Scotty Starnes posted: " As if community organizing is a job. Obama has slim-to-none private sector experience, yet the liberal media didn't point this out when Obama was running. Sure, no liberal media bias here. From a fluff piece/attack ad in the New Yorker: If tonig" Respond to this post by replying above this line | New post on Scotty Starnes's Blog | |  As if community organizing is a job. Obama has slim-to-none private sector experience, yet the liberal media didn't point this out when Obama was running. Sure, no liberal media bias here. From a fluff piece/attack ad in the New Yorker: If tonight's reporting is correct, and if Mitt Romney really does announce at 9 A.M. Saturday that Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin is his running mate, Romney has made the most daring decision of his political career. After spending weeks looking into Ryan's history for The New Yorker, visiting his home town, and interviewing him twice, I am genuinely surprised that Romney chose him. First, let's tally the risks of a Ryan pick. For one thing, Ryan has no significant private-sector experience. Besides summer jobs working at McDonald's or at his family's construction company, or waiting tables as a young Washington staffer, Ryan has none of the business-world experience Romney frequently touts as essential for governing. In the run-up to his first campaign for Congress, in 1998, that gap was enough of a concern for Ryan that he briefly became a "marketing consultant" at the family business, an obvious bit of résumé puffing. Compared to Obama being a community agitator and part time State and US Senator, Ryan's private sector experience beats Obama's. What businesses did Obama run during his private sector days? But Ryan's Washington experience is also light, at least for a potential President—which, after all, is the main job description of a Vice-President. Ryan has worked as a think-tank staffer and Congressman, but he's never been in charge of a large organization, and he has little experience with foreign policy. Given how Sarah Palin was criticized for her lack of such experience, I'm surprised that Romney would pick someone whose ability to immediately step into the top job is open to question. Light? Ryan has more political experience and knowledge compared to Obama's 2 year Senate sleeper. Obama hardly worked, voted present and started campaigning for president, instead of representing the people of Illinois. Paul Ryan=14 years in Congress and chairs the House Budget Committee. Obama= multiple years of voting present! Ryan=got his budget passed. Obama=his own party gave him no votes. I bet we won't find out that Ryan hangs around best friend buster for soliciting prostitutes in a prostitution ring. I bet Ryan never attended a racist church or embraced a racist preacher (Rev. Wright). I bet we want find out that Ryan started his political career in the living room of a terrorist (Bill Ayers). I bet Ryan hasn't had any felons (Tony Rezko) helping him obtain a home he couldn't afford. Continue reading this trash>>> | | | |

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