Sunday, August 19, 2012

**JP** The war we are warning against is the last final phase

Syed Zaid Hamid shared Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid [Official]'s photo.
And let us clarify one critical point. People ask us, challenge us, even try to humiliate us by making fun of our argument that we have about 16 weeks to develop a response. They jokingly ask us when will the war begin?
The war we are warning against is the last final phase when the enemies will launch a physical military invasion upon Pakistan!! After that, there will be NO tauba but slaughter only. That is about 16 weeks away!!! We can still stop the enemy's advance by blocking the NATO supplies and bringing in a patriotic caretaker government which must ruthlessly eliminate terrorists and the corrupt. If Pak army can do this, we can stop the external invasion, else we will become Iraq!
 To those deaf, dumb and blind, we want to say that for Allah sake, fear Allah and open your eyes -- the WAR HAS ALREADY BEGUN!!!! We have already given 100,000 dead and wounded, nearly 10,000 officers and men have died so far, more than wars of 1965 and 1971! the entire country is a battle field from Gilgit Baltistan to Quetta to Karachi -- this war is being fought in our cities, in our media, in our economy, in our ideology, in our politics, in our streets !! This is called 4th Generation war!!! They are making us into Somalia now. Then the invasion to make us Iraq, then the division to make us Yugoslavia.
 Do not be idiots, for Allah's sake. Wake up and keep the enemies away from your walls. If he enters the house, then you will have to fight within your families, women and children. Take the advice from Naseem Hijazi! This nation only has last few weeks to either rise or perish! That is why Aulia and Fuqara are now doing Bud-dua for the Hukmarans and the Qazi!

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