" Respond to this post by replying above this line | New post on Scotty Starnes's Blog | |  So Obama has now added a team of intelligence officers and special force operators to his enemies list. Obama claimed he didn't take them seriously, yet his campaign has an entire page dedicated to the group. This is the same campaign that has put Romney donors on this enemy list as well as having one audited. Obama seems to have a special affection for enemy lists and kill lists. Special Operations for America and Veterans for a Strong America is a group intelligence officers and special force operators who have taken offense with Obama, and his campaign, taking credit for the killing of Bin Laden and leaking national security secrets, as Democrat Diane Feinstein admitted. All Team Obama can do is distort, distract and lie while attempting to harass and slander the opposition. Obama can't stand on the truth because he runs a campaign of lies. Nixon's enemies list is nothing compared to Obama's. This is the false "hope and change" Obama has brought to Washington politics. A fraud is a fraud. | | | |

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