Any one sinle ethics violation should be automatic dismissal from the House. And banned from there forever lobbying including.
New post on Scotty Starnes's Blog | |  Another member of the Congressional Black Caucus guilty. Why does the CBC contain so many crooks? From The Hill: The House Ethics Committee issued a report on Wednesday finding Rep. Laura Richardson (D-Calif.) guilty on seven counts of violating the chamber's rules by improperly pressuring her staff to campaign for her, destroying evidence and tampering with witness testimony. Richardson agreed to pay a fine of $10,000 within four months and promised to require staffers who work on her campaign to sign a waiver stating that they haven't been pressured to do so. The verdict comes as Richardson faces one of the toughest member-on-member races this year against fellow Democrat Rep. Janice Hahn (Calif.). The Ethics committee said it found Richardson guilty of "requiring or compelling her official staff to perform campaign work" and "obstructing the investigation of the committee and the [investigative subcommittee] through the alteration or destruction of evidence." Continue reading>>> | | | |

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